Vola thread anyone?

vola thread anyone?


Thank me later OP

thanks user


Looks like some pretty normal shit, nothing really impressive and quite frankly, I'm disappointed in this you cuck

It's dead nigger


shit its dead it worked earlier should have checked that before i posted it


shit all my saved rooms are now dead

All this boring shit... Thought this vola stuff was all siberian mouse...

Ι'm the guy who posted the second reply, I'll post something way more interesting if this gets enough attention.


Yours was at least a bit interesting, thanks

That was nothing compared to others that I have access to.

you've got my attention



Then let's get cracking

I don't know what siberian mouse is but if you've got more interesting stuff stop being a fag and post it



post faggots

Continuing from here.
After the people demanded it, 1+1 small samples, enjoy!

first post was better just sayin



bumping this shit



dont die on me b

dead thread?

I'm the guy from the second reply again, get in here.

Bump 2


I don't think that's the one people are interested in

dead page

It's a Vola thread retard, just like this one, except that I have 6 collections to share, while here nobody has shared apart from...me again.

page not found

i posted some shit

Yeah right, my 6 collections can't be compared to yours

stop whining like a little bitch

yeah but his was actually good

Lol if that looks like whining to you i don't know what to say

I literally just said "my 6 collections can't be compared to yours", what part of that didn't you understand lol

These are the real deal dude, trust me

that's what you said about the last one and it was z-grade trash

>These are the real deal dude, trust me
They are the best, trust me, the best. Amazing. All the others are fake volas. Fake.

Listen dude, I honestly don't care what you think about the ones I haven't shared yet.

I didn't see the other guy's volafile, yet I'm sure it was better than the other 3 I posted, BUT no way it is better than the ones I have now. I don't care if you believe this or not so I'm done with that.

than stop posting you're wasting everyones time

^nice get

post some shit faggots

^you as well

It's you guys wasting your time here, nobody has anything else to share except me, and you faggots are sitting here instead of heading to my thread and trying your luck.

then fuck off to your thread and stay there, you won't be missed

and making 6 thread instead of dumping in one doesn't make your shit any better it just proves you have too much time on your hands

Alright lol i'm not the one that's missing anything

trust me I'll be fine

Go change your bed sheets, tiny dick


Virgin derected



