Do you care about lyrics? Do you read them along while listening to an album for the first time?

Do you care about lyrics? Do you read them along while listening to an album for the first time?

If an album has lyrics I don't listen to it.

It's called music, not literature. Lyrics don't matter.

I don't really care about the lyrics unless the music depends on them like in most hip-hop

I care about the effect of the vocals on the music. You could have the best lyrics ever though, if everything else is absolute shit then the song is still shit

I feel like they matter to some effect. Shit lyrics can ruin an album if the lyrics don't convey the same mood as the instruments.

>it's called music, not literature
>lyrics don't matter
huh? wha? how does this follow from your previous statement at all?
if lyrics were included in a musical work, they were obviously intended for the listener to consider in their assessment of that project.

I mostly listen to instrumentals because I find lyrics ruin songs way more often than they elevate them. But that also means that when the musicians I listen to do include lyrics they're often obscured by the music and since they're not really mainstream nobody has bothered trying to identify them so I'm left to my own devices and only ever have a half-understanding of the lyrics usually which kind of pisses me off.

I would advise you not to indulge him. From his style of writing, I can almost assure you that I've had the same argument with the same poster.

>But that also means that when the musicians I listen to do include lyrics they're often obscured by the music
This mostly depends on mixing, although there are genres in which vocals are used an instrument.


They only matter in whether the words fit the rhythm and the song, the content is meaningless.


>although there are genres in which vocals are used an instrument.
Name one genre other than death metal.

french house

>Death metal
Are you serious? Either way, aren't shoegaze and post rock obvious? Ambient music, when it does have vocals, also fits.

reading the lyrics is like training wheels for children's bikes. Yes you can use them but as an adult you should feel silly.


Two were enough, honestly.

that latest post is a completely different snarky remark idiot

as many as it takes for you get the point

>completely different snarky remark
Please tell me why I or anyone in this thread should take you seriously.

Let me guess, you were the one I was arguing about Bob Dylan's lyrics in that embarrassing thread from 2 days ago?

>quoting 80% of the post for no reason and not even addressing what was said
wow you sure showed me dumbass