Sup Forums help me I can't smoke pot until August. I don't have anything else to do though now.
>inb4 useless pothead
I have a job i work 60-80 hours a week I have a wife and a home and I'm in college taking more and more classes.
Pot for me was my thing though, my hobby, I spent hours learning more and more about it and all the ways it can be prepared or smoked or anything at all really.
I'm so bored and have nothing to do help me Sup Forums
Juan Martinez
Shameless self bump to keep thread alive will post More weird bongs
Also weird bongs thread
Nathaniel Clark
Bentley Collins
Adrian Rogers
OP is a faggot
Joseph Myers
This one isn't really that weird just cool and probably smoked Pretty well
Ian Miller
This is true but at least I'm not a faggot who only posts one pic in a thread and then asks for anons to post more
Owen Price
Have this beauty on the way, got a sexy purple Grinder too
Adrian Ross
I'll admit I haven't figured this one out yet no idea how it works with the balloon on the end there