Why don't other country's have cheerleaders at their games...

why don't other country's have cheerleaders at their games? do they just not care as much about cheering or is it because they can't afford them?

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In general, it's just not a tradition that really took off. IIRC cheerleaders are a thing in the NFL because of football's roots in college sports. Soccer was traditionally a bunch of factory workers looking for something to do when their shift was over. Not exactly a lot of qts in Lord Moneybag's Orphan Gruel Factory.

it didn't originate there and its just seen as a novelty that doesn't add much to their game experience

I'll occasionally think "She's hot" when seeing a cheerleader during a game, but other than that they're actually pretty useless when I think about it.

They aren't needed.

People can already cheer for their teams on their own.

low test

our women don't worship black men

We don't need to be prompted to cheer by a slag with some pompoms

>because they can't afford them?

google how much the average cheerleader in the nfl makes


come the fuck on

>Lord Moneybag's Orphan Gruel Factory
Thanks, I was looking for a new name for my fantasy team.

>google how much the average cheerleader in the nfl makes

well goddam

payroll brah

other countries are poor
we got payroll and when we dont we hire the hottest one to possibly fuck

This. Football was a middle and upper-class sport that spread to the working classes, while soccer worked the other way around. Of course there are no cheerleaders in soccer, hot girls in the early 20th century didn't want anything to do with the working class guys involved with soccer clubs.

>That flag
>That post

Got some bad news for you , boy.

college cheerleaders >>>>>>>>> NFL cheerleaders

and it's not even close. not only are they younger, prettier, and better at it, but they actually realize they're cheerleaders and don't try to claim that they're professional dancers that deserve respect. college cheerleaders go on to do productive things after college, nfl cheerleaders got there when their life came to a dead-end and needed an excuse to make themselves feel important. they aren't fooling anyone

Right because all of the hot women are lining up to fuck socially inept virgins who post on a Sri Lankan hieroglyphics forum

It's seen as "plastic" and artificial, at least in football culture here, ice hockey is more open to cheer leaders, kiss cams, bands playing etc. Football supporters are fiercely protective of the organic atmosphere that should surround a game here, which has both positives in negative. This is response was in no way meant to be derisive, there are many aspects in which I think American sports culture and organization are superior to ours

It's a bait post Henrik

Exposed skin is haram

This. It's actually upsetting.

Ultra's are pretty much cheer leaders with their designated singing areas and flag waving.

This is why England is the best we dont have none of those shit unlike south america and rest of Europe(apart from crystal palace)

wew lad

Is Stacy Keibler the only successful former NFL cheerleader?

>payroll brah
>other countries are poor
>we got payroll and when we dont we hire the hottest one to possibly fuck

You're massively overestimating the pay that cheerleaders get.

They're paid an absolute pittance. To the extent that they've even sued NFL teams for failing to pay them the minimum wage.

You'd make more money running a burger stand outside the stadium than you would performing as a cheerleader.

There are many reasons why professional sports leagues across Europe haven't adopted cheerleaders. Payroll is one of the least relevant factors.

yeah, you rely on 4 guys getting drunk and leading the chants instead

we have cheerleaders at some rugby league games here.

In canberra they have 3 cheerleader squads of about 15 people each.

20+ yo, 15-17 yo and the 10-13 yo squad

guess which ones i wank over in the bathroom at half time?

why do cheerleaders wear bows?

We don't have cheerleaders, wtf are you on about


marching band culture was pioneered by american schools.

We do have cheerleaders, we jus't dont use them. We have cheerleading competitions but we don't use those cheerleaders in other sports.

Mexicans and other latin countries have them.

Frankly, in divegrass, a lot of teams just can't be bothered with cheerleaders.

You don't see them for any part of a match, they're just there before kickoff and then they fuck off. At least that's how it is with the cheerleaders at Boca Juniors

We have 'em.
They can be seen cheering on the team behind the goal, together with the mascot.

Not sure why we'd use them.

this might be a strange concept for americans, but we actually watch our sport for....the sports aspect of the sport

protip: we also do not have half-time shows and don't give a shit about commercials

you tell 'em Samir

half-time shows are reserved for special events like the super bowl. during the regular season half time is only ten minutes.


Because it's hard enough to keep Muslims from raping their native women without having scantily clad slags dancing about.

>college cheerleaders >>>>>>>>> NFL cheerleaders

Fucking this. Hell, some college cheerleaders look like they could still be in high school, but at least they don't look like middle aged porn stars.

This is pretty much the truth.

The NFL is going down the tubes because of all the hyper commercialization

have you ever watched an NFL game? the cheerleaders only get screen time when somebody falls into them.

No cheerleaders, no mascot.

there was never a tradition for that here. it's 45 minutes of play, then a break to piss or buy food, then 45 minutes of play, and then it's done. my local team tried using cheerleaders for a while but it was a failure, no one gave a shit. also there are very few cheerleaders here, only reason they exist is because we're americanized.

Cheerleading is for posh Anglo faggots 2bh.

>tfw no cheerleader gf

>tfw no teen girls in fetish uniforms jumping around during sport intermissions

Feels booth good and bad man.

Post qt cheerleaders

we love baseball so we added cheerleaders

Literally my first waifu. Remember having her pinups when I was like 14

>dated a cheerleader in high school
>now she's a single mom with two kids, different fathers

thank god I didn't fall for the meme

They're just a gimmick and I'm sure most cheerleaders would break down crying when half the stadium chant in unison "get your tits out for the lads" or something, at least in football/soccer anyway.

El diablo coño, they all look good as fuck.

>they all look good as fuck.
yes but i think thats the point

pic related home town team

I really really like women

>he doesn't get off of mascots eating cheerleaders




the only real sport is mma and it has ring girls

rugby and the nfl and hockey are for semi-tough guys but not real men

thanks. this is my waifu winnifer fernandez dominican national volleyball team

>cheerleaders are the only commercialized aspect of the sport

>if its not 80% beefy black men, its not a sport!
why dont americans just watch weightlifting exclusively if the only qualification to be a "real athlete" is to be as massive and black as humanly possible?

booking a flight to Republica Dominicana right now

user, have you ever watched any of those sports?

>gaping chasm vaginas


>americans literally have to hire someone not obese to support their team because they're too lazy to move their lard-covered asses from the seat

I thought every country had cheerleaders.
Here's some of ours.

I was a lifter for my uni's cheerleaders
was great fun actually

Half time show it's go for a beer/ grab a sandwich/ ttaking a piss time. At least in Spain stadiums.

Very well done Hans

It's demeaning to the women.


Where? Have you talked to your doctor about your low testosterone levels?

Yeah but it's a man's world.

Yeah but I've seen some pretty ugly cheerleaders/dancers in the NBA breh.
My family's from santiago so I guess I should root for them.

Funny given the fact that the athletes playing soccer seem to care more about their looks than the actual game itself. A little twist of sorts.

I need more pics of girl on the left, shes sexy as fuck senpai


But they do have cheerleaders. Even the Russian hockey matches have them.


got you, fampinho


>cute in the winter
>ugly in the summer
how does this happen anons?

I'm quite partial to the poo in loo IPL cheerleaders tbqhwyl (to be quite honest with you lads)

Went to see the cardinals at the beginning of the season. I noticed that not a single cheerleader has any ass. Is it a requirement to have a flat ass in order to be a cheerleader?


asu btfo

Cheerleaders in general are pretty stupid. I don't think they're necessary or entertaining. Halftime dancers are okay I guess, cheerleaders are just stupid.

How much do NFL cheerleaders get paid? Are they drafted like the players?

They get paid barely anything but most of them are aspiring models or gold diggers so it raises their profile

your fat though

your women are black men

I've seen them at Korean baseball games.

korean futebol has them too

I've been to that water spout thing. It's pretty cool tbqh senpai.

absolute hero




they used to have them, but the muslims would stone them.

cheerleaders are retarded. why are they even there. no need, no purpose, just another fucktarded murrifat "tradition"

>Lord Moneybag's Orphan Gruel Factory.

once again, first post best post. how the fuck did you come up with this before anyone else came up with anyone at all.


japan have cheerleaders too.
