You know the drill

You know the drill

You look somewhat like my mom. Want to hook up?

Hey, sexy. I don't know about you but I am really contemplating on slapping my cock against your face

wan sum fuk?

you look cute can i get your credit card number?

Hey girl, lookin fine. Wanna bang?

i got molested when i was 9

I'd love to make your thighs shake for the next 3 hours

I wanna shove my dick so far up your ass

Can you slobber all over my dingle?

You make my peepee go vroom vroom


Top kek

My dick smells like grandpa's ass.


I heard you sell guns?


Type this out

Sharpie in the pooper.

all niggers deserve to be shot in the head and thrown in acid


I got a problem I think you can help me with.



i think it's about time you went to sleep.

God fucking dammit Sup Forums

Gj posting her Kik name op. Now white knights are going to tell her

Hey there landwhale , i don't want anything serious just come suck my dick " insert dick picture "


Roling for dis

look at those!!!!

I fucking hate you guys

op you goddamn madman

Sorry. My nigger friend used my phone just then. He is quite liberal with the N-word.

Re roll

Gotta love Sup Forums

love you too baby

Back to the Holocaust (or as I call it the LOLocaust) is bullshit for 5 main reasons

1-The post WW2 books written by the wartime leaders Churchill, Eisenhower, and DeGaule never mentioned any gas being used or any planned, systematic extermination of anyone.

2-In Eli Weisel's book titled 'Night' he doesn't mention gas being used and when the choice came that he would retreat with the Germans or stay and be under the Soviet umbrella he chose to retreat with the Germans.

3-if there would have been millions of people murdered then there would have been tons of human remains buried somewhere and it would be way too much to hide for very long. No tons of human remains were ever found. And if they would have been cremated then there would have been tons of ashes and no ashes were ever found.

4-Auswitcz was a place where synthentic rubber was being produced and U.S. intelligence was focused on Auswitcz for that reason. No U.S. intelligence reports ever gave any indication of gassing or mass extermination.

5-Jews took a census of their people before WW2 and after and in order for there to have been 6 million people killed each and every jewish female on this planet would have to given birth to something like 13 children and that never happened.

Gotta get Dat booty

What the fuck is up with your picture? Are you trying to hypnotize me?

slide on my rod you soaked nubile slut


Sorry, I was just describing what my burp tasted like.


I can live with that


The jews are running this country to the ground!

Have you ever seen America's Got Talent? I have a pretty cool act but I don't think I could get to the finals with it. My talent is that I can build a cross in a nigger's yard and set it on fire in under a minute. Isn't that just neat?

Private banks currently dominate the western world
They create money out of thin air, then loan it to governments at interest, allowing them to constantly attain huge profits by direct payments from world governments attempting to pay off their debt, money which could EASILY go back into the nation and its people instead with a resource or labor based economy
Loaning money at interest (usury) has ONLY EVER BEEN USED IN PAST HISTORY BY JEWS. Christians and Muslims did not accept usury and found it immoral
This is often speculated as a key reason for why jews were able to become so economically relevant in the first place; they found the key to creating eternal debt and wealth from nothing, which no other society had been willing to accept
Private banks rose to extreme prominence in just the past couple of centuries; many historical figures noticed this, though you'll likely find many of them demonized or their comments on banks suspiciously buried and hidden from all education
Among these figures is Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, JFK, and yes, Adolf Hitler
Of the four American figures referenced above, three had assassination attempts performed on them. Two of those were successful. The most relevant and consistent connection between these three presidents who have experienced attempts at assassination (a very rare phenomenon) is that they all happened to oppose private banking institutions
Really fires the neurons off, huh?
Hitler, by shunning the influence of private banks and basing his nation's economy off of public labor, was able to turn Germany from the most economically devastated nation on Earth into a prospering beacon of success within a few YEARS. The shunning of private banks was not the entire reason for this but it's the most important.

Your mouth reminds me of my fleshlight.


still no dubs








Is that a black eye? Does your dad punch you when he drinks too much? Mine does too.

sorry, my autistic brother got my phone


Hitler, by shunning the influence of private banks and basing his nation's economy off of public labor, was able to turn Germany from the most economically devastated nation on Earth into a prospering beacon of success within a few YEARS. The shunning of private banks was not the entire reason for this but it's the most important.
the private banks, seeing that Germany had cut off their influence and was now experiencing unmatched levels of wealth, rallied all nations they could to quell the threat lest their influence collapse entirely
Britain declares war on Germany, citing the invasion of Poland as the reason for retaliation DESPITE Poland instigating with the ethnic cleansing of tens of thousands of Germans
The rest is history
Once the Germans are eventually defeated by the combined arms of a much larger force, they are figuratively and literally raped in a manner which makes the Treaty of Versailles look like a swell deal
Millions of German women are raped, boys as young as 14 are slaughtered
the prospering, bustling Germany which had so recently been born was now crushed to smithereens and tossed like bones to the vultures.
Hitler is vilified, and look who the main target of his happens to be! Gorillions of innocent jews. The bankers behind this such as the (((Rothschilds))) use this to ensure supposed antisemitism becomes their greatest weapon
Banks continue to influence the world to this day, keeping the people and their nations enslaved.
The crash in 2008 was the mass bailing out of these banks
The western world is currently running off of a loan which is going to run out
Soon a new bailout will occur, involving the IMF and a global currency

rolling for nigger


She hasn't even seen them yet. Trips and I move on to someone else



My friend said you're an okay fuck, and I'm kind of horny, soooo....

rolling for the redpill


Smelling kinda tooty

fuck off, this shit aint worth trips. just move on then and let the dubs decide the fate

Roll. I dig rhymes

Pence is coming to get you faggots.


shameless reroll


my dick is gonna shooty

up in your patooty





Nigger stole all ma dubs!


bumping with random images


holy shit theres no dubs in the thread

Do you like Bible Black?

Wrap each nugger alone chippo

Next girl. Get me the noods/b/

this guys a P I M P!!


Got blow. You interested?

this real ?

Requesting nugger


You make my peepee go vroom vroom

obvious catfish. say nigger to that faggot

Hi :)

please, just cut off my cock.