We are losing the flag of kek to the fags on plebbit
What do:
>go to reddit com/r/place/#x=237&y=928
>press f12 while page is open
>paste this script: $.ajax("raw.githubusercontent.com
>keep the tab and the inspector open
>let them commie asses burn on fire
We are losing the flag of kek to the fags on plebbit
Other urls found in this thread:
bump for visibility
need backup
bump for britney
fuck off with your reddit crap newfag
you were the type of faggots to tell us not to raid habbo hotel
fuck off
trips is right
>go to reddit
Coordinates? Anybody?
>implying reddit would know to grief green with purple
>drawing a reddit flag on reddit is le epic raids xD
>habbo hotel
please remind me how habbo raids required a reddit account you fucking reddit-trash piece of shit. leave this website and take you fellow reddit newfags with you
I've been here for hours on the front lines defending our flag against commie faggots, I'm doing my part. Now let's get this thing done and move on to make a Pepe.
is Sup Forums really running cp ads
Check em
There is no "moving on"... We must secure the kekistan flag, because if we don't fags will take it over again.
>this much rage
>reddit buzzword
I bet you hopped in somewhere between 2009 and 2016, because thats when all of you faggots started becoming extremely hostile and thinking you are speshul
of all the flags they could change it to it has to be the FAG FLAG
he's right tho why the fuck would I spend my time drawing some r/the_donald flag on reddit? hell I don't even have a reddit account to get access to the draw thing in the first place
then fuck off instead of your gay ass complaining you faggot
If we come in large numbers we can do whatever the hell we want. And we have that capability, it's just a matter of will.
Could someone modify the script for multiple accounts? I have 3 that are available.
ok there mate, have fun being reddit 2.0
google adsense has you locked down to a T
rip FBI
i dont give a fuck what you call me
>max filesize is 2MB
fuck me
id fuck you...
its over you failed
Sup Forums is such trash
>it got turned into a fag flag
And now this will be frozen in time forever! You asked for it, Sup Forums
This is better.
what the fuck are you faggots talking about? fucking 12 year olds
It's over. We'll be known as the half fag flag for eternity
Thanks for promoting Reddit so much on Sup Forums for us guys. It's basically the entire reason we created this playground, we knew you Sup Forumsraindead Sup Forumsrats couldn't resist. Please, keep advertising Reddit for us!
Thank you signed on behalf of ALL redditors.
Half fag flag FOR ETERNITY
I think this entire thread is redditfags trying to make us feel bad.
Shits over now.
Feel free to grief over at pxls.space
What do we tell our kids when they ask us how did we lose the great script war?? To a bunch of gays