How often do you think about suicide?
How often do you think about suicide?
its become a daily thing
no human being deserve to live.
its never not on my mind
fuck life
as often as i breathe every second of my existence
Every day.
multiple times a day
Every other day to every day.
It's just a passing thought usually, but sometimes I plan my murder suicides in crazy detail.
It used to be a constant thought, but I got a new job and improved my life a little, which helped.
I don't know... Maybe a dozen times a week? Some times I don't think of suicide for a couple days in a row. But eventually I remember that I'm a piece of worthless garbage.
The only reason I'm around is I don't want my mom to bury me. As soon as she's gone, I'll probably follow shortly after. My sisters hate each other and I'd rather not be around than deal with their squabbling and fighting over money.
She's 67, but has this terrible lifestyle. Just junk food and tv, all day every day. It won't be long.
Here's one of my plans. Buy a bus ticket to the middle of the desert, pay cash, leave behind everything but some travel money and ID. Then just wander in to the desert. Walk until I can't walk any more. Maybe bury my ID along the walk so if someone comes across the body they won't be able to identify.
Set a scheduled email set for a couple days later so they don't have false hope.
I don't have life insurance, but I also don't have a spouse or children, so who gives a shit, right? I'm not leaving them a body to take care of. They can go thru my apartment and divide up my meager and shitty possessions.
Should I have a will drawn up?
You stopped?
Probably get life insurance just to make someone in your life happy.
It's worth a shot at least.
I do have my gun here so fairly often...
just posting to see if i am still banned.
also: never
Not so much when I am at home but a lot when I am at Uni. That Place has become hell.
can relate
It used to be really bad.
Then my life got turned around and it got better.
Now my life is shit again and it's a constant thought.
>It gets better
Everything is a charade.
my younger brother and my older sister have both confessed to me that they are suicidal. last month i stopped my sister from trying to slit her wrists. I think my sister just wants attention, but my little brother is serious. he has depression, and it kills me to see him like that. he is my favorite person in this world, i would gladly take a bullet for him. i think about suicide in a philosophical manor. Mostly just suicide prevention. As for myself, i would never commit suicide, but i am prepared to die at any moment. If i was struck by a meteorite this instant, i would have no regrets. But life is short, and I wouldn't want to make my family sad, so I'll stick around.
what were you banned for?
Signed, Chad
It is obvious. Fuck your sister and let your brother fuck her too.
make sure to bring a gun or blade, dehydration is a painful and slow way to go
Yeah i only developed anxiety because of college.
Maybe its the feeling of failure amidst a bunch of people who seem happier than me.
Cant say that I can pinpoint it on Uni but it made it worse for sure. There were weeks when I ate nothing but the bread I had in my room because I was to afraid to go outside.
But failure to live up to expectation is a big part of it too for me, for sure.
once a week
I'm a biology major and i'm working on a hypothesis that anxiety is caused purely by a lack of reproductive ability. I believe anxiety is the feeling of wanting to removing yourself from the population to improve its overall survival. Examples being shutting yourself away so nobody is affected by you and inability to court a mate for the purpose of not spreading your lack luster genes.
Several times a week, which is better than most of last year when it was a daily thought. have made a couple suicide plans but always pussy out. I'm too much of a faggot to commit, not enough of a faggot to enjoy life.
I never do. Especially, when Kek has finally arrived.
Praise Kek!
That sounds like you are insecure as hell. Also shit genes genes get passed on all the time. AFAIK that the massive amount of people that shut themselves in willingly is a fairly recent phenomenon.
Every day. I was actually thinking about it yesterday, and chuckled at how banal the whole thing has become. Must be a step in the right direction.
Once per day.
Then I think about pizza.
That sounds awful. The best play is to go skydiving and not deploy the chute. I can't think of a better way to experience the best last moment possible, and still most likely die instantly.
Gas yourself while masturbating also seems like a nice way to go.
3 times/day