Holy shit that season 4 finale
this show is fucking amazing, even for being a womens show its fucking awesome. it doesnt happen alot that a show gets better in later seasons
Holy shit that season 4 finale
this show is fucking amazing, even for being a womens show its fucking awesome. it doesnt happen alot that a show gets better in later seasons
am i this late to the party?
never watched a single episode of this
can I think of this as a woman's version of Oz, or is it much less gritty?
Yea, I don't even remember what happened at the end
Less gritty, a lot more fun but still really good.
the fat niggger aimed a gun at the guard
how long ago was season 4?
when will there be season 5?
You do that Oz is about a maximum security prison, while OitNB is minimum, right?
Not a fair comparison just on 'shit getting real' alone. Gonna be less shower rape and shit obviously, but the shows always been more about watching the characters interact, rather than high stakes plot twists.
Oh yea
She's not a nigger, she Latino, bruh.
>watching a womans show
beta confirmed
>liking a womans show
cuck confirmed
Yeah, your dick would just fall off if you watched a show with more than one female lead. You're very secure in your masculinity, I'm very impressed.
same shit
12 years old confirmed
Someone post Flaca's monster tits.
>defending his shit taste in womens drama
faggot confirmed
Why is it not specially a mans movie/show when there's majority male characters? You don't even notice when that happens.
i read this sentence like 5 times
you made no sense
A movie staring mostly males is just a movie. Same with women is not only notice and called 'woman's entertainment', but written off for it as well.
Now I'm leaning more towards 9 with absent parents. Don't worry, some day you'll realize that girls don't have cooties and gay people and black people are nothing to be afraid of.
actually, I didn't know that OitNB wasn't maximum security
like I said, I have never watched the show in my lifes
womens entertainment is written for them
the show is written for women
dude you watch this show but have no actual friends to talk to it about so you come here to fag out LOL
i would understand if you guys watched this show with your gfs but none of you faggots have one so wtf hahaha
im running out of things to watch on netflix, so ive considered giving this a chance. does it have a lot of "black lives matter" bullshit in it? if so, I cant watch it. i just want to watch an honest telelvision show that doesnt pander to sjw's and leftists
You're definitely not old enough to be here
its obvious you are a teenager
because only a child gets hung up on age
you kids always like to pretend like your older than someone else or you like to accuse another person of being younger than you
>ive been posting on this site before you were born
>youre twelve lol
yea ok
>shower rape
Confirmed for never having seen Oz.
>doesnt pander to sjw's and leftists
Definitely don't fucking watch it then.
Watch Bojack or Daredevil instead. DD doesn't have any SJW shit in it and Bojack has an SJW main character, but she gets shat on by everyone. Nothing beats when she gets BTFO after trying to fuck with some celebrity over rape accusations. Or when her and Todd free some chickens and talk about how they're so proud and they've made a difference but as they say it they're driving past the restaurant that they freed the chickens from and they're changing the sign from 5 billion served to 6.
The entire last season was one long BlackLivesMatter bit.
It's garbage