Thoughts on going to shows alone? none of that just bee urself xD nobody will care nonsense

thoughts on going to shows alone? none of that just bee urself xD nobody will care nonsense

Just be yourself. Nobody will care.

just go

you kind of just show up then you watch the band then you leave

terrible posts

what do you want people to post

It's actually nice when you don't have to worry about whoever is with you. Have a beer or two and spark up conversation with others if it feels natural enough. Hint: they're there because they like some of the same music as you!

show up go front row lose your mind and make sure to vibe the performer hard maybe they'll make a song about you.

agree with me or leave my board

stfu unty

when I was 16 I went to a Father show by myself and met a pretty hot female model, and made a couple friends with the other lonely kids, great time.

then I went to an earl sweatshirt concert that summer alone too, and it was complete shit. all the guys were bear-hugging their girlfriends, no one was getting buck, people were actually getting really pissed at me because I was thrashing around pretty hard. idk

Low-effort posts

It can feel weird to go to a concert alone, op. It's a very social experience and going without anyone you know can really suck. If it makes you uncomfortable, you can always try meeting people at the concert. Odds are, the band performing isn't the only one you both like.

People will laugh at you, despise you, fear you, dislike your odor, worry about catching something and pity your parents. But you're probably used to all that by now.

>nobody will care nonsense
This is true though.

t. someone who has seen ~100 shows and was alone for every one of them

yeah thing is im worried about people looking at me then getting nervous then end up leaving. basically high school again

I've been to a concert by myself, but it was a very small venue. It's really not that big of a deal, you're just listening to music after all. I got some attention from a qt and talked a bit about the act and related bands but I was too socially anxious to follow through with more convo. I need to go to more concerts and meet people desu

I don't really see the big deal about going alone. I'm there for the music first and foremost, social aspects are just nice bonuses on top of that.
also when I go to shows alone, I always manage to find a couple people to hang out with, and it's a fun time.

Most people have too much going on in their own lives to sincerely care about a stranger by himself a concert. Most social anxiety is born from vanity and an obsession with the self.

Last time I went to a show by myself it was one of my favorite bands so I didn't really mind. Some girl who was obviously looking for a dick started talking to me but I'm autistic as fuck so after like 5 minutes she got bored and went to talk to some Chad and they probably fucked later that night

SO yeah, TLDR: it can suck but if you really like the band or are not autistic, why not

what do if autism?

Go anyway and try your best to have fun I guess

don't be an asshole to others, just do you, and don't ingest anything that strangers offer you

also, don't be on your phone

I don't like concerts because of the social aspect. Like, what the fuck am I supposed to do while the band's playing?

Listen to it? Dance a bit? You're vastly overplaying the social aspect of a concert. No one cares about you.

It's between the bands that friends are important. When the DJ plays shitty music that's way too loud and when the roadies take 45 minutes to plug two guitars to an amp while saying "check, check, 1-2 check" every now and then

I've never even heard anyone get made fun of or get any kind of shit for going to a show alone so I don't see what the big deal is. It can kinda suck standing around between bands without a friend with you but overall it's not too bad.

uhh.. watch them

i've always gone to shows alone. this is because i have no friends or gf. its ok if you dont mind being alone. im trying to get some bartender i keep seeing at one of the joints to go out iwth me. we'll see

I've been to a Malkmus show by myself, and two Surfer Blood shows by myself.

I just don't care. It's whatevs to me. I listen to the music, I leave, it's cool. You can't really interact with anyone comfortably at shows anyway, because it's too crowded, and it's loud, and you have to fucking scream at eachother to talk.

Lots of people do it. No one really cares. The only thing that sucks, is that if you have to take a piss or get a drink, there's no one to hold your place for you. Also, small bands like mentioned above don't usually play in the greatest urban areas, so you have to keep your head on a swivel when you're walking back to your car afterwards.

>100 shows

Cute. Real cute.

honestly who the fuck cares. if you care about this type of thing you must live a pained existence. if you're nervous just have a few brews and get over it

It's not nonsense, it's the truth. Show up, have a couple drinks to loosen yourself up, make a little small talk between sets and it's all fine. Nobody gives a shit at all.

Not terrible, don't have to worry about losing your friends and maybe you can meet some new people

I've never been to a concert before, but I wouldn't want to go to a concert with others honestly. I'd feel more comfortable sperging over bands by myself than with friends.

bee urself xD nobody will care nonsense

>just do you

just do it

OP just go. If you are a social person then talk to people before the show and maybe you will make some friends. If you aren't a social person then just go and enjoy the music because that's why you are going.
I have a similar experience. I went to a Boris show by myself and was pretty early so that I could be right in front of Wata. Once the show started the guy next to me and I both started thrashing around and having a good time and the vibe in the room was really positive and I ended up talking to some people after the show. Recently I went to a festival with Gucci Mane, Chance The Rapper, Migos, etc (don't know why I went in hindsight), and the vibe was awful. Bunch of teenagers that got mad when you bumped into them or tried to physically enjoy the experience. Everyone had weed and no one shared (I wasn't trying to bum, but at doom shows shit gets passed), dudes getting mad when anyone got close to their girlfriend. Awful.

You can only pull it off if you look like Cyrus.

>Only ever gone to shows on my own
>Never cared to interact with anyone at the show - there for the band, not other fans
>No issues with awkwardness
>No issues with being around people

I don't understand how "nobody will care" is treated like a bad statement. It must be very stressful getting so worried about how you're being perceived by a crowd of people who couldn't care less about you.

Not even this. No one gives a shit if you make small talk or not. Just have a drink and bob your head to the shitty music the DJ plays or look at your phone or whatever the fuck you want. Literally no one gives a shit what you're doing unless you're disruptive to others.

Think about it, when you're at a show are you scoping the venue for people who are alone and judging them because they're not being social? Fuck no, one one cares. What's weird is actually giving a shit.

Just go and enjoy yourself and stop being such a fucking self conscious pussy.

These are the same people who think wearing a band shirt or having tattoos is the most embarrassing thing in the world. People here are so jaded and judgemental that they make themselves nervous and become the biggest cringe themselves.


This post makes be angry desu

If you go to small shows often, you will encounter some of the same people with similar taste in music. Say hi i saw you at coolband. They might remember you too.

I don't really talk to my friends during the show anyway, because I'm watching the show. So it doesn't really matter once the band starts playing.

It's only awkward when you're alone before the show starts, because there's nothing really going on and you just have to stand there.

I've never been alone. Mainly because I like to have someone share the whole experience with me.

fuck that heavy metal dick

me too user