What does Sup Forums think about my new carpet?
What does Sup Forums think about my new carpet?
gay like ur mum rofl
Does it match the drapes?
Looks bretty soft
looks good except there seems to be a homosexual standing on it
cute. show us more of your carpet
Take it on a run and dress it better.
Op is a faggot, that's sammi, nice try though
How come you can't afford to carpet the whole room?
(more like lack thereof amirite)
hot tho
would bicycle kick that cok while motorheads no class deafened the poof
>would bicycle that cock while no class motorhead poofed my deaf asshole
mmmm location?
This thing thread needs more sammi
Is it stainproof?
This thread*
This thread needs
and of course, tits
I can't timestamp, I'm not OP, neither are the pictures, Google image search sammi trap and you'll find these pictures
If you give me a minute I think I actually have the e whole set saved in a Google drive somewhere, OP may be a faggot, but user will deliver of possible
Lemme smash
am i crazy or so i see this dudes 5 o' clock shadow, look above the lip
>tfw girl has bigger dick than you
pic related
Now I'm convinced that this whole thread is full of faggots, imcredibly gullible faggots
Its a bait trap thread
everyone here is gay
I wouldn't call it a trap thread, more like "OP pretends to be a trap he found online and I post more pictures of said trap, then some faggots believe I'm OP" thread
would have been nice to see it before it was soiled by some mentally ill shitbag
now all it's good for is kindling
>mfw when feeling tfw when girl has bigger weiner than me
Yea, so?
why is there a p3d0tard standing on it...lol