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There's a lot of dangerously overweight 10 year olds, it's good that some of them are taking the initiative to stay healthy.




That dude is 17?

nigga looks 30

i had a full beard when i was 15


I mean, I agree with abortions and free birth control. Does that make me a communist triggered snowflake?





funny how she never says how tall she is and how much she weighs.

why the long texts?
i can hate feminism in just a few words

No, just a vain, selfish one. Nobody cared when clean, drinking water was declared "No longer a human right", but went batshit when abortions, pills and rubbers were.

Typical lefty, feminist shit.

Kinda, yeah. Murdering other people for your own convenience and demanding free shit is basically communism.


It's fun to trigger them.

it's more engaging to have a story, being into it makes you hate more. plus, it's maybe 2-3 minutes to read it, like yours. they look longer than they are

Stopped reading at "becasue".

> says while posting a long text

abortions ok, free birth control no. Male contraception isn't free, why should female contraception be free?

i was being a little bit ironic

fake as fuck. the law is actually "to be considered common law, you need to be living in the same home as the other person for 6 full months"

Are there any more updates to this?


I wish this were true.


The woman on the right is correct.



It just means she's allowed to lie after some brochacho beds her and she regrets feeling like a pig.

I'll just leave this here

I um... I also think water should be a right.

Nah dude, that's a fucking cop. Why the fuck would you attempt to lift that from him or joke about it. You dumb as fuck woman.

thats not the point he was trying to make. the point was that peoples priorities and focuses are retarded

Oh sorry I thought that was my "i'm a feminist and i'm out to smash the patriarchy and look good doing it"

The fact that threads like these even exist proves that you faggots take feminism too seriously.

No, the human population is too high anyway. However, birth control for women should not be free. Maybe at a lower price, but definitely not free

Doesn't make the words any less true.

I don't know man, that sounds more like a sociopath than a communist.


Mocking a destructive ideology that actively teaches we're monsters is taking it too seriously?


>too seriously
They're changing actual laws to benefit women instead of all people. That's dangerous. Their stupid ass mental disorders are making waves, now grown men can claim to be a woman and go into a female bathroom and take pictures.

Jesus fuck user. What kind of porn do you watch?!


That image is so triggering.

I mean, I take the separation of church and state pretty seriously too. Seeing as one effects the other in our society, feminism is starting to as well.




Describing communism as institutionalized sociopathy probably isn't far off the mark. That ideology murdered more people than any other in all of history. As an atheistic philosophy, it is totally materialistic and ought to put higher value on human life (since, for them, you only get one) but are actually positively eager to fill mass graves with kulaks.


I don't care what you fags say. I think laci is hot as fuck. I would tongue punch her booty hole like Rocky Balboa punching the meat

I can see your point. The sad thing is though, it SOUNDS like a good idea on paper, like most governments. How do people fuck these things up?



As someone who browses /o/, that part about the cars made me piss my pants with rage.



It promises an impossible utopia. So it attracts two general groups of people: morons who buy into the idea wholesale, and manipulators who know perfectly well what a disaster all communist societies have been but still go along because they think *they'll* be in charge.


Huh. No wonder Ubi games became complete shit tier.





I'm confused, is this loli? Or a young girl?

the cringe




Yeah. She has no idea how quickly her ass would be beat to the ground. Unfortunately, no one will demonstrate.






Explains why assassins creed went down the shitter alright

This image really locks my mutex.

>I could have disarmed this dude

I'll bet it tastes like Doritos

That explains a lot.

>not a single black woman

Funny enough this is why I won't have kids with my wife.

Man I should really kill myself.

>wondering if my morning is going to end in a gun battle
Maybe it's just because I'm a Texasfag, but it's just a gun? Half of the people at my company come in carrying and if not that they have a fucking revolver in their desk.

Chill the fuck out.