What would be the least painful way to overdose?
Asking for a friend
What would be the least painful way to overdose?
Asking for a friend
choke on a nigger
pick a drug downer benzo take a couple pain kilers and a few benzo when yur tired and fucked up eat 100 and go to sleep
They're all going to be painful, your body was made to keep you alive. When you start dying, your body tries to tell you so you attempt to stop dying, it does this using pain signals. That's kind of the point.
>least painful
I didn't say it had to be painless
Right, but I mean they're all going to be significantly painful. Sleeping pills or whatever will probably be the best? I've never tried to kill myself so I wouldn't know, but I do know that taking too much of any medication is going to make you feel like someone is slowly pressing a blade through your gut. Exit bag is probably some kind of sick joke like those "make your own crystals" but even if it's not it probably still feels like you're choking and throwing up at the same time. I guess least painful depends entirely on what kind of excruciating pain you're most comfortable with.
Heroin. Just... a bunch of heroin.
Go to sleep, never wake up. Whoever finds you is going to find an awful mess, but you won't care.
Well, that's why you would use something to numb it, yeah? Like drink a full bottle of vodka and down a ton of GHB, or a ton of roxy or hydrocodon.
I assume you mean to successfully suicide with the least amount of pain? Are you in the US?
Helium is your ticket. Google helium exit bag. You could probably rig things up with a CPAP facemask (used by fatties for sleep apnea). You need to find a helium tank that has the highest concentration (98%+) of helium. Some out there are 80% and won't do the job.
It's my understanding that you don't build up CO2 in this method, so there is no automatic reflex/stress from asphyxiation. You'd be unconscious in a few moments and dead within 10-20 minutes.
If you are specifically looking for a drug, fentanyl maybe? Might be trickier if your are an opioid/heroin addict and have built up a tolerance.
Barbituates and alcohol are popular, but can be unreliable due to unknown dosages needed.
>Whoever finds you is going to find an awful mess
What does heroin overdose do to cause a mess? I would google, but I imagine most anything out there is only going to cover those already deep into addiction. Wouldn't it just suppress respiration in high doses?
You could, but you'd start throwing it up, and then you have no guarantee that you'll even die. You could come to in a hospital and get to live the rest of your life (or until your next attempt) with horribly fucked up organs. That applies to pretty much any suicide scenario, if somebody finds you and you live you're going to be a lot worse off than you started out, even if you think you're at rock bottom.
Okay, what about firearms then? An 8mm Mauser round or 12 gauge has enough muzzle velocity to cave someones skull in, so how much chance is the really to botch that?
Probably the most surefire (lol) way to do it. Just don't fuck up like those people you see on Oprah that try to kill themselves and then blow their faces off and stay alive.
Don't worry, I definitely won't make the same mistake.
Thanks for the help, user, sorry it's such a morbid subject.
Meh, it's not really morbid. As far as I'm concerned you're just trying to render a system of body parts inoperable through force or compromise. Whatever you think comes next, I hope you find it.
Much appreciated.
you piss and shit yourself, sometime you throw up as well.
also, your body immediatly starts to decompose by releasing bile and toxins from your liver and pancreas.
seeing a dead body recently dead before embalming is so fucking different than you could have imagined.
3 marijuanas
Real talk though, maybe consider seeking help before you do this.
Your dosage is skewed, it is much closer to 3 3/4 marijuanas.
Please check your facts before you post such unbacked information, user.
Nah, I tried that route. It's been much too long since I felt happiness and I've lost my direction in life, ambitions gone, future bleak.
Better to lie down and sleep than to wander aimlessly, I'll say. They're all just pretending to care at this point too. I am well aware that I am thought of as a burden to all those that mean or meant something to me.
I am not this guy
If you read everything I wrote in my advice and still want to do it, I don't feel any need to try to talk you out of it like he does.
Putting it that way it sounds like we have a lot in common. Too bad I'm puss and won't end it.
>Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem
Nothing in there about how long of a problem.
Hope you find what your looking for user.
Once again, much appreciated. I am the definition of a lost cause at this point.
Only thing keeping me in this world is the kill of splashing blood on the hands of an ex-girlfriend who is already traumatized by suicide. (watched her cousin shoot herself)
Admittedly she walks all over me constantly, so it's a pretty shit reason.
Recently I had the opportunity to take a full 1/8 of shrooms.
I've dabbled with acid before so I thought I would be good.
It opened my eyes to how fucked my future is and how numb and depressed I've become.
I'm only 18 and I still want to experience the world and its opportunity.
I have no direction in life but I want to find it
Force yourself to go look. You won't find anything here, trust me.
I can't really tell you to not give up considering that I am literally the one planning out my own death, but you've still got so much time left.
I don't know what's hurting you, be it love or loss, but you've got too much left to do to do something like I'm about to.
Keep up with the shoots mate, psilocybin is good for depression and anxiety.
Shrooms **
At least have the decency to kill at least one nigger on your way out.
>Keep up with the shoots mate
Freudian slip? It made me laugh, which I sorely needed today.
12 gauge buckshot to the upper mouth. Will enter your brain and fucking end you right then and there.
Just ask Eric Harris.
>Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem
>Nothing in there about how long of a problem.
Exactly this. I am 45, and some days are better, some days are worse, the problems don't go away. Some days I deal better than others. I knew I was fucked up from the time I was a little kid. That's one goddamn long temporary problem.
I wouldn't begrudge anyone choosing to check out. A day doesn't go by without crossing my mind at least once. Fuck what I wouldn't give for a moments peace from this shit.
Heart goes out to you, OP. If there's any comfort in knowing your not alone, well there it is.
>I am 45
So am I. b's much, much older than folks think. Hell, some of the "god-tier" albums are old-shit for me.
I've started a few 'old-guy' threads lately for the 40's and up, and they've all been pretty great. Lot of younger people come in for the conversation and advice. We all really seem to yearn for /b to not only be chaos, but community.
>Asking for a friend
We dont know who you are why the fuck do people say this shit on Sup Forums, I hope its a joke everytime maybe im the faggot
I appreciate it, old bro. I just really think there isn't much point in me existing any longer. I don't do any good, as hard as I try to, and the universe seems to be sending me signals to do it, so why not cave and listen.
Won't be much longer now.
Yeah, I think it's just a...thing that people think they're supposed to say on here.
It was a joke
chill out
Shoot yourself simunantisly
You wanna try that again, user?
Ufff complicated words
fentynal will merc you quick. you just have to find a dealer willing to let you die on their supply. maybe pay triple for the product.
My dad had some when he was in hospice care, my sister had stashed away after his death and my nephew-in-law fucking stole it.
Fucking opiate junkies.
Try to overdose on magic mushrooms.
Once you realise you can't fill your belly with more shrooms, the fun will begin.
You'll probably never think of killing yourself again after that, if nothing serious happens during the trip.
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