Oh, hey Tom.
Oh, hey Tom
not enough thicc desu
That white girl trash brah
she's pretty average looking
Looks like every chick named Katie ever in the history of mankind.
are those, dare I say, man hands?
are you all, dare I say it, fags?
There are certainly hotter WAGs but i'd fugg her over Gisele
>not locking down a nice and loyal solid 7 so you can focus on becoming the next GOAT without having to deal with annoying gold diggers
Carr is doing the right thing.
Oh, hey Tom and Derek.
>american taste in women
I'd rather fuck Tannehill than that plastic wagon
Great legs. Carr looks like he's in pretty good shape for a QB.
Whatever faggot
no shock there paddy
H..Hey there guys
Carr has a lazy as fuck left eye
daily reminder she "ventures" the facility to "kill time" while he practices against the twos and threes
she fucks other players for sure
blondes are so overrated
Oh, hi derek, tom, ryan, and aaron.
she probably gives insane head and lets her big fat ass get pounded whenever he wants too
>people unironically think carr's wife is a 7
is that nicolas cage?
Tannejaw can do better
Oh hi everyone.
just imagine that..
poor little white boi
>tfw no cute twink bf
o-OH...hi michael..
I'm a bit envious desu. They seem happy. Isn't going to get out of shape and go JUST like most women when they're older. Can probably relate better to one another with both being men. Albeit Michael seems to be a little bitch. Wish him and Incognito could've been on the same team.
You're a big gay
That's a spoopy skeleton standing next to Tennelel.
How can you faggots worship sports players enough to be defensive about the people they are fucking? It's so fucking embarrassing that people like you exist. Football fans have to be the worst of any American sport.
>Football fans have to be the worst of any American sport.
Soccer isn't part of American culture, and even if it were it wouldn't be lousy with men who were obsessed with respective players. The thought of a guy in his mid-twenties to late thirties worshiping someone who plays quarter-back for their favorite team makes me fucking sick to my stomach.