Whats wrong with anime?

Whats wrong with anime?

It's a bunch of Japanese paedophilic cartoons

Literally nothing

I understand there are some anime with pedophilic undertones, but there are reality shows in america popularizing child modeling. You cant condemn an entire genre based off of a few bad shows can you?

nothing, but a lot of it is low tier story telling...

I know, I have trouble finding anime that suprises me anymore. I really enjoyed code geass and tokyo ghoul. The plot twists are fantastic.

it's fans

One Punch Man though, whew

That's sort of all we do as humans, unless of course they're our culture's thing. Then we don't notice them so much because false equivalency

do niggers actually use google like that?

It is fans?

I completely agree, the weebs are a cancer to society, however, in a private setting such as a card and game shop or my house, i will weeb out with friends who also dont announce to the universe they "love anime tiddies"

i just started one punch man, I like it.

Its a little fucked isnt it?

I hope theres a nigger out there that does.

anime fag detected, can smell the semen and cheetos odor from here

the overuse of tropes and stereotypical characters.

I make fun of people like that. weebs who dont leave the comfort of their parents basement, but people who have a job and their own place and watch anime arent the cancer we should exterminate.

It is very hard to find anime that changes things up, but every once in a while one comes along.

There is a difference between a fucking weeb, and an anime enthusiast I believe.

This whole world's fucked in every way.

What bothers me the most is how almost all of them animate emotions and character development. Nothing is ever subtle. If a character is angry, it changes its body proportions, comic lightning shoots out of his eyes and the his whole environment turns into a red void. Also: all that fucking exposition. I despise this shit

The main problem is a lack of realistic, flawed characters.

Characters in anime tend to be idealised to a ridiculous extent. Young? Check. Rich? Check. (Bonus points if it is never revealed what in the hell they actually do for money.) Stylish clothes? Check. Ninja-like skill with weaponry despite being six years old? Check. Magic powers? 5,000 years old? Glowing purple hair? Hey, we've got a full house!

When you fill your entire stable with characters like this, despite the potential for incredible storytelling possibilities, it practice it gets very stilted and dull. When your hero is already perfect, how can they grow? If nothing challenges them, what genuine conflict is there?

Let's look at one of the few animes that has ever been seen outside of weeb circles: Akira. Want to know why it was such a success? Because it has characters who aren't tellingly idealised versions of what young dorks would like to be. Tetsuo is pissed off, self destructive, and yet strangely loveable - he has a vulnerability to him. Kaneda is more of a hero, but he's also a dumb kid who makes mistakes.

Well for one thing how about those scenes where it's just a still image that the camera pans around on. Lazy gooks can't even animate. But in general anime is just considered for fucking losers. Even in their countries of origin you will be ridiculed for openly indulging in anime


probably the hentai

over-the-top, unfunny humor
most are just girls throwing muh tits everywhere (wow, such great content)
story lines usually suck. the premise may be okay but execution always seems to be lackluster

>Anime version
>Tokyo Ghoul

Yes. Anime enthusiast watches anime, weeb lives anime.

not really, the main protagonist of anime are rarely perfect or least the majority of anime aren't like that...name one anime main character that hasn't had a character arc...

there's a difference between a character arc and just a few consecutive episodes dedicated to one character

Well you have regular porn too, sometimes even weirder shit.
Are shows with real people wrong too then?

Then you're picking the wrong shit man :^)

Is not at the level that user mentioned. While most of what he tell is true (a bit exaggerated) I think the real problem is that characters are boring, they just are a caricature of a single emotion.
I just watch anime sometimes and I normally know what is going to happen watching the intro or the first episode.

If you are naturally avoid things in your life and tend to procrascinate, then anime can really suck you into its world. Otherwise the same as with movies or tv shows: some of them suck, some of them aren't, the ones that aren't usually don't last long, and the newer ones just tits and fanservice I guess.

name one that you think is good. I've probably attempted to watch it

Nothing in particular, it's just that for whatever reason, actual artists seem to love that shit and their shenanigans give anyone who watches animu a bad name by association.

Nothing wrong with being a chill dude who just enjoys a little DBZ or whatever.

yeah i think that's to appeal to the younger audience, shonen and the like...complex characters is just going to confuse them...

gay "hentai" doesn't exist, stupid

Youjo Senki

To be fair, the humor is more of a cultural thing. Japanese humor tends to be much more situational and embarrassing or quirky rather than someone saying something funny or whatever. That's not just anime, if you've seen traditional Japanese comedy shows, it's the same thing.

Yaoi/Shounen Ai hentai.

>Youjo Senki
>edgy protagonist
>male turned into female
>based on light novel
wow, just wow.


Stop trying then if your elitist standards are not met with 99.9% of the shows.

Is not elitist, the premise is plain stupid. I am just asking for, at least, some decency.

Maybe try Mushi Shi. It doesnt really have any of the typical anime faggotry

Could always just watch Legend of the Galactic Heroes or Galaxy Express 999 for the 500th time.

You already blow something off just by the superficial setting and basic character description don't you?
You asked my opinion on what I define as a "good show".
It was good because it simply entertained me in ways such as character development, animation, setting and story.
If it fullfills it's role as an entertainment medium on a subjective level, I deem it as good.
It's only fair to make statements about it if you've seen it as a full fledged package instead of a synopsis-based opinion.