Inb4 livestream

>inb4 livestream
Not gonna live stream it m8s, solo mission. Just take it on good faith.
But I do believe tonight is the night, at this rate I can't keep going. The frequent episodes I've been having, the numbness, the noises, the crippling anxiety and depression.
It's so easy to allow your life to be defined by something that happened so long ago and is gone forever. I've done nothing but repress and ignore these issues for so long, never properly grieving, never dealing with the situation, and it's taken a toll. For the last 10 years I've been in full sprint, trying my level best to outrun the wolves of the past snapping at my heels. It's all been in vein, of course. They caught and devoured me whole long ago. But not completely.
My only hope is after tonight my foot will leave a vague imprint, my self can still cast a faint shadow. I hope that someone, anyone, reads this and get's the help they need. Make an effort, do something, anything at all to improve and repair before it gets to this point.
I'm well aware how manic depression causes time to move slow, the hurt just seems to drag on and on, but if there's one thing I can tell you with certainty it's that time in no way truly stops for you. It keeps going, and it goes fast, really fast. And if you're not careful, before you know it, it's too late. Many of us will not understand this truth until it IS too late.
But it doesn't have to get to come to that. Deal with whatever is plaguing your mind, don't let it keep going by. Repression leads to nothing good. Seek help, it doesn't make you weak to reach out, grieve when you need to grieve, it will not make you any less of a man. I envy those of you who can do this.
It's been fun shitposting with you all. I do feel some shame for taking an easy way out. I won't be responding to this thread, I won't come back to view it again, I just want someone to end up alright. And hopefully reading this can do it for someone, anyone at all.
Life is good.

>It's all been in vein
I lost

Man for the love of god, please don't kill yourself. Death is not the solution. I know you have been through a lot but please go see a therapist, it will definetely help you. Please stay strong. Everything is going to be fine.

>Not rolling for this

C'mon man, give it a try. 5 years here, I'm just hoping someone end me with an axe. At least kill yourself shooting to the cops or something like that, don't be a pussy
We want to see you on the news!

I honestly wish I had the balls to do something be it kms or see a therapist

Just do it dont let your dreams be dresms

No you didn't lose anything. As i said, go see a therapist and you WILL get better. Please don't kill yourself.


jesus christ lol
hopefully you have a change of heart man.

user if you're suicidal, go take out someone who deserves death, like a social justice ideologue


remind yourself that once you die, consequences are inert and non-binding - there are no consequences if you kill yourself because you won't be there to experience them. They aren't real.

For everyone here struggling, please don't kill yourself. Go see a therapist. It will definetely help you.

Look user, don't do it, if you just hold out for just a little you can find happiness or meaning

Second one, give the therapist a try (1 year)
If it doesn't work, you can always kill yourself.
It is really easy, you just have to be creative!

this is actually fucking amazing

There is no need to take someone out, OP just needs a bit of help from a professional therapist.

saying ur gonna do it but not post it is like putting cake in front of a fat kid. bro.

And user if you want to leave a imprint at least tell us more about yourself

That was really well written. You have inspired me to get help, you may have done others here too. Life isnt sacred, if you die you die, and realistically none of us know you here anyway. But it is still a waste, with what youve written here its obvious you could help others, not to mention the lifetime of pain you are leaving those who know you with. Peace.

honestly suicide not being the answer here if u remove that from your OP you already have all your answers laid at your own feet

I REALLY WANT A HAPPENING, but as a doctor I might suggest you talking to a health care professional about your problems, or change of therapist if you already have one. Most of these situations are avoidable and have a solution. It might not be a satisfying one, but you don't lose anything if you try. Give it some time, you might feel thankful for what you did.


if you know you want to kill yourself, do it in style. maybe spend all your money on useless shit like all the donuts in krispy kreme, then rob a store, drive off and off yourself after. do something wild, dont go out so damn boring you faggot

should've livestreamed or done something cooler.

I am curious, what are the wolves of the past snapping at your heels?

If you're gonna kill yourself, I guess you don't have any problem about telling us

My mother committed suicide, her mother committed suicide, now it's my turn. How successful is gassing yourself in a car method? Long time lurker, first and last time poster

depends on the year the car was made.

Gimme your address and credit information sir, they can't charge you if you're dead.

Well man like you said life is good, dont make rush decisions and think about the others (fathers, brothers, friends) and more important think about you, maybe everyone in this thread had the same thoughts but give the time an opportunity, one day i wake up and i dont feel the same, it is obvious that the depression will come again but i swear youll know when its not, just dont take a rush decision

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

why is it so hard for everyone to just 'live in today'? seriously, just do what's fun now, stopping thinking about what you have or don't have and things you can't change. if you really feel like it just work towards a positive result, but don't brood. weirdos.

Why don't you just live a long and happy life? you know, to mix things up a little


its the 4 month already
i should start looking for a Job

Cause my past defines who I am now. Changing is to stop existing as I am. And that would lead to the same result.
Not OP, but I'm also gonna fuckin kill myself, I'm done with this bullshit

Hey buddy, if you're still there, do us all a favor, and fuck off.
Life ain't all pussy and weed stupid.
And at this rate the only utopia you'll see is the one you fucking build yourself.
Have some pride ya? Hitler didn't even commit. Idiot. He ran off to Argentina, and constantly disregarded those smarter, more experienced, and better suited entirely. And ta- dah.
>tl;dr : fuck off and don't fuck off ya?

I'll take it!

i thought on suicide on a daily dose. my life was hell back then. But then, after a long time of suffering, it suddenly changed for the better. it was a 180 degree turn. for the next Year i would have the time of my life.
now it turned back again, i am living the same life i used too.
But something changed. I have something i hadnt before. Hope.
Having hope is not just a bullshit phrase. it makes you get out of bed and do stuff, trying to improve your life. it may take a long time, a fucking long time, but irs worth it.

Dont know is this helpfull for you. But whoever thought ever about suicide, knows what misery this is, what kind of self inflicted psychological torture.

You re not alone user

>Do I even ask you about it?

>Do I really care?
Not at all

Cry a river, I'm still gonna do it. Change your life if you want to, but don't make a fuss of what I'm gonna do, cause that's nothing of your business.You don't know shit about me to judge me. Take the advice or fuck off.

I'm gonna miss your bullshit. Take care.

Good for you chum

Good stuff. Never underestimate that one word, hope.

>time in no way truly stops for you. It keeps going, and it goes fast, really fast. And if you're not careful, before you know it, it's too late.

I understand you, cause it's too late for me. Years living on past ruined me. I'm just gonna kill myself hoping that:

1. I can go back in time to set things right
2. RIP

I know it will be second one. Have peace man, I'll be with you soon...

Op. Femanon here.

I literally have nothing to do. Want me to come and meet you and be your gf?

Shoot yourself in the head. After shooting up a school or Tumblr HQ or some shit haha lol jk XD

Seriously though this prob sounds stupid but get some help man.


tits or gtfo faggot


Wrong thread

Dont do eet
Well OP seems to be kill by now he wont be responding he said.
so anyway what you guys been or how was your weekend ?



Since OP is kill, I can do this all night

Bite Me Faggot

Fucking weird. My grandfather has a desk exactly like that. Those odd looking ridges slide up and reveal the workspace. That's a fine antique

you got two options here: Either live stream that shit or don't do it at all

OP, have you tried medication? It seems from your post that you understand you are not mentally well. Even just getting a therapist so you can have someone to complain to can be huge.

I don't know you and I don't know what you're going through or how much pain you struggle with. But please know that at least one person wants you to keep fighting.

See you soon