>weaponized autism
Weaponized autism
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we gotta take it down
convince us, rally us against these oppresses and we will praise you
fuck that jew. NYPA.
I will help him if his sandnigger wife blows me
I always thought she looked like a slav. Slavic sounding name too. Hila with a silent H.
What's the fucking difference. Everything that doesn't look pure and white is a sandnigger
Holy shit you were right user.
My bad
Everyone is already oppressed by the structure of society, you dumb cunt. Fuck off and pay your taxes like a good little sheep
It's even worse, she's both a sandnigger and a kike. Way to lose the lottery of life
Damnit Donald get the fuck off Sup Forums and go sign things
What is the meme with this guy?
Hey Trev how's it going
they will never ever admit it but they are closer then any other 2 races on earth and it pisses them right the fuck off
cognitive dissonance is a scary thing sometimes
Let's fuck some shit up
What's a wsj?
wall street journal
Ethan makes some solid goofs and gaffs, he needs support if only because he stands up for the internet content creators against shit companies.
>be solid people, objectively great guys
>try to make everyone laugh, make world a better place
>alties still try to shit on you because muh racial realisms
What's next, gonna kick puppies?
isn't that the guy who fucks his daughter but got assmad when Shadbase started drawing a joke about it?
No, that's keemstar or something.
Ethan just has a GF but it's a recurring joke to say that she's his sister.
Because they're both so retarded that it's hard to imagine either of them got a gf/bf trough normal means.
oh, my bad.
Shad is a retarded edgy Sup Forums pandering insincere shill piece of shit btw.
He's getting sued and hopefully loses his job.
>Wants to take down WSJ
>Autists haven't permanently removed Tumblr in the decade since its founding.
yeah i've heard, over some sfw roblox shit no less
it's bloody retarded
Nigga majority of slavic countries dont even have H, they use G instead
By the way, if anyone is genuinely interested in what's going on, turns out Ethan didn't even know what the fuck is actually happening and is uninformed (nothing new here).
Here's a copypasta from you-know-where:
>The WSJ is not exactly the one behind the YouTube Ad Crisis (They did contributed to it big time though), a guy named Eric Feinberg is the one who has been contacting the media and giving them examples about ads playing in extremist videos.
>He did it for a reason... MONEY... see, this guy created a patent that is able to find ads playing in extremist videos, as soon as his work was patented, he developed a plan to put Google in a position where they'll be forced to license his patent (He claims that google won't be able to develop a way of finding ads playing in extremist videos without violating his patent, so they'll be forced to license it from him).
TL;DR: there's a guy that's trying to coerce YT into selling them a specific method that will allow YT to quickly single out, recognize, and for companies to de-monetize "extremist" content on youtube of political nature especially.
Even shorter TL;DR: if this thing goes trough and you've got an alt-right channel like Sargon, armored skeptic etc, you're fucked in the asshole.