Based Clint getting bullied worldwide for having different political opinions

>Based Clint getting bullied worldwide for having different political opinions


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And why would he cared

Dude he's a fucking Republican

I mean he even support the fascist of Trump

>muh opinions
>muh oppression

Criticism isn't automatically bullying. If you can't handle dissent, I think tumblr may be a safer space for you.

the last truest BASED American. God Bless Clint, when he moves on, we're doomed.

kys, worthless nigger.

Out of touch old fart sees the world through warped lenses and attracts 20 year old edgelords.

He'll die soon, then only his good movies will be left.

are you not for free speech?

notice how even Clint Eastwood, who made a movie about how "not racist" and how he loved some asian kid more than his own family still gets shit on by the left

the solution is to never pander to the left, ever

Not when it attacks the market.

some fake cowboy hollywood actor is calling me a pussy. ok.

Not when it attacks the race of a person.

Fuck Clint Eastwood. And fuck the numales who worship him.

>makes some shit left-like
>assume a republican position
>people think he have a pass to the left

>Supports a pseudo-politician who is clearly in bed with Putin
>True American

Not when it attacks manlets

>he thinks there's any real difference between the establishment



Not when it offends me.

>the only guy who doesn't want war in the desert or with Russia
>the only guy not sticking globalist Jew dick

>old man that lives in a super rich bubble
>You're all pussies!
Alrighty then. There's always been pussies, they just have a worldwide platform to whine on now

Who bullies him?

Actually Trump has been the most pro Israel candidate since the start of the election season. Sanders was ironically enough one of the least.


>call a generation for pussies
>ppl get uber flustered

Why do libcuck sjws love to prove other peoples point?

Buttblasted numales.

>white males constantly claim to be strong, independent, rational, proactive alphas
>will not stop crying about persecution and being bullied just because people disagree with them in public
it's getting pretty sad desu

He's being bullied for being a huge cuckold.

his legacy as the chair yelling at man will never be surpassed

his wife's a Jew, his businesses are fully entrenched in the Jewish corporate culture, half of his campaign staff is Jews, and he said pic related

lucky for him white nationalists care solely about image and not facts so they completely ignore inconvenient things like reality

Israel doesn't mean international banks and corporate sponsors. Israel is one evil; Soros, Saban, and every Jew CEO in the media and finance is another thing entirely

>the amount of people who didn't understand this
Americans are a joke.

>Clint Eastwood voices an opinion I agree with and gets berated for it
>oh no how can people be so mean he's a legend I hope he's not too upset this is just plain bullying people should be allowed to harrash celebrities like this

>Daisy Ridley voices an opinion I disagree with and gets berated for it
>hahah bitch deserved it libtards never leard

>not wanting war is bad

K fag

He's right though. Israeli kikes love Trump but all the diaspora loathe him.


>Implying Trump wont be Putin's puppet

>not hating putin is the same thing as being in bed with him

It's in the best interest of any corporation to get on the good side of (potentially) the future president. It's also the same reason why Trump used to attend Democratic fundraisers. What is interesting is that while 4 of the top 5 contributors to Romney also gave money to Obama, only one of them were within Obama's top 5 contributors, + only 4 of the 20 listed contributed to both.

Can't live without "safe spaces" and body positive blog posts too eh?

Political correctness can go suck a transgender faggot's penis stump.

if only

jesus christ, go back to speaking your third world hellhole moonspeak because you're butchering english

>a university is allowed to donate to a US presidential campaign

o i am laffin

>liberals are so "open-minded" and "tolerant" that they harass anyone that has a different opinion than them

Fall in a grain silo, breath real deep please.

>it's in the best interest corporations to own politicians

yeah, no shit

>AIPAC is the worst thing in America! How dare kike foreign interests have such a powerful role on American policy! It just has us fund their military and drags us down into their conflicts!
>oh wait Trump is pro-Israel and says he'll defend it to the death? W..well it's just non-Israeli Jews that are the problems. The Zionists are great!

The damage being done in American by commucrats is more important than Israel right now.

>everything I don't like is Marxism
man it's always great to hear Trump supporters lose their shit when someone makes a comparison between Trump and fascism, but in the next breath claim that everything Democrats have done in the last 20 years is literal Marxism

I'm actually embarrassed by how ill-informed you are.

That post didn't once use the word "Marxism". You're inventing things to mock. Sad.

I love how "harassing" someone on social-media is only the Second Holocaust when it happens to people like Zoe Quinn.

When people like Eastwood or Trump get WORSE shit flung at them, it's just "justice".


i know we make jokes and all but Trump is literally hitler and clinton would be a nazi for supporting him

>flat-out insult the entire country on national TV
>OMG why are people being so rude to him on twitter?!
man the right can dish it out but they really can't take it

Fucking shill.

Good. He's a piece of shit.

>Muh country!!!

Lefties tears are delicious

>thread whining about Eastwood getting flack
>lefty tears




Nice xenophobia you got there pal, notallrussians


hes obviously talking about the people bashing clint

No, he's whining about people bashing Clint. The very embodiment of beta tears.

dont even know what you are talking about

Some people live too long. The mind starts decaying around 30, he's probably sundowning most of the time.

well, your political views show how intelligent you are and if you are a good or bad person.

clint just outed himself as stupid and a bad person, so he gets flack for that.

this is how a just society works.

he's self hating. like when closeted politicians come down on gays.

>it's only in blobistan

The real world doesn't give a shit about you sad fat fucks.

>just outed

This is a guy who had a convo in public with a chair.

>"Y-y-you're s-stupid haha c-c-cuntservative"

Liberals are weak, you are all going to die.

You guys mean when he ascends to a higher plane and continues battling evil from the halls of Valhalla?

And that chair was so assblasted it hasn't been seen in public since

>Liberals are weak, you are all going to die.

Good luck with that, user.



Liberals are the ones paying your fucking bills. They're the educated adults while you redneck fuck ups wallow around in squalor on their dime.

Clinton's a women, so he's actually a misogynist

>bringing facts into a political discussion on Sup Forums

do you even understand what an auteur is?

Do you carry a screen around for when you start projecting this hard?

french for autistic?

Kill all Niggers.

wtf i hate farm subsidies now

Clint Eastwood is a model American.

this tbqh

>cucked nu males trying to shit on based legendary actor director

Well Sup Forums


That actually happened near where I love a few months back.

What a way to go ;_;


>dadcore actors

>implying it's possible to bully a literal American legend


>it's a libtards and conservashits try to discuss politics on a gook cartoon entertainment website episode


Nigga you best be trolling me right this second.

lol, no, white people are paying them.

>Wahhhhhhhhh the people who pretend to be somebody else's for millions of dollars opinions matter when they agree with me

Libcucks are pathetic