Nick Drake was the purest musician and had the most beautiful soul among humans ever

Nick Drake was the purest musician and had the most beautiful soul among humans ever.

No one can refute me.

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and yet he died a virgin lol

yeah i like most of his music.

can't argue with you here, OP.

he did say 'pure' trolo

With you there, OP. Every song of his is so beautiful.


>me sad sad
>me whisper whisper
*commits suicide*


there's literally nothing 'impure' about sex, you moron

no he wasn't, he was a bitter virgin

pink moon is fucking normies REEEEEEE the song

wasnt he a drunkard and a junkie?

He smoked a ton of marijuana. I think junkie is usually used for addicts of harder drugs, so Nick wasn't a junkie. I don't think he was an alcoholic, but he probably drank fairly often. The only recording of him not singing is from him drunk on a radio show early in the morning.

source? that sounds interesting

The marijuana use is well documented and attested to by friends and family. Here's a little quote from wikipedia:
>Drake began to smoke cannabis, and that spring he travelled with friends to Morocco, where, according to travelling companion Richard Charkin, "that was where you got the best pot"

Here's the radio show recording. It's often listed on bootlegs as 'Monologue'

He popped pills. A lot of them were prescription but he OD'd on his happy pills IIRC

I think Nick Drakes undisputed masterpiece is "Hip to be Square", a song so catchy, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics.

nick drake btfo
eternally bad musician for bad people

Not to mention he likely did hallucinogenics too.

>Nick Drake btfo by some Sup Forums fag who definitely isn't as depressed as other Sup Forums fags and totally not overcompensating


Nick Drake is a stepping stone.
Smash his face into the muck with your boot in your struggle for the light.
This is what he wanted.

Poor man, he did nice music.