






so bored

I can think of several things to do, but I like looking at naked wolf-men.
















s l u t


Are you sad about BLM Philly no longer allowing whites as members or into the meetings?



it basically confirms their own irrelevance. Negros are constitutionally incapable of organization and accomplishment without white or yellow intervention. So if anything I'm ecstatic.




Also another shitty katia thread going to hell.
Klan with a Tan
how you doin'?

Thinking of buying a Fleshlight Go Torque, can't decide tho

It looks really good...

Anyone here have any experience with Fleshlights?



>Also another shitty katia thread going to hell.
I feel like hot garbage because my allergies decided to go full "fuck your entire physical existence" this morning; eyes were sealed shut, couldn't breathe through my nose, sore throat, migraine. I'm doing a little better now but I didn't go to class or work.
















That sucks.
My new term started yesterday but my car is in the shop so I haven't been to any classes yet.







gee I sure do love public transportation
(I don't)

omg stop posting gfur
this is an avatar thread



I could take the bus but I would rather just not go to school.
Tomorrow I'll prob take my mom to work so I can have her car for the day then pick her up later since it's important I go to school for that day.

I would like the city's subway more if it wasn't full of niggers, panhandlers, and so forth.



i thought niggers were your speed, sub

Oof, yeah that sounds awful. The busses have the mentally ill homeless people that ride it for warmth sometimes, though the one to school is mostly just people going to school.
One of my parents always gets really offended when I refer to having to take the bus as pedestrian and for poor people.


kill yourself


Life is pointless and we all die, rot and become completely forgotten.




Might be true where you live. There's a good reason to take public transport in philly and it's literally just fucking parking.



Parking is usually pretty fine here. The bus is actually just for people without cars since our public transit system kinda sucks anyway.




















