Mudslime hate thread
Mudslime hate thread
this isn't mudslime hate, it's mocking the victims
dats even better lolz
It's mocking the apologists
Samefag hall of fame
>Have no problem accepting IRA don't represent all Irish people
>ISIS represent all Muslims
That's a shit comparison.
No it isn't. They're both relevant contemporary threats with over a billion people. Oh wait...
I remember that explosion and all the pictures they published through the media everywhere but it was just broken windows by the thousands right on time to spoil peace talks.
At that time there were people on both sides of the conflict who had given up religion and patriotism and were mixed up with arms dealers and criminal heavies. The conflict drove financial and social power structures that were toxic and still are.
The IRA was never trying to take over the world and was never the sworn enemy of democracy and modernity the way Islam in general is and ISIS is in particular.
Cuck apologist detected
This guy gets it.
My sides
Fucking kek
If only the Irish had to have wars put on them every couple hundred years because there people are so stupid and easily manipulated all the day is murder and kill people. Invasion of the moors, Barbary Wars...Kuwait, Afghanistan, I mean, I don't know how many references you fucking nigger loving liberals need before it's actually the fact that their religion is wrong and doesn't assimilate to other cultures.
We had a Muslim kid in our school who was notorious for being late at everything, we called him 9/12
well that's because the IRA were fucking Irish and not a bunch of good for nothing sand niggers.
Fucking faggot.
>>Implying being muslim is a nationality
>>Implying being muslim isn't 100% choice
deep truth
I am German and we have some muslims in class always screaming alahu akbar when one of them sneeses
It is ironically shortsighted.
and you're unironically a faggot
No, this is shortsighted.
Gotta love mudslimes.
has somone the screenshot from the fbi website where you can report posts?
Yeah, google images.
>hurrdurr islam has always been a religion of peace
It says "I love the Burka so i can get to you without beeing seen"
the other says "I love you to Achmed"
I'm honestly confused. Why do lgbtqpedos and feminists love muslims so much?
Top kek
An enemy of an enemy?
its adds +10 privilege points
Hello from mother Russia, comrades.
Today we witnessed a fabulous fireworks from our fellow muslims
This is all different people
greeting from germany i always enjoy good russian vodka thx for that
Multiculturalism at it's finest
Russia is european?
Dumbass fucking burger.
Запомнить. Не говорите по-английски.
because in the countries they and muslims tend to share, and the the sjws have the free speech to talk shit, muslims tend to be a minority group
meaning they automatically count as an "oppressed minority" in thier eyes
>Запомнить. Не говорите по-английски.
Russisch kann ich nicht dafür aber DEUTSCH
Ebal mam
I say bless me or bless you each time, its pretty common
yeah but its more fun that way like masturbating while watching abortions
there was an image just like this on Sandy Hook where you saw the same "father and mother" mourning over the death of their kid, and then during a disaster, they were there, too. I forget the details if anyone can post it. But there was more like, the police arrived to the scene 32 minutes or something like that before the incident was even called in.
Sorry to hear bro. Sending best wishes from the USA.
i'm a sandnigga and i hate muslims. I never met an another sandnigga who does't believe in this shit lord allah and i think i never met one.It's fucking terrible.
>Born with the wrong skincolour.
Condolences from the Netherlands and all non-muslims here.
Stay strong.
>be paki
>decide to choose not to be mudslime
>get executed by govt
Most mudslimes are they way they are out of fear. Don't fall in line, get rekt like an infidel.
How is anyone supposed to fight Islam? Here in Amerilard, anyone who speaks out is ostracized or faces criminal charges..
Mental gymnastics. I'm a leftist feminist, and I see Islam for what it is. Been called "literally a nazi" because I think we should restrict Islamic immigration.
> Achmed
> Mehmet
Reading is hard.
Eyebrows are different in every image. GTFO retard.
Nice thumbnail fucktard
Anyone got a version that isn't tiny as fuck?
this is obviously fake, but the muslim guy is actually the same guy. he is a known activist/islamist
putin will flip shit if this was truly ISIS.
ha ha, underrated post
sand nig on the right is realy realy into this fucking hell
>hurr durr people's eyebrows can't ever possibly be changed
>hurr durr there's slightly varying thickness in a couple images
hmm hes...being irish is an ideology
Russia is incredibly European; but I agree is retarded because that's the EU's flag. Which Russia is not a member of.
You know Israeli yunopoor Jews wear kudos right? Only the Ethiopian Jews do and rarely do wear the kufi. Kufi is just a fucking hat that Christians, Muslims, Jews, sun worshipers or niggers wear because of cultural traditions. I wear one and I'm Spainish Coptic Christian. L2n to troll better fgt.
It's fucking 2017 not 1050 you retard