non-porn webms
Non-porn webms
>50 million in tax $ just for fun
I think his plane might be too small for his huge balls.
I thought it was about to bite him in the toe. That would have hurt like fuck. Plus a decent infection.
Does this actually hurt? Looks more to me like that kid is a fucking pussy.
Alright. You stand a couple of feet away and I'll pelt you with an airsoft gun.
Better with sound
It's just fucking plastic pellets.
fuck im retarded
>Ladders away
What's going on there?
Shit nigga
I cringed, but then again, he probably browses Sup Forums
Did you see those 3 guys wearing the same clothes at the end?
depends on replica's power. but according to average power and the distance, if the kid had only like t-shirt and hoodie, it could hurt
depends on the gun, some of the gas guns hurt if they don't turn down the PSI.
My friend got lit up by one and he was bleeding. fucking 12 year old kid did it too. was like 10 feet from my buddy and lit him up like a faggot. Kid never even said he was sorry.
They can break skin through clothes at that distance. Depending on the type, they can easily be modified to shoot upwards of 500 feet per second
>get into fight
>look mom im twirling
is there any more CCTV video from this cruise ship? Also whats the name of this cruise ship.
Still just tiny plastic bullets.
sick moves
Does anyone else understand what the fuck is going on in this webm?
Why does he put his shoe on his dick then sniff it? why not just rub your hands all over your dick with one hand smell hand and jerk off with the other. I mean I cant blame the guy for liking his dick this much
Lol what the fuck?
Costa Concordia
hes jackin it to the smell of his foot
not to downplay their piloting badassery, but they usually have a smaller plane lead the way.
I've had one fly right over my head and drop this shit on me.
There are no apologies in war. >Nothing personnel
>don't move sir
He was trying to hide his dick and making sure no one was watching him
Then he sniffs his shoe probably because he has a shoe fetish or something, or he likes the smell
That's about 30 beestings that kid just got
This is amazing
This is for you
holy shit that pilot must feel like a badass
Gots to get to McDonald's somehow.
More like 200 stings. Holy shit, that fire rate
Annnnd I'm out
Thread says non-porn, you faggit
Just looked it up, no you nigger. It's a Pacific Sun cruise ship off the coast of New Zealand.
how did he eject and parachute that low to the ground?
"anime taught me how to fight"
here's another one
No one is going to comment on red water?
>tfw youre familiarized with forest fire protocol
smaller plane is called a bird dog / guide plane
it's not water, it's fire retardant
>Your retardant
So much concern
pretty sure he's just concealing till he thinks no one is around, proceeds to jack off to the smell of the shoe
>file name
top kek
You need to call the cops LOL
ok, I'm leaving this site 4ever
alright cya newfag
Retarded boots do retarded thing, such as exiting there vehicle with something in there hands when the officer told him to come out with his hands up.
>Tfw Officer Tunnel-vision did nothing wrong
He also probably had a mandatory PME class about do's and don'ts of getting pulled over.
See ya tomorrow Jim.
What do you do if it dies and gets stuck up there? Let it it rot and infect you? Yesh thats dumb
can someone explain this
shit dude this is not a rekt thread wtf
Why is this a webm?
what the fuck is she eating that she still has dat neckflab while hooked on powder?
So it's praying tiem, to thank there weird demigod for their stockholm syndrome religion. But one of them is just pretending to face the same direction. The other thinks she just did the splits, horizontal style.
Fucking KUZE?!
degenerate faggot
In tears user!
Fire retardant, retard.
just a trick clothes on but reverse. Other one maybe freaked out.
>Welcome Brother Bearbait!
>(In unison) Bearbait HOO HA HA!!
Titanic, it was her maiden sad
>Finish Him!
No cuz a lot of us are from SoCal and we see this shit every year and we know what it is.