Is this jessi slaughter? Why did she become so ugly
Is this jessi slaughter? Why did she become so ugly
would still bang this piglet
>Why did she become so ugly
Are you mentally fucking handicapped?
Yes it is...because molestation?
>did she become so ugly
she literally looks the same as her "dun goofed" days, just older, fatter, and with more holes in her head
she grew up
That's the hardest part for these manchildren to understand because they themselves never will.
She was always ugly.
Wrong she was pretty
Rolling for fives
Oh god, somebody call the cyber police
Concequences will never be the same
You guys are a little behind the times. You can watch her gain weight in real time scrolling through her insta.
>so pretty
Jesus. You people.
Thats not her. Maybe a sister or something
does this really surprise anyone? she was doomed from the start living in that family.
Are you serious?
I assure you that's him/her/it.
Should have specified that pic was unrelated. Thought y'all might want eye bleach.
Not that the Daily Mail is a reputable source of info, but...
post some Arby's plz
>I have severe medical problems that prevent me from walking more than 10 yards
In the bio appears 'Damien Rose Leonhardt' thats not her
>Is this jessi slaughter?
>Why did she become so ugly
She's a woman and puberty destroy them.
It is you idiot... do some googling
Read the article.
has the full video been shown yet?
Stuuuuuupid fuckin cunt.
Her father molested her but sure blame us...
All right, my mistake
The op picture doesn't look bad and then you get to the instagram... nope.jpg
What the fuck did you expect. She got the full Sup Forums chemotherapy back in the day. It's a miracle she is still alive.
where the nudes
I distinctly remember her instagram having topless photos of her, but they're gone now.
They weren't that great.
>Assuming their gender
The name is Damien Leonhardt and their pronouns are "they, them, their".
Check your priviledge, fucking cis-scum.
What's her shirt say?
Wasn't she going to do a cam show but it fucked up and she just gave up. The fuck happened to that idea?
It's no wonder that she now is a full blown sjw crazy.
No one who comes into tight contact with Sup Forums stays mentally healthy, kek
Lol she always looked ugly u could tell from her first vid selhe would end up fat and ugly plus she kinda looked like a inbred American retard probably from from Florida or some shit hole like that