Name someone who DOESN'T smoke or otherwise use marijuana, and still thinks it should be legalized.
The media loves to go out of their way to promote the stoners who support it, but what about those who don't smoke it? Are there any? Seems doubtful.
Name someone who DOESN'T smoke or otherwise use marijuana, and still thinks it should be legalized.
The media loves to go out of their way to promote the stoners who support it, but what about those who don't smoke it? Are there any? Seems doubtful.
you're fucking retarded kid, the benefits of having marijuana legalized dont all fall under the category of "woohoo legal weed time to get high"
My sister doesn't smoke and she is pro legalization.
It's a fucking plant. Hell, I should be allowed to buy boomers if I wanted
I dont use it, but it should definitely be legal.
uncle sam can get tax revenue
no more tax $ wasted on arresting personal users
less stigma usually means less underage use
legitimate medical benefits
recreational use will be a multi million dollar industry
regulation is needed of course, but it is better than criminalization.
My dad, my girlfriend, my old HS teacher and probably more.
Sorry to blow up your retarded theory kiddo
Me. I smoked when I was younger and was much healthier for it, but switched to booze and tobacco to ensure I could pursue gainful employment without having to fake my way through tests (which I have done successfully, but the stress of it wasn't worth it.) The only negatives to pot are the legal concerns and the paranoia that some people experience. Insanely high (no pun intended) taxes could be put towards many civic programs such as infrastructure or even treatment options for addicts of real drugs. (Full disclosure but related to OP, I've never done and will never do heroin or crack but am for legalization / regulation of all narcotics to enable users to get a safe product and to use the tax revenue for treatment for addicts.)
OP confirmed faggot and possibly underage b&.
It takes 70% of the vote to legalize it.
That's a lot of stoners
>inb4 libertarian cuck
This guy gets it. I forgot in
to mention the drastic reduction in incarceration rates and cost. Thanks, Sup Forumsro.
i smoke it and don't think it should be legal
does that count
I have smoked marijuana fewer than 5 times in my life and probably never will again; I don't really like it.
It should be legal because it would generate tax revenue and business opportunities for Americans, and defund a bunch of shitty mexican crime bosses.
That means you sell it and don't want prices to fall / competition from industrial facilities.
I don't smoke, but I support legalization. Mostly to destroy the whole "weed culture" of people batching and moaning to legalize. It's a profitable industry, and can generate some solid tax revenue.
Money made from legalized weed is dirty/blood money.
I dont smoke
Should be legal
I used to smoke, it should be illegal, all of my dirtbag friends have infants they fill the room up with and its horrible
I don't smoke weed and I definitely think it should be legal. Just don't let the government grow it. They'll fuck it up
Me. Weed is for fags and hipsters. I don't let the government tell me what I can and can't eat, drink or breath. Why should specific plant smoke be any different. As long as I don't hurt anyone it's nobodies business what I do and that's the same for everyone. Puritans have a long history of trying to make other people as miserable as they are. The fact that this was made illegal at all is fucking bullshit. You don't like something so nobody else is allowed to? Go fuck yourself.
I smoked for years straight and last time I smoked after having been sober for a month my brain felt like it became stupid and I definitely didnt ignore it infact it was very disorienting
Haven't smoked in 6 months and don't plan to.
>Should be legalized because FUCK YOU.
I don't smoke it, but it should he legalized. Personally, I think anyone should be able to do what they want as long as it doesnt involve or hurt anyone else.
might aswell legalize cocain and lower the drinking age hell lets all legalize meth and throw out all the laws about rape since it will be so common among the meth heads that will be around and approving
Ok , op is being a faggot.
Its legal in Washington state.
And the first year it was passed, prescription drug use (not abuse) dropped twenty five percent.
I can't stand pot and have no use for it, and still voted to legalize it.
Get the fuck out, normie.
You're absolutely right we should legalize cocaine, legal cocaine means it's no longer manufactured by slaves and children.
Many of my mates don't like weed themselves, but still see it as a good alternative to alcohol and are pro legalization.
To hell with it all I agree
What the fuck, user?
Are you a bonobo monkey?
How many mates you got?
Sir, I find your picture insulting and offensive.
Please show more restraint in the future when posting images here.
I don't smoke weed but support its legalization. The number alcoholics who are seriously debilitated by their habit compared to the number of weed smokers is outrageously higher, to the point where, if legalized, the number of marijuana users would have to increase 100 times to be comparable.
not funny, kill yourself
I personally don't smoke, But I think it should be legal.
Bernie Sanders
I concur.
Pot heads legitimately do ruin their lives too
I've been pro-marijuana for 2 1/2 years, and smoking for 6 months...
Triggered faggot detected
Hi birdman here. That wasnt my comment, sir.
One dude said he's pro legalization in TV while debating people who aren't for it (not from the US)
Not like alcoholics do .
And, this is a poor argument against legalizing pot
That doesn't excuse being a Jew leftist.
plenty. go outside and make some, nerd
I gave up about four years ago. I think it shouldn't be a criminal offence to use it or grow it, however, I very strongly believe that it would necessitate some thorough public education on its potential hazards should it become legalised.
I could argue but the evidence is clear.
Pot heads smoke their money away = alchoholics
Pot heads are aggressive when its not needed = alchoholics
Pot heads cannot find steady work nor motivate themselves to move up = alchoholics
Need I go on or can you begin to imagine for yourself what exactly youre arguing for for our country
Potheads yes but people who can smoke it responsibly aren't any worse than people who drink every now and then
This picture is better.
See the bird proudly displaying its anus for the camera?
It's a dirty bird, isn't it?
Yea. It's a dirty bird.
You should be asking the inverse of that question. Who do you know of that actually has experience with pot other than "I smoked too much my first time, got overwhelmed and now I think it's the devil" who thinks it's bad for you?
There are plenty of cocaine and meth users who know it's bad for you. Not a single person who is actually familiar with pot thinks it is a problem.
I'm on a lot of various prescription meds. In some of the apartments that I've lived in, the people below would smoke pot. Those fumes fuck me up. Maybe I have a low tolerance for that stuff from the way THC reacts with my meds.
Can't find steady work.
Cant get motivation.
Limits competition for me by removing them from the playing field.
How is this bad again?
true I concur
Time is a factor and our children and their children will suffer as a result.
Clarify that you realize that the few will inevitably affect the many, just like children that die from eating opioids like candy
>Not a single person who is actually familiar with pot thinks it is a problem.
And that's one thing we also need to take care of. Instead of sharing people away with bullshit we need to show them the facts and let people make a educated choice. If they want to smoke pot despite the negative effects it's up to them
I actually wouldn't have smoked Marijuana as young as I did if it weren't legal. It was really easy to get cause my mom just had it in a cabinet.
I'm not saying we should let everybody and their grandma buy a baggie of pot and do bong rips 24/7. A slow integration into society would be for the best and letting people know about ALL of the effects (not only the desired/good ones) from smoking pot is the best way to go
perhaps sanctuary states are an educative way of deciding weather its a moral choice by observing the actual financial well being of its citizens.
Me. I smoked it a long time ago. It doesn't do anything for me but make me sleepy (yes I've tried different kinds). It's been like10 years. I still support it. Government has no right to restrict anything a person does to themselves.
Pot isn't a problem....
At least not for me.
Someone wants to get blasted in their own home? Not my problem.
>recreational use will be a multi million dollar industry
Yeah, it already is in the billions.
Me. At least for now I'm not smoking. I wish other people could see the benefits like financially fucking over criminal organisations, increasing tax and reducing the use amongst youth
never smoked weed. i didnt say NO. i just never had any desire to. legalize it, make it high quality and cheap, and i would still have no desire to smoke it
that being said, its capitalism baby. you wanna drug yourself up, go ahead, you have a right to eat death caps. just leave me alone
I want it to be legalized so that large corporations take over the industry and put independent hippie faggot growers and small weed shops out of business.
I will jizz in my pants when it gets stocked next to the cold medicine at Walmart in synthesized tablets and all the stoners move on to complaining about the next illegal vice that they think is a secret cure for all of the world's diseases
playing fair means that everyone knows the rules and people are starting to smoke something at a percentage of thc that is hundreds of times more potent than when it should have been legal, now with 50%+ more thc in each plant we actually have no idea what the affects are positive or negative, personally I liked it better when it was weaker and knowing that there will be people who cannot make an educated guess on what theyre taking anymore I presume its logical to take a step back and research before we dive headlong towards legalizing peoples recreational use of what has become clearly addictive
There's also a drop in prescription opiods administered by a doctor.
That alone is significant since pain management affects quality of life.
Pot isn't a drug you can take every day without any problems. You need to be responsible no matter what drug you're using and if you can do that then that's fucking awesome dude. I just want responsible people to be able to smoke pot, not some 15 year old kid who doesn't give a shit about the negative effects
I like you
Not my problem.
Removing them from competition for work is in my best interest.
I'm not old enough to know what it was like when it was weaker. I really wish I could smoke a joint sometimes and still be in a state where I'm not high off my tits. The only weak stuff you'll find is pure shit
I feel the same way. I tried weed once (medicinal grade consumables) and i didnt like the feeling.
But i believe there arent good reasons to keep it outlawed, and there are good reasons to legalize it (tax revenue, lower petty crime rate, etc)
But i dont exactly give a shit either way. I do illegal drugs all day long and ill keep doing them as long as i can synthesize them from legal ingredients
Opioids are shit, both the shit and shit. They're great for relieving strong pain but they're also amazing for getting you shitfaced. Cannabis is, depending on the person and the care they want, a better alternative
>not caring about society as a whole
im from out of state of CA and am in san dieago. can anyone hook me up? i cant get a medical card since no cali ID and retail doesnt start till jan 2018...
all in all leave it to cancer patients and chronic pain patients with legitimate proof of their need.
Kids will get into what they will but to make it legal would save them from gangs, increasing the thc percentage as a result, causing their use to decline as the propaganda about its mental effect spreads through social media and the affect would leave patients needing less and spending less.
All I ask for is logic.
fagfag out!
Of course, pharmaceutical companies don't want you to use alternatives.
>>not caring about society as a whole
I'm not a liberal socialist.
I remember smoking 1-2 times a week and not feeling like offing myself every day, felt guud. Then I got on pharms and they didn't do shit
I've smoked for about 20 years now... I've always had a job, went to college, twice, have a degree in Electronic Engineering and live fairly comfortably. I'm generally pretty open about my usage (but very rarely consume publicly), even living in an illegal state.
I've seen friends and family get in fairly deep trouble for this plant. Some have lost good jobs for getting injured and having to test when they were sober,some spent jail time, some have evenhad their children taken away from them. All for a plant
Most people I know that smoke treat it like having a beer or 2 after work... without the nasty hangover the next morning.
Of course it should be legalized. The general effect on people who use it is nothing like people who abuse alcohol. Smoke, eat something, watch tv, go to bed. No violence, less chance of crime, generally peaceful people.
Obviously I support legalization, and hope it comes sooner rather than later.
Cry harder, faggot, your feelings don't put food in my belly or a roof over my head.
I did that on my own
Of course you did, good job tiger
You seem a bit pissed off so I'll let you go do your own thing. Have a good one bro
I smoked in high school. Never really liked it. Just looking to fit in. To this day i think its a bad idea to smoke weed. I still think it should be legal.
why tf is regulation needed?
Should alcohol be unregulated?
ofc, everything should be unregulated
Then you're just dumb
Then lemme drive my car through your bedroom while your sleeping, dumbass
If your asking for someone who is super famous and constantly promotes it Howard Stern, if he is not serious or political enough almost any late night host is pro, Bill Maher is Pro, and several scientists and even most of the management at my job which is a serious distribution center for a huge corporation. Its almost stupid to say your are against legalization all it does is show your ignorance and lack of research, the only people who should still be against it are people like my mom who you have to kind of just smile hug because you know how badly they educate themselves
Everyone should be against legalizing weed. We have too many potheads as it is. Think of where the human race would be if drugs had been eradicated long ago.
idiot we're talking about regulation of supply of goods
how can someone be so retarded?
If you think drugs are what is holding humanity back you have a really narrow view, humanity is and has always been held back by greed, in whatever form or definition you want to put it in. If you think weed has somehow stopped a genius from achieving something revolutionary then your really not bright, they are always stomped down or corrupted by $$$$$
Plenty, Doctors, growers, jewish investors....
are you a fucking retard?
my parents, grandpa, lawyer, various coworkers, professors...shall i continue?
I'm not into marijuana but I'm for it's legalisation.
>Am I a retard?
No, that's your problem.
And just how is legalizing marijuana not greedy? It's collecting blood money by endangering the public.
We would probably have started beating our heads against any hard surface. Humanity have always liked being fucked