Feels thread

Feels thread

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>no possibility to make wealth

kill me

I am seriously offing myself this week finally. Just wait till my dad leaves, write what I have left to write then I'm fucking outta here. I just want it to be over.

I want o die and want to live. How do I do anything?

Can't live because poor and without possiblities. Can't die because still got hope.

I have no hope anymore but if you do it don't worry because millions before you have done the same.

I think i love people but when im done fucking them, i never want to See them again. I throw them out after fucking and stop messaging while they text me all the time begging for attention. Ive fucked one of my bosses who will take me shopping next week. He will also take me to a summer vacation and if my stuff is broken, hes there to fix it. If i think im getting symathetic to someone, ill just fuck them. Afterwards all feelings are gone. I just want to love someone.

>Buy a chastity belt.
>Find a Christian girl who'll wait till marriage.
>Marry the bitch
>Pray to God you still love her

I feel bad for you though, honestly. Hope you find love user.

Thnks but im femanon

Here's what I'm doing it with.

short story but eh
>on steam
>poor fucker so free to play games
>playing great value version of smash bros
>meet a guy in game
>become fast friends and team up
>we play ranked and fuck up everyone
>close game and start talking to him
>tell him that i've always wanted to play other games but i've never got the money to
>without a word, he buys one of my games off my wishlist
>we both go on the game and play all night
>do this more or less for a year
>Last Online: 472 Days Ago

He was one of the very few people that I could play with anytime, and now he's gone.

can you please just kill yourself and make sure you fall into a volcano? or somehwere where you're family won't find you. I know your life sucks wah wah wah blah blah blah go fuck yourself. You're selfish and you're a SHITTY son, a SHITTY person and don't deserve anything. Please do the world a favor and just use your life savings and take a one way trip to syria and get ass raped by isis. please. go fuck yourself you fucking faggot


dont worry ill call the police and theyll find me first.


its the first anniversary of a loved ones death today lads.
it hurts ;_;

>be me
>19 years old
>dad is in his 50's
>not my real father, he came in when I was only 3
>can't remember anything from my real father anyways
>move away with home with family and live with new father
>fast forward 17 years to present day
>dad just retired
>no more midnight phone calls
>no more stressful nights waiting for that phone to ring
>sleeping in and caring for my little nephew while his mom works her ass off
>dad seems way happier
>tells me he spent the last 25 years of his life working as a janitor just to put food on the table
>feeding and caring for the family that isn't even his
>took this single mother and her 4 kids because he cared for her
>i'm not his son, but he treats me like i am
>he's not my dad, but i love him like he is
>told me many years ago that he wanted me to learn Wish You Were Here on guitar for him
>played it for him when he retired
>tears in his eyes
I am not looking forward to when he passes away. I know I'm going to have to experience that heartbreak. I just want to hug the guy right now holy fuck
any other anons here who just love their parents?

also im sorry if someone hurt you this way i just dont know what the hell else to do at this point.

Well first this jackass Justin leaked some nudes of me to my whole school, right? And then my best friend Jessica slaps me and leaves me in public cause her dick boyfriend stuck me in some hot-or-not list to spite the bitch. Next day I find out I'm being stalked, get a friend to help catch him, and get another photo leaked of me making out with her. Everyone was fappin' on that one. Then she got all deflecty-bitch and got my life fucked to cover up that she's gay AF. Then some jock Marcus goes out with me for valentines day only for him to grope tf out of my ass. Then his shitty friend Zach started to notice the shit I'm dealing with and did fuck all. The next day my writing pal Ryan released my personal poetry to the whole school and obviously everyone figured it was mine. At a party that night, I got into a stupid fight with my "friend" Clay and felt like shit afterward. But then this fucker Bryce busts in and rapes Jessica while I'm in the closet. I was fucked up enough when soon after that he raped ME at a party. Then today at school I told my guidance couselor Mr. Porter, and he gave me no help but the suggestion to "get over it." But I've decided to end it all. What if the only way to stop feeling pain, was to stop feeling anything at all? I'm kms tonight, fuck it all.

It's his life and it's his choice. Fuck off

is this copypasta?

I can dream...



>Be lonely child
>Gain negative attitude about everything
>Blank everyone
>Fast forward (21)
>Don't speak to parents that much
>Only hobby is target shooting
>Dad doesn't like this hobby
>Always argue
>Mum doesn't like it when we argue
>Mum gets ill
>Dad still picking fights
>Avoid him like the plague, always with mum so avoid her too
>Last week mum diagnosed with cancer
>Stage 2, left in the dark apart from that
>Dad stops arguing
>We become a better family in a short space of time

It should never have got this far for the arguing to stop, now I'm spending every minute with her I can because i don't want to lose her



You see, it's weird because I'll admit this is how I used to be but that downward spiral went so far that I stopped caring what I did anymore.
Now I'm in a pit of deep regret of my past self and depressed that my vision of success has been soiled by mistakes that I can never make up for.

>Be me
>Live in Ireland
>3rd year of college, studying politics, French and economics
>Always wanted to be a teacher or politician
>In ethics lecture with med students for a debate
>Meet an absolute 111/10 of a girl
> Spend whole day talking, eventually go out and it gets serious
>Nearly fail final exams cus you're so in love with this med student
>Finish college, get great job at old school and spend 2 years waiting for her to finish med degree
>She comes home one day, job offer from massive company in California for bioengineering
>Begs me to move with her
>Very nervous but decide to
>Spend 6 of the best years of my life in total bliss
>Making 78k in local private school educating posh cunts and love job to bits
>Suddenly wife starts acting weird
>Stops showing up to meals out on Friday, claims she's busy and shit with work
>Informed from mate that she's been having an affair for the past year with a man named Gavin
>She comes home one day demanding sperate bank accounts cus she's earning 200k and wants independence, also asks to sign preenups
>Agree and let the affair run for another while
>Tell her i got my hours cut in work and I'm only making 30k (bullshit)
>She gives me budget every week which i jew off of out of her pocket
>Work as many extra hours as i can to make as much money as possible
>Buy my own house without her knowing with the 150k i saved up in two years + furnish it
>Wake up one morning really early
>Leave a set of divorce papers saying she can have everything in the gaff along with my house keys
>Leave a note saying "I've known about Gavin for the past 3 years"
>Leave for my house
This was about a week ago Sup Forums. I'm 34. She always talked shit about me teaching. While i know its frowned upon, i just wanted to make kids lives less shit during such a shit time. Dating this lovely psychologist from the school and things are looking up. What would you have done Sup Forums?

I'm afraid that I'm at the point where you are aswell.
I don't want to meet anyone,
I don't want to answer my phone,
i don't want to do anything,
I don't even want to live.
But dying is such a pain in the ass.
I wish I could just disappear

you know the rule girl

Yeah man you're spot on with that. People around me talk about the future as well as ask about my own. They don't ever think there are people who have lost their vision and no longer want to associate with society.
Whether it be past guilts or present anxieties, we have nothing to keep us going on.
I hope there is somewhere you go after death so I could justify all of this, so I could piece it all back together again.

That must have been tough user, but at least you didn't ruin your life for that slut.

Also if it helps at all, I love you and all the anons in this thread dealing with life. Just from user to user I say that currently all I wish for is to disappear from this sad state of affairs but it perhaps may be just the beginning of a great journey.

That is my only hope.

Hope is something I've lost a long time ago...
I've just recently lost my faith in god aswell.
And human beings are nothing without hope and faith.


I relate completely to that hopelessness but try to think on it more. Can this really be it? All the despair and loneliness, is it just a chapter of the ultimate journey through the universe.
If it isn't just try to trust that no matter what nothing after your death will be as bad as it is now.

That's why I have decided that if everything's still shit, I'm gonna end it before I turn 30. 7 Years to go.

Think well about it before you do it. This is the most important decision you will ever make in your life.
Godspeed, user. I hope to see you in Valhalla


I know that feel.
Everyone's talking about how one-night-stands are the shit, but everytime I fuck some random gal, I feel more empty afterwards than before.
Also I keep comparing girls I have feelings for with my ex :^))



>Be stupid lazy tfw nogf autistic loser
>Get tired of my life being shit
>Take up Taekwondo for that flexibility and cardio
>Start dancing to get to know people, especially girls
>Start getting fit in general
>get my drivers license
>Get a job stacking shelves to pay for studies
>Have a lot of fun doing all of this
>Everything is great
>Finishing my degree in math, start degree in CS
>Realize that none of it helped and everything still sucks
good show lads


started feeling
one bump of ketamine
look for feel thread

its all going to be alright anons
the sun will shine in the morning
and you will wake up
knowing that you are not weak
because if you are
you would already have killed yourself
but, hey, I'm gonna be 22 next week and still a virgin
probably kissed more guys than girls
never felt loved by someone else
but I know that day will come
and I will look back to this moment
to tell myself that everything is going to be alright


After 3 years of hard work, I've been rejected from the JET program again. That's it; I'm done. I'm tired of studying Japanese, learning about the culture, and I'm going to focus on other things. Japan has proven they don't want me, despite all the effort I've put into living and working there.

I fucking tried.

What does it matter, a dream of love
Or a dream of lies
We're all gonna be the same place
When we die
It's all about duct tape
I'm drunk
And i'm sad

> be me;
> father left when i was 6 or 7 (can't remember properly)
> mom dates fuckin tards;
> grow up with stupid people all around you while taking care of sisters because mother is to busy living her life
> reach level 18
> meet girl 8/10;
> broke, student at good university;
> feel the need of affection so bad that give up university and move with girl;
> after two years find out she's been cheating;
> go from bad to worse until you can no longer cry even if you feel like;
> have panic attacks in the metro;
> need metro to go to work;
> realize you just fucked your own life just for a bit of human touch;
> be 22 and hopeless;
> be me now.

The worst part is, one of my former-friends-turned-enemies got the job instead of me. Bitch didn't even want to go to Japan because she was crying about how 'hard' Japanese is while we were taking an INTERMEDIATE Japanese course a couple of years ago. Of course, that didn't stop her from spending a year abroad in Japan the first chance she got, while I was stuck here basically teaching mySELF.

So, you traded your education for pussy.

Really mate? Really? Of course it wasn't worth. Now i'm working a shitty job for the second worst producer of video games in the world (not EA). I'm alone all the time, have no friends. My family never gave a flying fuck about me. Haven't got a call from any of my sisters in 2 years. So again. It was shit. Kids never do this. Learn from other people's mistakes.

I did not expect a decent response and i genuinely feel sorry. I just like being shit over internet.
Bu-ut in all honestly i wish you had someone around you to stop you from dropping out from colledge. You werre speaking about learning from mistakes, and statistics don't lie - college level of love very rarely goes anywhere good. So you kinda ignored your own advice.
If it makes you feel better i am a fat fuck without education, friends, and i never had a gf. In fact i lost virginity to a prostitute, but god damn she was good, like my only sex was with a top tier, friendly woman, i don't know if its even possible to top that hour.
I am also russian. So my english is bad. And its 01:31, so i need to go to sleep.
And yes a fucking muslim blew a bomb in a train on the key subway station, so i am not sure if i can take a train to reach my dentist tomorrow.

I cut myself when I feel hopeless
I can live with one hour of sleep per day and I'm not even tired
I feel empty and cutting makes me feel something. Yes, I know it sound's edgy but that's the only way I know

>I cut myself when I feel hopeless
>I can live
Pick one.

Maybe I should've used the word "function" instead of live

all i feel is resentment and anger and the only time i don't feel that way is if i convince myself i can speak to the dead

just keep hoping xoxo

just love my dad but he tought me what it means/how to be a 'man' and deal with things. i'll be able to deal with his death just fine

i'm sorry, stay strong

All my love to you brother. To a slav from a slav. And i know the feeling. I just reached 100kg. But, i just want to get better. Meet someone, redo my life. I knew about the statistics. But when no one actually talks to you about how life really is, you need to use your instinct. And she was the only thing I got close to someone that actually cared about me and my feelings. Now i became a loner who's jokes are so bad that he cringes at himself. About the metro. I have panic attacks. I cannot stay in crouded spaces. I feel like killing myself. But i think about that 10/10 that i will meet sometime. And i just find the strenght to just keep going. I really hope you will be ok, and you will find that special person that will always be there for you. Slav word. :)

fuck this world. i want out. i had fucking everything, i fucked everything up. major depression turned schizophrenia. I met a girl, i was getting happy again. I started picking up on life again. The girl i dreamt about in my deepest days. Now that i have her, she started acting cold, im getting to realize that emotions are nothing for me. next personality change includes: emotionless, ice cold, fuck-everyone-attitude. FUCK EVERYTHING

Stop masturbating. It will get better. ;)

ps i hope you guys will make the best of your lifes. Remember, life is too short to be sad. Remember when you were 16 years old and thought the world would never change? How old are you now..? Take action and put things straight, you niggas are strong as fuck, but you retards dont realize how strong you actually are...

And how motherfucking beautyful all of us pieces of shit are. Just get fucking better

Now, i have to rewatch this. Still cringe.
I'll just hope to see VR being more usable. So i can live in a concrete box, while fucking a robot. T=TECHNOLOGY.
Now, i realy should be going, i have a date with a pillow.

Also, ask her to wear something hot when going to bed. It worked for me.

hows california?




Everyday it feels like another piece dies..faking work and caring about people who only talk to me when they need something.

I know there was another story similar to this, but about some guy going off to fight in the Arab spring or something, never confirmed to be dead at least



Just start Running like in forrest gump,keep on running until you find a reason don't care what other people tell you just do it.make, you're dreams come true,yesterday you said tomorow, just do it

this always gets me.

Am going to tell you exactly what I told that other guy,Run