How does it feel Americucks?
How does it feel not to have natural honey?
How does it feel Americucks?
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honey? natural?
does not honkpute
>doesn't think its natural
Ive spotted the amerifag
I mean.
I feel sorry for Americans.
They can't have natural honey and think crystalization is it rotting.
I mean how fucking ignorant can a majority of a country be.
Also it feels great to have natural honey its sweet and healthy
What sort of shitpost is this
Honey isn't that great and if I wanted real honey I could just get it
>can get natural honey
>honey isin't great
>literaly helps with every disease ever and helps you keep away a heart attack
Dude this is the weirdest fucking thing to be smug about.
This is the best thing to be smug about.
We have healthy sweets that don't murder you not a syrup and chemical cocktail
what kind of honey do they have then, if not natural?
Umm burgerland reporting we have real honey. Wtf are you on about?
lol sure
It is not real honey unless it is still in the honeycomb.
Just some shitty syrup cocktail that doesn't even have any Pollen in it lmao
Literally can get natural honey
>in Texas
Fun fact: in the GDR they used to sell something like that as 'Kunsthonig' (artificial honey). Basically it was just Inverted sugar syrup
Some one doesn't know what the fuck they are talking about...
I live less than 10 miles away from a place that makes and sells it's own honey
>4730,600 Tonnes
Guess that is one way to curb starvation.
>He didn't get that it was a joke
Who is the retard again?
>sideways picture
>doesn't know America has natural honey
>is stupid enough to think America couldn't have natural honey
wondering so, too.
Just because the one in the honey bear bottle isn't real honey doesn't mean it's hard to get real honey in the US.
You for trying to use a sarcastic joke in text with no indication it was such... or saying it was a joke to cover that someone called you a retard versus agreeing with you
spot the difference.
We have natural honey though. There's a guy who has a honey farm right outside my city and he sells it in mason jars down the street from my house. I don't know why you assume bees don't exist here or something, but they do.
Man i could watch the watch my GF loop all day, but honestly my uncle festor used the rape my supple little white asshole with honey made by our families own bees on our farm. He was a exceptional bee keeper and an even more exquisite child anal rapist. Sorry troll fuck, but our fuckin honey is real. USA USA USA!!!!
Idk how to feel about anything right now. Especially in America. It changed so much last 10-11 years.
That honey is very light doe... Are your bees wild? they feed from flower or what do u feed them?
I fucking hate Eurofags.
Quoth the site I linked
"The Map showing Top Ten Natural Honey Producing Countries in the World in 2014 which include China, Turkey, USA, Iran and Russia."
Y do
>can buy natural honey from farmers market
Obvious american degenerate
I mean, I'm a beekeeper.. so..
>buying honey in stores
Degenerate yes
American ? not necessarily ~
>"And if you have to buy at major grocery chains, the analysis found that your odds are somewhat better of getting honey that wasn’t ultra-filtered if you buy brands labeled as organic. Out of seven samples tested, five (71 percent) were heavy with pollen. All of the organic honey was produced in Brazil, according to the labels."
U jelly amerifats? Sorry, I can hear you all the bees making real honey around here make me unable to he- oh shite, they are biting me
Isn't it natural if humans create it, since humans exist in nature as well as bees?