Sup Forums why do women notice everything?
Sup Forums why do women notice everything?
all the females I have noticed are completely oblivious to everything except what directly effects their status, dwelling, or their own personal perception of themselves.
Pretty much this, do you mean everything as in whatever is immediately in front of them?
You mean on a social level?
Because that's the only environment they really thrive, therefore have a more acute perception of nuances men would never notice unless they were told.
I mean when you fuck up, they discover it 100% of the time.
I can't fucking tell what's true anymore
no, they just notice when you fuck up because you're an unsubtle piece of useless trash with a jumped up opinion of their own intelligence (or, at least, a degraded idea of everyone's intellect)
So they can bitch about it later.
if you're under 25 I would suggest not giving a fuck.
put your penis into as many women as possible and have fun. start a career
when you hit 25-30 start looking for a woman who as similar goals as you. housing, retirement, children, etc. and that is actually working towards those goals when you start talking to her.
but, mind, you need to be doing those things as well.
Aside from that, make it so the "fuck ups" dont really count.
Dont commit to one person, dont lie about dumb shit, be accountable. And you dont have to worry about shit.
Their survival depended on manipulation for millions of years. For that they had to percieve subtle reactions, and had to guess intentions.
It's amazing that they have this gift, and some still manage to be completely worthless.
Odds are that they are making ducked up mistakes too but you're either too forgiving or you're overlooking it. If your chick is always 100% scrutinizing you then she is probably doing something wrong herself, hope you're not getting cucked bud
I can see the sadness through your hyperbolic crassness. I hope you get the help you need.
Man you guys are taking it heavier than it really is. I'd rather have shitposting than captain obvious time.
It's not even a big deal. If I leave the sugar out, WE NEVER use the sugar, but it just so happens that on that day she happened to notice that one little obscure thing. It's like fucking magic man. Never fails. There's gotta be some kind of study on the phenomenon. She gets bent over shit that blows my mind.
you didn't explain what you meant, only that girls notice everything.
if you are having an issue where the girl is nitpicking something as trivial as sugar your girl is in the rounds of trying to change you. so again, i suggest
What worries me is that school/media etc keep telling girls they are superior, whereas man are a failure of nature.
Especially young woman tend to have an unbelievable attitude and think they are the shit.
But when it gets real, they arent able to do fuck.
Well, the problem will take if itself, since getting kids isnt plan of their modern lifestyle.
this is a good outlook.
Let me tell you. No woman can change this man.
They sure can throw a fit over nothing though. I'm just trying to get to the bottom of how they always discover the little white lies. I never find out her shit. Maybe I just don't care. Maybe she loves me more than I love her. If that's the case, I'd like to keep it that way.
okay, thats fine, but if the issues are happening now, they are going to get worse.
if you're the mans man you think that you are you wouldn't be giving enough fucked to even have made a thread questioning this.
I give a fuck in that I find it intriguing and not because it affects me gravely.
It just seems like women have this superpower to know all of our bullshit on an almost psychotic or obsessive level. Sometimes it seems almost magical or paranormal how they're able to figure shit out. I just find that fascinating.
OP here completely agree with you. I find it disturbing because it goes against the tenets of feminism, which saw a promising future.
I blame our shitty american diets on basically everything. If we all ate right and exercised we wouldn't be this fucking dimwitted. Look at mexico. Bunch of fat idiots. We're next.
But apparently, while reversing in a car, they are aware of shit
because they want to milk you for everything you've got and exploit every possible weakness
women play dumb a lot.