What does Sup Forums do for work, how much do you make, and what did you have to do to get there?
I'm a 29 yo male making $20k a year living at my parents and I'm sick of it. Looking for some ideas. Pic unrelated.
What does Sup Forums do for work, how much do you make, and what did you have to do to get there?
I'm a 29 yo male making $20k a year living at my parents and I'm sick of it. Looking for some ideas. Pic unrelated.
I'm 33 and fix aircraft. $72k per year. Join the military to get exclusive on planes or choppers. No degree and set for life.
Pic unrelated
Collections Management 30, 60k a year. Quit being a faggot and take some risks you fucking basement loser!
I teach. Im 23 and make 50k. I have a pension plan, a 403b, cheap ass amazing health insurance, 14 paid days off a year, all the holidays and summers off dor a second job (brings it up to about 65k) and i work for a union. Its actually kinda dope
26 making 95k a year as a software engineer. Not bad for where I live - one of the cheapest regions in the nation.
32 and I'm an author. Write books about explosions and spaceships, and also separately, kobolds and dragons. It's pretty sweet.
What branch?
>Infrastructure engineer (IT infrastructure)
>started at help desk
>35 years old.
28 year old male. Making 60k and 10k as I work two jobs.
Navy Officer (started out enlisted), 37, varies annually but currently make $80,000 with benefits.
I was like you, OP. I wanted change so I practically abandoned everything I knew to go do whatever. Eight years in I got tired of the Navy but was feeling stuck so I focused on meeting the standards they set forth and then some. Got recognized for hard work (being single helped) then picked up a commission via LDO program.
I'm not where I want to be in life YET, but when I get out at least I don't have to worry about paying bills.
Air Traffic Controller -- Federal Aviation Administration, 29, 128K
Software engineer, dream project, 90k, 23
Only downside is I had to move to Detroit (which isn't even all that bad)
19M making about 11k per year with part time jobs at local museum and PD (desk job)
do some IT work on the side to help pay my bills
Sounds badass, is it true that y'all have like 15 minute shifts?
Letter carrier
25 M $16/hr
35, I work for a cable company as an installer. I do residential video, data, telephone, and home security, over coax or fiber-to-the home. The hours suck and they have slowly killed all the joy out of the job but I make 60-65k a year in a low cost of living part of the country.
Business Analyst
Worked in a grocery store, then a warehouse, then corporate office. Clawed my way up to where I am today.
25, Office Assistant at a large uni in a cheap ass town, 30k. Benefits package is worth 15k alone
InfoSec Analyst
Started as customer support, 10 years later moved into Sales, busted my ass, $96K/year now.
Deliver and install appliances
I should be better off by now but I spent my 20's unemployed b/catalog drug problems :(
31, IT Systems Engineer, $55k
Yup. Started out as a clerk, CCA is way better
Keep moving up. Have a family member that's pulling in $72k per year as a city carrier. That job is kush.
Would you recommend the field to others? I've been thinking of training on the side as an electrician if/when robots take over my career path
24, software engineer, 120k
My office is full of old farts. Moving up will be easy in a few years.
Armyfag (Armourer)
81k/yr + medical/dental for my family + pension + education subsidies
24 y/o
Sys admin
65K a year
Made computers my life, worked help desk in high school and moved up.
You sound like someone I know that graduated from uni last year.
You make a living off of that? lol
I'm currently a sys admin and want to move into InfoSec. How did you end up in the field?
26K a year as a vitamin, supplement and beauty care products at a health food store. Great way to meet trendy hippie chicks! Not great pay but I love my job. Being happy is worth being poor. Plus I get a lot of free supplements from company reps.
went to school to be an engineer.... hated sitting in class. started working in construction. most construction guys are dummies, im really smart.
10 years later i own a construction company.
300k a year
tan as fuck
wear shit clothes most the time and my hands are dirty a lot.
bank account normally has more than 250k at all times.
moral of the story.... pick a billion dollar industry than smart people dont want to enter
If you're technically inclined, and reasonably athletic I'd say yes. We get a lot of guys who are athletic enough to handle the rigors of the work but can't problem solve their way out of a wet paper bag and then we get neckbeards who built their own computers who think they're gods gift to the tech world who wash out after seeing the physical side of it. I work 4 days a week but they're 12-14 hour days and I'm NOT an independent contractor. Can't be afraid of heights either due to pole work. My company provides all the tools and training, vehicle, uniforms, materials.
Manager of drug store. 30. Get with one job and stick with it and always work a harder than everybody there
Lol, no entry level jobs pay that much
I'm 27 living in Canada making 110k a year working as an equipment operator.
31 years old, middle management in the oilpatch. 375 k/year but I live on lease in the bush.
oh yeah? go check out how much the big 4 in tech pay their entry level developers :)
Flight Instructor. Just got bumped up to 24k a year.
Don't even care about poorness because it will solve itself over time and my satisfaction is higher than most people and I'm usually the most interesting person with work related stories.
80k as a veterinarian at 33. Also, bitches love vets.
I am 26 and started a business at 21 with no money. I recognized that all these head shops and bullshit stoner stores in my area were looking for product. (Not pot or anything like that) but things like baja jackets, those stupid stoner braided hoodies. Dreamcatchers, hemp necklaces, and other hemp shit. I had some weed and paid these stoners with it to sit, stoned and braid these necklaces and wristbands, no actual money. Then i bought around three hundred dreamcatchers from an old hippy couple that used to make them to sell at concerts decades ago, but left them in storage once they had kids. Got them for real cheap, sold them for 40 bucks a piece at festivals, and the biggest ones went for around 70. After a bit of time i ended up selling the company to a headshop with several locations around the midwest, and transitioned into selling auto paint thats peel-able, which comes with less stress. I make 123,000 a year take home pay.
best job in the world... what do you operate?
39, 95k a year as electrical engineer.
Do warehousing type work. Pay usually starts around $16+ and you fuck around all day. No education required.
Shit. Exact same for me. Age and everything avionics tech. Plus I get that sweet disability which pays myou mortgage.
I work 55hrs a week and make 85k
I fix solar panel systems
A lot of people I work with used to be sys admins. My best advice is to get some certs like sec+, network+, ceh, etc.
Also you wanna build your portfolio. Take on some personal projects. Set up a virtual network, configure firewalls, set up IDS/IPS. Download vulnerable images and try to see if you can pwn them.
Even better is to Find a specific discipline you wanna get into like malware analysis, pentesting, incident response, security engineering, etc.
email marketing
Whats your funnel look like?
chef at wendy's
had to fill in an application form, fuckin' heaps of writing
>started at help desk
What kind of engineering degree do you have? Did you start at help desk before finishing your degree?
>I'm sick of it. Looking for some ideas.
here's an idea. you can move out of your parents' and spend 80 percent of your income on a shitty one-bedroom apartment until they raise the rent beyond what you can pay. then you move in with some friends, and within three months you will hate them with a passion because they never pay their part of the bills on time and they have the personal habits of retarded hogs. you fight with them, the worst will leave, then your place gets raided because someone invited a junky to move in and turned the share house into a shooting gallery.
it just gets worse. if you want an idea of how bad it can get, check out a book called "He Died With a Felafel In His Hand".
What languages do you program in? How did you get the job?
Do you have a university degree or did you study it all on your own?
Which one of the "big 4"s do you work for?
I wish - I'm the little data entry bitch for 5 washed up old ladies.
No email is dynamic. No email is automated. No funnels or strategy, just rely on past sales or buying email lists.
And they're shocked when revenue is half what it was last year ...
Thanks for the advice. Sounds like I'm already on the right path. I don't have certs but have a home lab that I setup test systems to pwn and have a couple of friends that we setup systems for each other to test against.
25, engineer ~170k/year (but 50-60 hours per week)
Went to a school with co-op and worked up the ranks
degree in network security. in the meanwhile was interning at a SOC.
dont have any certs at the moment, havent had the time to study
Work for a temping agency as a last resort. TAs enslave you with a shitty contract where they get paid more than you do and if you do manage to impress the employers at the place you're temping at your contract will most likely ruin it, as they will have to pay a fee to hire you.
I recently ran into this problem where I was on the very edge of having a great new job but because of the price tag attached to my contract (a fourth of a years salary) they wouldn't hire me, despite knowing what to do for the position. Temping agencies want to keep you with them, no matter what they say. It keeps you in debt slavery because you can't find other work and you get a shit wage.
i work for one of them. "big 4" itself is a bit overloaded in tech and probably refers to about ten different companies or so. does it matter which? any large west coast software company will hire a college grad and start him/her off with a 120-130k annual pay.
>(but 50-60 hours per week)
>implying that's somehow difficult
corrections officer
i make 85k a year with overtime
fwiw, i work 30-40 hours a week. i've worked 50-60 hours a week during critical periods, but that's rare.
Fuck it sell crack
Jesus, that's rough man.
Sorry you have to deal with that. Sadly enough, that's what 95% of businesses think when they say email marketing.
Buying lists or sending BUY THIS NOW email after email after email.
41 years old
$11.00 an hour
Research Support for an agricultural research company
Shit I can make more than that ringing up industrial size jugs of laundry soap at fucking Costco
What branch nigga
Got ya beat. I was an Industrial Designer for 16 years, worked and lived all over the world, had a beach house in La Jolla. Now I'm 40, back in school at a tech college getting an associates degree in a manufacturing trade that tops out at $15/hr, living off my savings, haven't made a dime in 4 years, and about to move into my moms house at the end of this semester.
If I had any dignity, I'd fucking off myself, but lucky for me, I don't, apparently.
I forgot to add I'm working for a temp agency out of desperation. You are right though actually looking at applying at Costco heard they pay decent.
Yup, makes it hard to jump ship when the interviewer realizes you don't have 5 years experience but rather 3 month's experience 20 times.
How about you? We're running Marketo and Salesforce. Thinking of getting my SF admin cert, but don't want to go down the path of full autism.
27yo senior accountant $80k + ~$5k bonus
well done honestly
wish i had the enterpreneurial mind
I'm 28 and a Ph.D. student. $38k stipend plus $30k from a fellowship. I also get a good health insurance and subsidized housing.
Not a decent amount of money for where I live though.
>pic unrelated
Nothing at all. Lost my last job because I got an eye infection that effected my ability to see road signs clearly, then got in a car accident that fucked up my left arm. Living with parents and trying to make payments by barely scrounging together enough money.
I am 23 and a part time chef and make minimum wage ($7.25/hr). However, I am beginning my DMD (Dental Medicine Doctor) looking to specialize in orthodontics. By the time I am your age I expect to be making nearly six figures.
>engineer ~170k/year
1.21 niggawats. Almost everyone I know is an engineer, and none make over 65k/yr
>worked up the ranks
lol put in a lot of long hard years did ya?
Great job, you deserve it.
28 Male, web developer, $95k
Zero formal education
25 and i'm a saturation diver/welder 290k a year but i need to get yearly bone checks which i travel to a different state that doesn't have this industry to do as all the Drs here know the early signs and are massive faggots.
haha just ignore it, this kid is just another millennial who has no idea how the workforce actually works
We all did, user.
It all seems so straightforward when you're young enough to not know any better.
How many hour work weeks?
24 y/o
45k yearly
Worked hard and got promoted out of the warehouse into the office.
Good benefits /pension /401k/Stock Options
Pic related
Planning on going up again soon will bump me to around 50-55k/year
I'm a mig weldor and I make $670k/yr
I pretty much sit in a booth all day sending logs to get cut into small flake.
dont do shit
got $70k when i was 23
about to graduate uni at 25
got like $4500 left
Well, as an orthodontist (or even as a dentist) it is doable. I am already accepted in the Dental School. All I have to do is study hard.
How many hour work weeks?
Bud, if you really want, it isn't too hard. Check out peel-able paint. Or check google trends to find something new. 300,000 hits is where you should look, because it means an up and coming situation, then figure out how you can monetize. With both of my business ventures, i started out word of mouth. I then saved a couple grand and used targeted marketing, think google or facebook. They get your name out there pretty fucking quick at a lower cost than you would think, and then you have to just have the presence of mind to make sound financial decisions. Worst case, youre out a couple grand if you fail. The biggest reason people stay broke is the lack of discipline to save and scrimp with their money and a fear of failure that keeps them from going for more.
What languages do you use?
Also, which languages should I try to get as much experience with (personal projects n shit) if I wanna get hired by one of the big 10?
Oh and are contacts more important than grades? I'm seeming to slack off right now and keep telling myself they don't care about grades as long as they're average. Is that true?
Sorry if I'm kind of bombarding you with questions. Just really curious and uncertain of what to expect. My first year pursuing a software engineering degree. Thanks in advance broof
Month on / month off, for work months it's 8 hour shifts but you have to stay in the compression chamber.