someone remember this faggot? i did...
jaiden smith thread
Someone remember this faggot? i did
I don't remember him is he that fag from a shit will smith movie called earth or some shit like that
Man what happened to him went from I am robot and I an legend to shit
It's his son you retarded fuck. As if they don't look the fucking same.
true bro, that movie sucked balls man, it was more like a big advertisment to sony and some other brands
I wrote Will Smith faggot
I might have not made it Caps
You asked if it was you didn't say it was, retard.
Dont forget the karate kid remake SHIT, whit Jackie chan poor bastard
damn, that one hurt my eyes, i think the director was the same dudo from the avatar live action movie
This faggot did say something about "threeness" that wasn't all flaky (can't remember what it was). Tesla said something along the same lines, tho...
>structure of the atom
>chemical composition of water
>structure of the universe (ordinary matter, dark matter, dark energy)
>Elements (earth:0 Wind:1 Fire: 2 Water: 3)
>How we think: Assumption/deduction/conclusion... Thesis/Antithesis/Synthesis. College courses are often divided into 3
Art/religion: Trilogy, Tryptych, Trinity etc etc etc
>insane person spotted
not everything that this kid said it´s all wrong, but some of the quotes are fucking genius or so fucking obvious that you want to give him an entire fist into the anus, only to see if you can put him finally a smiley face for once in his life
Don't get me wrong, I think this kid is an absolute moron -- he reads Popular Science books.
Its Hard to belive this crosdresser, is son of Will Smith,
Maybe he has a future in porn movies of crosdresser clowns, same face, dont you think?
Can somebody explain how someone like Will Smith had such an abomination for a son? Is it the mothers fault? too spoiled? what went wrong here
His sister is no better either
Mothers fault
things this thread has not yet educated anyone on or even mentioned as passing meme let alone fact
>not the jada-pinkett smith kid so 'just_the_two_of_us' cover is an odd desperate public affection vanity project
>the progeny of stars don't have a grand history: IN THE PUBLIC EYE WITH NOWHERE TO HIDE AND EVERYTHING TO PROVE
also i pledge allegiance to this site and helping the AI IDs. And to this republic, wait, who do with we stand, one nation, ohmigod, izzee dirigible, just liberty, not justice at all.
>If I constantly furrow my brow I can be James Dean if he were a black Scientologist
he should die either way
It's just a shame that Will Smith's kids completely lack his charisma.
It's worse than that. Jaden has anti-charisma.
its one of his better quotes to be fair
it's bad cuz there niggers
and niggers are NORMIES
not just that
they suck the potential quality out of every project they touch
He's Still Cooler Than Anybody In This Thread Here
While he certainly has a higher number of people who think he's cool than me, the percentage of people who think he's a douche is much lower.
So more people think you're not cool and also a douche is higher than him?
Wait. Shit.
He's a cross dresser now, so I very highly doubt that.