Faces of Sup Forums

Faces of Sup Forums

I'll start. I imagine I wouldn't be friends with most of you irl

Why you so dressed up

Took a quick shit after finishing my meeting.

I like how you probably paid an extra $400 for that shoddy notch lapel stitching when you could've gone for peak stitching and looked way sharper.

>flap pocket on a slimsuit instead of angled or better yet a jetted pocket... get the fuck out of here.

TBH you're one of those chodes who go broke trying to look rich.

gel case on an iphone.. you spend $500 on a phone but you can't spend 40 for a nice case?

You're such a faggot it's insane. why the fuck does that ugly tie hang below your fucking belt what kind of bait is this?

Is this bait? I hope it's bait

Poor handkerchief folding skills. We would indeed not be friends.

Damn don't hate the player. He is in the game same as us.

It's a tailor made suit that was so poorly made it was given to goodwill where it got picked up. The asymmetry of this suit tilts the fuck out of me. I could buy a store bought for $300 and look better. I bet his shoes are brown instead of tan or even worse he's rocking shiny black shoes with a grey suit..

>he doesn't even have a nice watch to compliment the cuff links, ugh this guy walked into a store and just asked them to slap shit together.

I think we have a lot in common friend.

Yep you guys are jealous at my wealth.

Btw who uses cases on phones? Are you too incompetent to not break it?

I have to keep appearance at the my level of work. I have 3 secretaries and fuck them on the regular.

Post faces you fucks.

Since your begging us to ask. How much do you make you massive faggot nu male? Do you want me to suck your cock now?