First time over .500 at this point in the season in what feels like forever and we just beat two good teams back to back. I feel fucking incredible right now

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Right here.
Post more happy bucs images for my collection. I don't have any.

Cowfag here
thanks for proving that WEDABES

Loins fan reporting in

Glad to see another team that knows our feels have some reprisal

you're next in two weeks you fucking cocksucker

wait till you play an ACTUAL NFL O-Line
xecucks don't count

Gg. If >we have to lose, it's nice to lose to bucs.


holy shit we'll be over .500 come December 1st.

dumping happy bucs images

>all those faggot analysts laughing at the thought of us beating shittatle

cw: white supremacy



so how many games all time have ended with a team scoring exactly 5 points? seems rare as fuck



the announcers said that the same score hadn't been achieved since the early 80s


My dreams for a Cowboys/Bucs NFC game live on. Nice job Bucs bros. Can't wait for the game in a few weeks.


No I'm not falling for it. Everytime I get excited I end up disappointed. I'v been jaded since 2005

kek perfect

how the fuck did we lose to the rams?
I see us potentially finishing 4-1 to finish the season 10-6. Is this gonna be another 2010 where we don't make the playoffs at 10-6?

Brb gonna get blacked out drunk from all this hype

If the falcons collapse, there's a division title up for grabs.

I can't handle all that GOAT in one gif.


Giantsbro here.

I'm counting on you Bucsbro

i go for the buccs purely because the stadium has a pirate ship, ama