Non-porn webms

non-porn webms

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Is she doing that for a special reason as part of their hunting technique or is she just hungry and grabbing the first bite she can get?





>It's a woman.
>It's just cruel.

This left me thinking, will they come out?

100% kek

cruise ships need to bolt their shit down better


You wouldn't go on a cruise ship that had everything bolted down.
You'd nope right out of there.

So this is what it looks like when they can't handle their shit.










better version



>feminazi lioness showing her true colors

Do you really have to ask?


Not Boston Dynamics' best day.

Nigs gunna nig


>call the cops

"He shot this kid with an airsoft gun at an airsoft field"

I'm sure the cops would give him a real stern talking to.

I could cut some slack to people who still werent holding onto something during 2nd slide, but those who werent holding after that deserve all thats comming.

not all heroes wear capes

They would have you believe this is a cruise ship, when clearly it's an office somewhere. The guy behind the desk is manifesting his telekinetic abilities. At first you can tell because he's the only one not moving around with the furniture and other people.
But close to the end, he realizes how suspicious it looks, so he throws himself around to make it look like he is subject to the same force as everyone else.
Once this video was leaked, a cover story was fabricated. "Cruise ship." Sure.
Then why isn't the camera moving? Why isn't the floor moving?
You're not fooling us all, Illuminati! Not this time!

>fucking feminazis
>same in every species

fucking kek'd thanks dude

KEK. I'm fucking dying.


what happened here?

This whole "You should call the cops or something" is just golden. What's the criminal offence supposed to be? Shooting someone with plastic pellets during a game that is about shooting others with plastic pellets?

No. They look like Lithuanian Splitworms. If one gets into a sufficiently warm, well-hydrated, and protein-rich environment, it will immediately fragment into anywhere from 6 to 20 pieces, each of which will regenerate into a full size worm.
Even if only one initially entered his urethra, it might have divided in the time it took him to rub one out.
By then, the ten or more would still be packed fairly close together, and likely all shot out at the same time.

But what if some unfortunate young lady blows him after this? If even one of those got into her mouth, they might have started splitting while still in her throat. If enough of them got down her esophagus, the majority of them would likely not survive in her stomach.
However, if enough of a protective layer of Splitworms (say, 75 to 112) got down there and absorbed most of the acid, it's possible her stomach may have become home to anywhere from 20 to 50 of them.
Their division could be sustained for up to 36 hours even feeding off their progenitors' corpses until they ran out of protein and finally succumbed to the harsh conditions of her stomach. After a couple of days, her stomach would be worm-free, with their remains passing through to her intestines.
Of course, the Splitworms already present there would have more nutrients in addition to the carcasses of their cousins.

lol that was a funny thing to say.

Can this be the next "Guy with a snow shovel" dance?


"Hey, what the heck, dude?"

>that kid lying on the ground screaming like a little bitch

Hearing one of those teenage war gamers scream like he'd actually been shot is just satisfying for some reason.

Also non of them actually tends to the kid they all turn their attention to the guy who shot at him.

are chickens smart or what?

>a fucking dick is in it



off she goes, to start her new job at a construction site.


He said non porn

Suffer you fucking fat bastard!

she looks like a dumb shit but she got something that says maybe she is just pretending being dumb

This is immensely satisfying.

looks don't lie

>reality bender

Lol that is the best, simi convincing, load of BS I have heard in a long time. Good job user!

I feel like a pleb for doubting this god could do it

they're actually fucking stupid as shit tbh, from a person who has some

>non porn
>didn't say non gore

Honestly, I feel no sorrow for this little shit.

>inb4 edgelord

What a cunt


Nice to see the community coming together for a project!



I braced my sanity for nothing. kek

oh god...

you got a boner from that?


What is that shit?

delet this

Its called assault
The game hadn't started

That is beautiful.

she's dope


Lol, imagine a this same situation in other sports,

What is this?

This if fake though. Notice how the bullet line-up is much longer then the clip?

Imagine if a football player tackled a player from another team before the game started and injured him

1. It's a magazine, not a clip
2. The bullets are present in like 2-layers (sort of). That's how they fit in.
3. Lurk moar, newfag

are you trying to troll or what


>doesn't know what a "double stacked" magazine is.

Do you even gun?

bless you internet. bless you.


He is and it's clearly working seeing as this dumbass fell for it

Double stack magazine

old boy???

Goddamn... being choked to death.. and while in the process of being killed... you get your fucking dick ripped off. That poor fucking animal......

Flexible paper sculptures by Li Hongbo.
You're welcome

>non porn thread
>I'm fucking diamonds

I stand mistaken, you are clearly a master since it seems like everyone and their mothers fell for this

That's one pissed off poltergeist.


Fuck this feels so satisfying to watch.

You ever heard of traps dude?

one royally fucked up human being.

That was glorious! hahahahahaha!

How do you even end up like that whilst staying on your legs? What the fuck?