Does God Exist?
Does God Exist?
Short answer: No.
Long answer: No, unless you are mentally unwell.
Only answer: No.
of course.
Psychfag student here.
They teach us that people who believe in religion are:
-vulnerable/mentally deranged teenagers
-schizophrenic/schizotypal people
-old people
-people who are in extreme danger
As an idea? Absolutely.
There is proof of him existing.
Modern education everyone
and what proof is that?
yes and I have photo evidence but I can't post it
easy. The Bible says so.
>believing in talking snakes, dudes that walk on water and resurrection.
Here, take 1mg of risperidone and go home.
Probably not any god in any sense that humans know but the laws of physics are god in a way, they determine the fundamental properties of the universe
Oh boy, here we go again.
Well that's all the proof I need
>most of Sup Forums believes in kek
>doesn't believe in god
Have the memes gone too far
Well, if every work of fiction was, in fact, non-fiction, then where the hell are the dragons and their treasures?
>Does God Exist?
Something exists, and you are allowed to call the totality of everything God.
>Does the (insert religion) God exist?
Depends on how literally you take the teachings, but probably not.
Don't take my word for it, study the theologies of different religions and come to your own conclusions.
Certainly he does.
And you do not even need to like him to find that out.
Google Lee Stroble and take a journey of learning with a fellow nonbeliever.
I exist, so who am I to say something else doesn't?
Traditions and myths that should be better translated and told.
Lucifer was an Angel who deceived nearly all of Heaven and tried to usurp Gods throne.
A war happened in Heaven and to Stop the permanent deaths of those souls God created life on Earth. All Souls must be born in to the flesh and eventually die all else is lessons or love. The goal being to teach us all humility and mercy. God too has taken on the fleshly form (Possibly more than once) Trying to teach us lessons. Lucifer has never taken on the flesh though he has wandered the Earth as a Super Natural Being. (Story of tempting Adam and Eve (as well as Christ in the NT)
He was not physically a Snake he wasn't human though. If an Angel or Demon appeared before you what form would it take or would you give it to maintain your sanity?
Now Read Genesis 6:4 and realize the Bible is not meant to be the whole story. Torah and other works contain clues as well.
Yes but he left us. He doesnt care what happens on this dirtpile we call Earth.
If he does, he doesn't care.
Castiel looked for god, didn't find god
Yes but this so called ''God'' isn't what you expect him to be, ''God'' is very neutral if not fully evil we'll all see soon.
Certainly he cares.
He has withheld all interference from his realm and even held Lucifer at bay. Fr more than 2000 year now mankind's power on Earth has been unchecked. Good and Evil have had no more influence upon us than whispers in some folks minds. But what ever we wish to do we can do. Good or Bad.
Course he has also said what he is watching for and what he is going to do.
We don't know when, but we know what.
While this is a shitposting, why do Christians regurgitate what they believe instead of just offering direct proof? Is it truly that hard?
Does it matter? Would you honestly live your life any different?
Typical explanation from any faggot that's talking out his asshole trying to prove that he exists and cares, shut the fuck up kill yourself maggot.
I mean we had god for a bit, when Castiel opened the door to purgatory and took in all those souls,but it was too much for him and put them back, but he then released something else into this world
No he doesn't everything's natural, if something the universe is ''God'' when we die we die it's nothing that's it, yet this so called ''God'' goes on, it's really not that hard all it takes is common sense, go on with that santa clause fairy tale bullshit if you want niggers.
Well no.
What we will see soon is not God but a being claiming to be God. (Who WILL in fact be evil, but most will mistake for being the second coming. (Or first Contact) Lies will be told such as he is here to rapture us away or evacuate all his loyal servants. Just bow to him and all will be....
Yeah well don't do it.
Struggle to avoid having anything to do with Anything Super Natural for all of your days.
Wait until you die and meet God and THEN he can tell you what he expects of you.
In the mean time simply follow Christs words: Do unto others as you would desire to have them do unto you.
At least you can see memes
Did christ fuck you in the asshole as a little boy? how many priests sodomized you and left you gaped? are you seriously that stupid to still believe in a stupid book that was wrote to brainwash faggots like you? Obviously, dude you're stupid a mad man wrote that shit, that shit was the rules back then to keep faggots from wilding out, stop being a dumb brain dead maggot.
When those leviathan came around, man oh man that was intense
Well of course my beloved son.
What do you want as proof?
Jeremiah 51?
All we have is the words of wise men of the past.
Any proof you desire you must seek for yourself.
Listen I am offering truth.
I am not asking you to sit in a pew or to join a Church.
Actually I stopped believing in it for quite a long time.
But recent events brought me back.
I mean lots of folks think we are living in the last days.
Trump just kind of slaps you in the face with it.
Ever heard of THE final Trump?
That is when Anti-Christ appears...
It is amusing that the USA would have a president named exactly that when we are so darn close.
It is the kind of almost universal sarcasm one would apply to God.
So go ahead do not believe it.
OI am not predicting dates.
Just positing that what we are lead to believe may some day happen (First Contact) or (Rapture) may actually both be poarts of the same lie.
And that when your eyes tell you I am seeing a nonhuman who claims to be God or an Alien what do I do?
What would you do user?
Would you bow down?
(I won't)
Peace be with you.
Oh yeah dude
If god exists he will prevent me from submitting this comment.
There is no point in wondering if God exist.
Obviously, the way God is depicted by religions is bullshit, because he was described by humans to othee humans, who described him to other humans and so on, so even if God really did reveal himself to men like in the Bible, the way we understand him is far from how he really is.
Now that being said, the only way to know if he does exist would be for him to reveal himself in front of every single human at the same time, and to prove that he is God. Another way to know if he's real is to wait until we die, in case there's an afterlife.
Until one of those two things happen, we can only say the we don't know, because we don't. You may have Faith or not, you have to accept the fact that you can't prove the existence of nonexistence of god.
Guess that settles that.
Trump is NOT the Anti-Christ.
At best he is the false prophet.
He will introduce us to the Anti-Christ.
Who (Once again for those who refuse to read) WILL NOT BE A HUMAN BEING...
That is why you will be fooled by him.
(Well maybe not anymore? You are welcome.)
Dude shut the fuck up, you're just a lost sheep, you're living poor and pathetic cause you pray to something that doesn't exist, the poor and pathetic have always looked up to something for affection and feel any value, always blaming the successful people for being evil and comparing them to the devil, I guess it's easier on the fact that you're a loser.
Strangley that is NOT what he said he plans to do.
Instead he will cast Lucifer down among us who while not Human, will have little to no power to stop the Natural disasters that will begin to occur on that very same day.
Course he will still lie and claim he is here to save or rescue us.
Nope, I would never trust any being that claims to be God or an Alien.
Dude are you God? you seem to know all his future plans and what not, all christians are mad men, can't you see what this retard is typing LOL
Guys what if this is God and Satan having a convo and we'll never know about it?
I am not targeting Trump because he is wealthy..
His name simply fits nicly with Prohecy and he happens to be preseident I would have said the same was possible of Hillary but I would have called her the whore of Babylon.
Either way it is simply a possible occurrence.
Armageddon could be another 100 years away... (God I hope not just how ignorant of matters of faith will that generation be?)
Nope Not God.
To be sure I am just another human like you.
Course all of us are God creation.
Brothers in the flesh..
Hebrews 13:2
I guess you like crosses and birds faggot
Yes, but not in the way sects want to teach.
Gods are entities capables of creating life, understanding the universe and able to ensure their legacy in a period of time we can't even comprehend.
We may have a seed of god inside us, meaning we can become what ((they)) are if we don't fucking destroy ourselves before we get to that point.
well if evidence exists to support your having a retardation that's rather exquisite my friend
To be sure, and it helps YOU to know which posts are mine.
Perhaps the more important question is; does his existence, or lack thereof, influence your life?
Read some Aquinas and decide for yourself.
Nobody truly believes that god exists most people lie to themselves or believe in him out of fear, cause what if? I mean nobody wants to burn in hell right?
Made me laugh.
I believe in God, not a hardcore believer, but I believe. I honestly don't care if people believe or don't, but one side is acting all edgy and shit while the other is just being forceful, which is retarded on both sides. Just move on. Only give a shit if it affects you personally, which I doubt it does.
I am God.
... or I am dog. I get those confused.
trips dont lie
Dogs are just witness' for God.
No one notices them watching.
Good dog..
Yes he does exist,im not just gonna stand here and thinking that the whole world was perfectly arranged by no one.
Like the earth,being placed not too far and not too near the sun.And here we are the only being with intellect around.And talk about miracles it obviously won't make any sense but theres only one thing that is capable of doing that,which is the one who have the power to create the world
Talk about the end of the world from what i learnt is,it'll end when no one believes in god anymore,where shame and humanity is thrown away
And yes im pretty sure he did sent some messenger to us before,to let the world know he exist,and some rules he already set up.All is up to us whether to search for it or not,the world is a test for everyone after all.
I only read the first line and that's what always gets me to wonder, he's probably such a big powerful lord that he just laughs at when we wonder if he exists, he's probably a troll taht messes with us in this life and he'll really make us enjoy our afterlifes.
Do you believe in ghosts, aliens or inter-planet species? then: No
Fucking Christians, you cant believe in both!
Demons are Ghosts or Aliens or what ever you wish to perceive.
Why must Christianity be ruled by your perceptions limited by the false traditions you may believe?
>thinking that the whole world was perfectly arranged by no one
mmm yes because looking at the fossil record and all the species that died out, its pretty obvious they got it perfect from the get go
>Like the earth,being placed not too far and not too near the sun
many discovered planets are in goldilocks zones
God here, AMA
Chicks with dicks
Does the Devil exist?
rrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaa are peopel still seriously religious ??!
got a felling yall are trollin
then on the other side this website is mostly visited by mentally ill people
>(inb4 more pics of fat neckbaerd fedoralords are posted)
Science can prove most thiings.
For the rest you have to rely of faith.
Even Einstein knew this.
What they taught you was to be close minded and ignore other people's culture and faith.
it's possible, but if there is he set the universe in motion and then left it alone. he doesn't interfere with earthly matters
Yes and no. I choose to believe not since the lack of proof is more towards proving the lack of God, but the universe is infinite, so maybe God does exist in some form, even the form religious people say God exists.
God ran away with his sister, dumbass. Do you even supernatural, bro?
Shhh... You may trigger Atheists who need to insult religious people to have any sense of self-esteem when using actual logic here...
Does it matter? Will you live your life any differently?
The reason you don't find out until after it is too late is to see what kind of person you really are...
It's great lulz