Who would win? A 1000º Celsius degrees heated knife versus a knife frozen to the absolute zero, -1000º Celsius degrees

Who would win? A 1000º Celsius degrees heated knife versus a knife frozen to the absolute zero, -1000º Celsius degrees.

Detail: Both are made of diamond, the strongest metal in the universe.

>Detail: Both are made of diamond, the strongest metal in the universe.

OP is a faggot

xD newfag detected

Everyone knows coal is the strongest metal in the world

troll harder faggot

Confirmed. OP is a faggot.

retard detected
This is fucking copypasta you retard

What about adamantium?

-1000 C isn't absolute zero though.
It's -273.15 C

-1000°C, absolute zero?

this has to be pasta used to out newfags

-1000c doest exist faggot

There is no -1000C
only absolute zero
OP is fegg.

Even though you don't know your temperatures or metals the answer would be neither they would both break upon contact with eachother

>-273.15 celsius

It's 0 kelvin you fucking degenerate

1st. OP is a faggot
2nd. you can't go below -273,16 °C ( 0 ° Kelvin )
3rd. Diamond cannot go over 800°C @ 1 atmosphere without being damaged

you faggot
0 Kelvin means absolute no energy( atomic movement ) at all.
heat is creatd trough energy
you cannot go under 273,16 bcaus you cannot have less energy than 0

you Faggot


Yes you can. If you get a liquid nitrogen which is -273 and put it into the freezer it add the cold and reaches temperatures below -273, which is the lowest temperature on Earth.

y'all faggots posting in troll thread

0C knife beats them both

if it existed in the first place dumbass

This makes the big bang. New universe gets created. Everybody wins.

My boner beats all.

your moms pussy beats my dick

This is next level

so you've renamed your mom's hands?

Below 0 Kelvin is where Dark Energy comes into play though scientists don't know much about it yet.

you realise by that statement you're claiming to be my sibling.

Theyre equal you retard

First of all; the retards in this thread that say theres a "absolute zero", you are actually retarded.

What if i have an icecube that is -273.15 degrees celcior. And then put another icecube of the same heat on to it.

Boom, it becomes colder.

You unbelieveable faggots


>falling for bait
>newfag detected



So you would say that atoms are the strongest metal in the universe?
Because it can destroy diamond?
holy ...

what? it's that hard to understand that the only person who will ever beat him off is his own mother? he's named his mom's hands as the other guys mother or something.

succesful bait is succesful

if dark energy exists what we don't know

Do you mean is it so hard to believe?

His statement was completely nonsensical as is yours.

i nver said a word about atoms and metals, learn to read,

What in the blue fuck? We are trying to have a discussion here and you come waltzing in and say the most retarded shit I've ever read and expect to be taken seriously. I hope god realizes his mistake and assblasts you from existence because you are no more that a cum stain that your mother sat on.
I've wanked to dick girls while choking myself and that is significantly less retarded than you and whatever words your little tinned spaghetti head can produce.
Go fuck yourself.

>>Best response award goes to this guy

Nobody would win in this clash. A black hole would be formed and life on earth vanished.

Shill the fuck out, bitches. We are trying to have a serious discussion here.

Wew lad. Chemistry professor in the thread right here


It's the same thing


we need to go lower


But what else than another metal as diamond, can destroy diamond?
Atoms must be metal in your explanation.
Maybe we're on to something my friend.


>Diamond is a metal


This new

Obviously in a scenario like this,
stick wins.

All molecular motion ceases and the resulting blast of entropy creates a singularity that consumes the solar system in it's entirety.

The knives, being diamond, of course, survive.


Rofl laughed for a solid minute at this meme
>put it into the freezer it add the cold