Vanessa Helsing, distant relative of famous vampire hunter Abraham Van Helsing...

>Vanessa Helsing, distant relative of famous vampire hunter Abraham Van Helsing, is resurrected only to find that vampires have taken over the world. She is humanitys last hope to lead an offensive to take back what has been lost.

the fuck is this shit

A SyFy original series with a derp as fuck premise.

Seems pretty standard to me.

Or are we supposed to be triggered by a female protagonist?

I'd rather have a sequel to the movie.
That shit was pretty fun

For a second I thought that was Megan Fox... a shame she is blacklisted so can't appear in anymore kino :( she was really good in Jennifer's Body (I enjoyed that alot seeing it without reading any reviews).

Z Nation fun times or Wynonna Earp shit heap, I wonder which this will be


it almost look like you were expecting anything else

What happened? Did she speak out against 'you know who'?

Shouldn't she be called Vanessa van Helsing?

Someone should make a movie where Bram Stoker is resurrected and tells everyone to stop it.

I'm enjoying Dark Matter to be honest familia

i hope they do a crossover episode with Wynona Earp

no its because- you know what? fuck you

Looks like fun.

I've been needing something to fill the Buffy void.

Too bad it will probably have low production values and shitty writing and acting.

I think this movie was the only thing to suitably scratch that itch in a while.

We need a Hellsing Ultimate movie.

The expanse is the only good thing syfy has ever done.

The industry literally has no ideas or creativity so the latest trend is to remake everything only this time with woman

yeah she did she joked about something to do with the Jews on the Transformers 2 set which got her filed. All I know of

Are there any panties in this or is it not worth watching?

Syfy Production; not gonna bother even giving it a chance since its already stillborn


So it's campy fun then.

She compared Bay to Hitler and some other dictator and Bay got all pissy. Which wouldn't matter if she were talented, but Bay was the only director willing to put her in big-budget films because he doesn't care whether the cast can act, so she's "blacklisted" for being a shitty actress who's getting too old to be T&A.

And yet she's still in movies Bay produces.

what did she mean by this

>And yet she's still in movies Bay produces.
no she isn't...


Battlestar Galactica

What a dirty whore.

he made her 'washed his car' to apologize

She wants you to feed her chocolate while eating out her pussy on the 15th instead.

I'd rather if we stuffed her asshole with chocolate and then played with whatever comes out.

Out the closet.
Ha ha ha ha

You don't think she'd be into sucking on a stinky turd-shaped chocolate dildo?

She was just in TMNT 2 that came out a couple of months ago