If God was real, what would be the one question you would ask him?

If God was real, what would be the one question you would ask him?

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Picture related

nice thread, god


>Care to tell me why people both ironically and unironically fall for this flat earth conspiracy?

Wanna hit this bowl with me?

Yotsuba a cute!

Why isn't there any good lewds of ritsu?

>implying God isn't real

Who made you?

Ah yes, a true mystery of the human race


Where did God come from?

Could you make a stone so heavy that even you couldn't lift it?

Sun unless the lions can breath in space

why have i not had my period yet

God is a girl. Picture related.

I'd ask if god was real

What if the lions attack at night?

Easy. The lions just need to wait for night time to attack

why isn't anime real yet?

Because you aren't drawing them
He stole the answer

It is spelled Berenstein or Berenstain?

Who actually watches the one show?

Sun = 98% mass of solar system
1T lions = somewhere in the remaining 2%

Sun would not even notice 1T lions unless it has a small un-shielded thermal exhaust port and the lions had the voice of dead guy calling the shot.

the sun can't move, it's defenseless

The sun because it DOESN'T HAVE A NECK

If homosexuality is an abomination, why does a willie feel so good in me bum?

Why/how did God allow Trump to win the U.S. presidential election??

he didn't. Putin and the Sup Forumstards did

True, atheists 1 Christians 0

God here. I am Trump.

>Implying that's a bad thing


What if the lions go for the neck together?

Are traps actually gay?

Dude, that's common knowledge. Of course they're not.

What do I have to do to become omnipotent myself?

What's the deal with the fucking platypus?

What's the deal with suffering, why couldnt you conjure up a universes with less suffering

May I ask 2 questions?

>May I ask 2 questions?
Is that your one question?

>Could you make a stone so heavy that even you couldn't lift it?

Sorry, that's your one question limit used up

The god of dubs has spoken, traps aren't gay confirmed

>tfw an autistic faggot uses you as an OP image.

Why would you not just reveal yourself directly, instead of indirectly?

You wouldn't want to put your finger in an ant farm you built.
Chances are you'll get crucified.


How do I manipulate the rules of physics?

Why the fuck do you give a shit if I eat pork?

He doesn't.
You'll be judged if you do it or not.

I get that you hate me but did that car really had to splash puddle water on me when I was walking the street, homeless (for 2 days), the same day I got diagnosed with MS?

Thats a fucking cop out, God. Ants cant speak.

Yes, they can.
God won't listen.

God? How proud are you being able,
To gather faith from fable?

is it fun to be god?
