Why does Sweden have the second highest amount of rapes per capita in the world after South Africa?

Why does Sweden have the second highest amount of rapes per capita in the world after South Africa?

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Because they actually persecute rapists

I think you mean New Somalia


Because in Sweden "rape" can be just about anything.


In case you're competent to understand statistics, maybe this will help. If not, enjoy your falsehood and fearmongering.

t. swedish cuck


...and how does this dispute anything in the article? What does it have to do with anything, really? Also, not a Swede.

Unlike the majority of countries in Europe, crime data in Sweden are collected when the offence in question is first reported, at which point the classification may be unclear. In Sweden, once an act has been registered as rape, it retains this classification in the published crime statistics, even if later investigations indicate that no crime can be proven or if the offence must be given an alternative judicial classification.[15][16][17]

The total number of convictions for rape and aggravated rape in Sweden 2015 was 176. The total number of convictions for sexual offences, which includes rape but also less severe crimes such as buying sexual services, was 1160.

Sweden also applies a system of expansive offence counts. Other countries may employ more restrictive methods of counting. The Swedish police registers one offence for each person raped, and if one and the same person has been raped on a number of occasions, one offence is counted for each occasion that can be specified. For example, if a woman says she has been raped by her husband every day during a month, the Swedish police may record more than 30 cases of rape. In many other countries only a single offence would be counted in such a situation.[19][15][20][17][18]

In Sweden, crime statistics refer to the year when the offence was reported; the actual offence may have been committed long before. Swedish rape statistics can thus contain significant time-lag, which makes interpretations of annual changes difficult.[15][17]

The article is blocked in Sweden. They dont want swedish people to know about it.

To me that tells that there is an underlying problem. A serious one.

> Also, not a Swede.
Sure thing, Ahmed

Swedish government does its best to sweep the problem under the rug and many people who should be convicted arent.

Dont worry though germany is quickly catching up.

Are you serious?
Because hell yes that means sweden has a problem and it is not the refugees.


Check em, it's gunna come down to this election in Germany in August. They just got back their army recently, so if a right wing/nationalist party gets elected. Oh boy sit back for the fun

>They just got back their army recently
What The hell are you talking about?

Check em, Germany wasn't allowed an army after WWII. Try not being so stupid

Because our women are so damn sexy that it is hard sometimes to resist the urge to rape them.

>army made of faggots on heels and sticks instead of weapons
Really made me afraid


>Be Nigerian
>Swedish girls line up for me and are fascinated by my big cock

The best thing about refugees is how badly they trigger Trumpets.


Now off you go, read the 2+4 contract signed 1990 and stop being retarded.
Germany got it's sovereign army back 26 years ago, wouldn't call that recently.

that area is probably just more densely populated in general

yeah, along with drunk sex and catcalls

more densely populated with rapefugees

Because Swedish laws have a broader definition of rape than almost any other country. Also women that are raped in Sweden are more inclined to go to the police than in other countries.

Or it's because of all the immigrants.

Why is the amount of rapes rising proportionally with the increase in immigration?

Wow.. Do you have a link or something that isn't a screencap?

I dunno, sounds interesting though. Do you have a link to those statistics?

Won't get worse. It's either Schulz or back once again with Merkel, so Germany will stay left, but France however has nukes and an election, too. If Marine Le Pen gets elected, then they would beg for Trump.

Because they're a bunch of cucks ruled over by the jewish niggerlords.

Yes in some cases "drunk sex" might be considered rape which adds to the high rape statistics

theyve already been linked, muslim and african countries including sweden have the highest rape rates in the world

I like her humor.
Has a kinda british touch.

Yes those statistics have been linked but not the ones that say it has increased in proportion with immigration. If I missed it please just link to that post.

Because shitskinned muslims need our welfare, and think they own women? Oh, and our government is fucking retarded. Hopefully Sweden democrats will win next election.

Because they are better looking. Duh.

fucking keked

I don't need to link immigration statistics because its undisputed that Sweden is getting browner every year.

>I wonder why.


>Dont worry though germany is quickly catching up.


Not for long bro. They'll all be black in a generations time.


What did kek mean by this?





It's not blocked, you fucking twat. The link doesn't exist at all.

They welcome rapefugees.

Actually they underreport it and censor foreign news articles about it

Lurk moar mr normie newfag

The more refugees we can get to dilute the moronic nationalists here in Sweden, the better.


Funny thing about this arguement is, we do not overall have a lot of rape, more than other countries. The difference being that Swedish courts judge you on each account of rape you commit, even if it's to a single person over a long period of time. Say for instance someone rapes another each day for an entire year. That's 365 seperate cases of rape. And stuff like that can happen.

But it doesn't matter if I write this or not, no one's gonna believe me anyway because

I found the article, and it's most certainly not blocked in Sweden.


This article was actually published by a Swedish newspaper and the title reads 'Fastest 14yo runs round centralschool(name of the school)'

I see some purple in Austria.

Anschuss when?

Its pretty obvious they are not referring to him. He's probably the PE teacher.

It doesn't. It's because what said. Swedish women are increasingly inclined to report sexual abuse. Not always a good thing, since everything is rape nowadays.

Its pretty obvious you dont read swedish. Please dont speculate, also yes that is the fastest 14 year old in Sweden. He led the kids race around the school.

No they are actually referring to him.

It says under the picture Saad Alsaud visited the school as an source of inspiration and led the kids running round the school

So you don't have any sources? Why am I not surprised, you stupid fucking shill.


An article where he says himself he is 5 years older than the other kids in the picture.

How is it better when the crime rates get higher?

because of an evil, white minority of cis-oriented men that stubbornly refuse to admit black people's superiority and reject the scientifically proven benefits of multiculturalism in favour of the hateful ideology; nationalism

Because once they snowniggers turn black they'll be easier to identify, Olaf.

>So you don't have any sources?
I´ll verify, capital resident since 35 years. This country is going to shit due to arabs and africans. I´ll be moving out soon enough, thankfully NOT ethnic swede.

What you have written have been fact check to be false.

If it's because people are reporting crimes rather than not, it's good.


They will whitewash it.

Ok, då vill jag att du verifierar det med lite jävla fakta, istället för ditt eget tyckande. Och om du tror att landet går åt helvete pga araber och afrikaner, så är du definitivt ute och cyklar.

Think how young progressives want to change the definition of rape.
>Say yes to sex and go through it to completion, without asking to stop during the act
>feel regret afterwards
>you've been raped, better call the cops


Det går åt helvete med arabar och afrikaner som mördar, rånar, våldtar misshandlar. Resten lever sina laglydiga liv utan problem.

but what about all the gangs of neonazis the roams the cities and rape all women who doesn't look "swedish" enough? what about the right-wing terrorist threat? what about brevik? what about the children? - why can't anyone think about the children, for atheism sake?

Är det dom där jävla ensamkommande marockanerna som ränner runt och skapar otrygghet?.
Som tur är bor man i en medelstor stad där vi inte har några gatubarn

Kolla ut din jävla mupp, du är säkert en Brommabo. Landet går åt helvete pga töntar som dig och tama politiker. Klart som fan Ali o Jorge tar det dom kommer åt när ledarna säljer ut landet för röster. Hatar den naive svensken mest av alla "sorter".

>daily mail

tror han menar det lilla, otroligt högljudda och välexponerade klicken av blattar som faktiskt åller på att jävlas och ger vanligt folk huvudvärk och oförtjänt dåligt rykte

Nature diesnt really mind women that get fuckey by men from the other end of the world.
It expands the gen pool, granting more chance of mutation to adjust to environment.
The female swedish government wants it that way, even though i dont think they are aware of it.

They don't.

Nice picture that totally proves it

Bc of muslim immigrants duh?

Statistics on sexual assault are impacted by many factors: what constitutes or not sexual assault, victims coming forward about the assault, police efficiency on the cases, only prosecuted cases counting for the statistics or not, etc.

A whole lot of different factors. And Sweden is very picky on these subjects and others, so pretty much everything you can imagine contributes for the statistics. Such isn't the case in lots of other places, that's why Sweden may look almost as bad as South Africa, but it's not even fucking close, not one bit. There are a fuckload of countries way worse than Sweden, but the statistics are manipulated as hell to make them look better.

You can research this if you wish, it's factual.

Actually, the fenomenom of "gang rape" and kids robbing kids was quite unheard until large scale immigration from MENA-countries. "Ey län, haru mobil jao?!" Means "hey dude, let me borrow your phone so i can steal it"

I prefer to call it Neo Pakistan.

>morons don't understand how statistics work
>morons actually think Sweden and South Africa are even remotely alike when it comes to sexual assault

Derps, lol

>Det går åt helvete med arabar och afrikaner som mördar, rånar, våldtar misshandlar. Resten lever sina laglydiga liv utan problem.

Precis som alla andra folkgrupper.

Kolla ut på vad då? Vad är det "ledarna" säljer ut för röster? Kan du vara lite mer jävla specifik. Och är det någon som är fucking naiv här så är det såna som du. Ni har inte fattat att anledningen till att det går sämre och sämre för Sverige inte har ett smack med invandringen att göra. Det som är problemet är automatiseringen och utflödet av jobb. Eftersom idioter som du måste ha den billigaste 70-tums tvn på marknaden så måste den tillverkas av antingen robotar eller slavarbetare i något låglöneland. Om du ska klaga på någonting så är det den ekonominska globaliseringen. Köp svenskt för helvete.

Du har rätt, dom är ett problem.

Sup Forums will just keep on memeing. Surely you know this.

can confirm - not blocked in Sweden.

Also, the Police here do not record the ethnicity of criminals, so you cannot definitively say that refugees/immigrants (I'm UK immigrant (refugee now) btw) have caused an increase in crime.There has actually been a decline in crime figures since around 2011(unsure of year) when refugees first started being placed in Sweden.

>Precis som alla andra folkgrupper.
Och just att det här är en importerad folkgrupp som kommit mest för pengarnas skull och ljuger om sin ålder för att stanna gör det bara värre.

>Police here do not record the ethnicity of criminals
Why they do not record ethnicity of criminals???
Is it because they will show that the darker people commit more crime like in the USA?

march 12 2018

jag har upplevt det här med "eyyy kompiss, låt mig få kolla på din X, jag svär på mama att du tbax den" sedan 80-talet, då jag var liten. samma sak då.

har sett den där "lilla klicken" expandera väldigt mycket genom åren. inte minst sedan hiphop och nigger kultur fått fäste i svenska förorter och hur den ruttnat sönder hjärnan på dom som blivit smittade av skiten.

>Och är det någon som är fucking naiv här så är det såna som du.

Äh orka dig, jämför lite med Japan o se om din teori stämmer. De har otroligt hög naitivitet, åldrande befolkning, samt ligger i framkant med robotik och automatisering.

Det handlar inte heller om att man vill åt det billigaste o bästa på marknaden, utan mer åt vår falska ekonomi och hur den hålls vid liv öht.

DÄRFÖR behövs dessa nya kredittagare i det monetära systemet. Helst ska dom ha massa pension etc, allt för att skapa mer likviditet och kunna belåna oss mer.


Jokes on you faggot