Hey Sup Forums do you guys believe in god?
Hey Sup Forums do you guys believe in god?
I'd like to, but every variety of god orders his followers to kill all the non followers.
Truth is just fuckers manipulate believers into doing this.
Not even true. Try Hinduism, the eternal religion.
in order to believe, you must first define, and only an arrogant or ignorant ass of a person, would or could believe that they could derive the motive of a omnipresent, omnipotent being. I would compare the bibles and koran and other "holy" books defining the meaning of life, to a 20 page ikea assembly instruction book, if it was for neurosurgery.
realized that i didn't answer the question. The something that using the words "intelligent creation" to describe it, would insult it's very existence, yes. I believe something like that exists, the universe seems to organized for there not to be.
The Abrahamic religions are meant for a specific age called the Kali Yuga. Their holy books are meant for the common man and therefore give us little in the way of metaphysical knowledge (this much is accepted even by Jews and some Christians- at least). They are meant for a time where spirituality is in its lowest form- hence why the Abrahamic religions are so strict. If they weren't, people would have no reason to believe in God or be spiritual. These religions are not meant for this age, which is why they are becoming less popular. This is also why you see these religions focusing only on attaining heaven and not moksha or some other form of "enlightenment" so to speak. If you're dissatisfied with the Abrahamic religions you should check out Hinduism before you knock religion altogether. It's an ocean of knowledge- endless in its depth.
I believe life isn't just an accident and there's something out there, but i don't know which religion it is, since there's a few hundred
that kind of falls under agnism, look that up if you don't know what it is
i never said the books were wrong, just basic, and hard to derive context, much like an ikea manual. circular over simplification, see what i did there...
Of course.
Yeah I know you didn't. My point was that you're right, they are over simplistic- for the age we are currently in- but not for the age they were made for.
stop with your converting bullshit you buddhism hotline nig nog
Buddhists don't believe in God. I am not a Buddhist. Also I am not trying to convert, just give people a route to check out if they are spiritually inclined.
No and anybody who does believe in a deity with no empirical evidence is a dumbass.
Yeah, I think every god of every religion exits, they're just all fags tho
No, I just like to think that everything that happens is a result of choices i have made and not a predetermined path set by someone in the sky.
except the bits that say god is, insert "dumb human reflection of self in a image of a higher power" here
if they added a bit at the end of some scriptures to, be smarter, and work together so we can have awesome future cities, and a firm understanding of physics, so one day we can find this god fellow and be like " look how awesome we are". i might get behind a religion...
Again, the goal of the Abrahamic religions is not to provide us with a firm basket of metaphysical knowledge, so to speak. It is to provide people who live in a low spiritual age with a spiritual path that is viable to them.
Furthermore, the shortcomings of one set of religions should not sway you from religion altogether- that's nonsense. Hinduism is the eternal religion- not meant for any one specific time. This is why Hinduism DOES provide us with that huge knowledge basket. It's trying to tell us the full truth. Abrahamic religions are not trying to do this. Don't let them sway you from other, better religious systems.
Some folks trust to reason, others trust to might
I don't trust to nothing, but I know it comes out right
If its all about the best spiritual path for the individual, why does one have to belong to a specific set. A religion is a cumulative work of man, what new is there to be gained for mankind, sure i could follow on and be a "better me", why don.t i do what i think is right, take in the information from all sources (including religion) and be diverse. diversity is the best way for a system to improve, by being truly different, i'm being selfless to help man kind, and is this not the point of religion, the growth and discovery for the spirit of mankind?
I love how everybody immediately associates god with religion. OP asked if you believe in god, not if you were religious.
Hinduism is the most diverse system of knowledge on the planet, by far. It allows people to follow any spiritual path they choose and to mold it to their way of thinking, etc. This is why it is so difficult to define Hinduism as a single religion, and why Westerners have failed at defining it for so long.
I don't want to say that any religion has only one point. Religion has many duties and reasons for existing. I suppose one point of religion is to put forward the growth and discovery for the spirit of mankind, as you put it. I also agree that diversity of thought and freedom of expression is vital to that goal. Hinduism allows both of these things.
You don't have to define yourself as a Hindu- I barely do- but you should definitely learn about it as soon as you can if you are a spiritual person. Also you might not know that you're a spiritual person- I know I thought I wasn't until I found Hinduism. Just remember that Hinduism is so hard to define so if you come across something you don't like, look for the opposing school's viewpoint on that issue and take from their knowledge pool.
Because religion is the main knowledge base for people who believe in God. It's like what happens when all the theists get together to talk about God- religion sprouts up. Then there are derivatives from these religions that sometimes don't believe in God- like Buddhism. Also there are some people who don't join the theist party- we're not talking about these people because they are few in number- but growing today.
If you are resentful towards religion it is likely because you are used to the Abrahamic ones which- as I have said in previous comments- is not meant for this age.
I unironically believe in Kek and meme magic
No, I don't resent religion. My point was that every religion in the world could be false, and the question of god would still be just as much a mystery. We should approach this question from the point of total skepticism — not religion.
And satan who's a dick
So many pyramids and satanic symbols in mainstream hiphop music videos
I do agree that skepticism is important, but it can also be useless. There is a certain amount of faith that is required to get anywhere at all. Otherwise we are stuck with agnosticism- which is basically useless.
I don't know what you mean when you say a religion can be false. Do you mean when every claim they make is false? Or just the main ones? How do we define those main ones? There are too many interpretations of religion for a religion to just be plain "wrong." For example, some Jews- like Nachmanides- believe that the Bible is mostly allegorical or metaphorical. Many Jews follow in his path. So is the religion wrong if Nachmanides is wrong?
Like I said, religion is just when people who believe in God get together to discuss things. If we remain skeptical then we will never even have the discussion.
yes, because a cute girl named nicole exists
I don't know where you're going with this... My only claim is that you don't need to be religious to believe in god. If I were to believe that there is some intelligent higher power, that doesn't necessitate that I am religious. I simply wish we could talk about god in a more general sense, outside the context of religion, and deal with that before we start attributing necessary things to this "god."
One small gripe I had with something you said, though, was how agnosticism is "useless." So? Something doesn't need to be useful to be true, so why bother talking about why its useful? I take it we're in pursuit of truth, not useful things. I am, at the very least.
unnecessary* not necessary
First of all, which agnosticism are you referring to? Layman's or the legitimate definition? Because layman's cannot be true or false as it is simply the position that a person holds that he does not know or have proof that God exists and so therefore he should not make a judgment. Most agnostics in this sense do not pursue the question of God any further- and so the position is basically useless. Instead of actually digging for information or paths to find God (meditation, prayer, etc.), they give up and claim agnosticism.
The other- more intellectual- definition of agnosticism, that it is impossible to know the true nature of God, can be true or false, but we'd likely never know which. This is a question- as far as I can tell- about human intelligence or capability to understand/comprehend God. This is fine position to hold as far as I am concerned- and one that many Hindus hold. Though many claim that God is impossible to know through material investigation but can be known through other avenues.
I do understand your position now. I agree that sometimes religion can be a stupid barrier or something that can put is inside boxes or camps. This is not always a good thing. But this ties back to my previous point about the different natures of Hinduism and the Abrahamic religions. Hinduism allows us to form the religion around ourselves- while Abrahamic faiths give us some options to choose from and then claim that the others are wrong. Hinduism acknowledges that all paths toward God are valuable and can get you close to God and the truth.
Gotcha, both work actually haha. I read it as 'objective.'
Sure his name is Donald Trump and he is here to save the world from itself and sand monkeys.
By 'agnostic,' I mean that we can't truly know or comprehend god's nature, nor can we make any judgement on the likelihood of its existence based on the information we currently have — although I recognize that could change. I personally continue to search for reasons for or against its existence, which I know many agnostics do not.
I simply fail to see why we must always talk of god with the context of religion. If god even possibly has no connection to any of the world's religions, we should expand our views to any god that might possibly exist — which includes the non-religious ones. I'm just sick of people responding to questions of gods existence with, "Because Jesus didn't exist," or "Because religions are bullshit." That doesn't answer the question, and for all we know, might be completely irrelevant.