I have a problem

I have a problem.
I have a perfect gf, and i love her so much, im sure i wanna be with her for the rest of my life
But i meet another girl, and i start to feel something for her
What to do?

Just stop talking to the other girl. Trust me you will have regreted talking to her if it doesnt work out. And you will feel a world of guilt.

Keep in contact with the girl you started to feel something with, just in case your GF fucks you over or something.

fuck them both

What do you like about the other girl as opposed to your gf?

>perfect girl
Obviously not if you aren't satisfied with just that

And what if the other girl said that she wanna have something with me...?

Im not sure what to answer, is not physical...

I think that she's perfect, but not me, im just a fagg

OpI feel the same way about this girl from high school. I saw her recently and wow she looked amazing but I didn't say hello. I do regret it but she was a really close friend and now that I think about it I think she liked me too. If I were you take a breaker from your gf and think things through

This is probably the best advice imo.

Ty, is a good advice

Monogamous relationships are silly op. Just indulge in what makes you happy. Women are nothing but a mind game and if you're dumb enough to get caught she'll blame herself and try harder to make you happy, is your gf your first sexual partner?

Is not the first one. But is mi first long relationship. Over 4 years, and i never had this problem since a few days ago

Watch out, we got a real stud over here, guys.

ask them both for nudes, whichever one complies gets to be your girlfriend

if you're a normal fag then the doors just opened for you to jump ships. If you think the other girl is better then dump your other one.
If you think your current gf is better then stay with her.
If you wanna walk on thin ice then you can play it smart and fuck them both, just make sure they never meet and find out about one another.
Thats the tricky part there you see, especially if you live in the same town and sooner or later you'll get caught and lose both of them. Best case scenario, one of them will make you choose but you'll fuck everything up, she'll consider you a cheater now and will be more than willing to cheat herself.

My advice? stick to your current gf, forget about the other one or play a dangerous game and risk it all. You'll also feel regret and guilt x10

user, ty. You really help me

Well humor your thoughts, if you feel like shit after then don't do it again.
>getting defensive to a stranger on Sup Forums

>0 loyalty

I hope they cheat on you, faggot.

It's called a mistress, man up and fuck them both

only fuck her if you can handle losing the gf, because you WILL trip up

I tried to balance two girls that i really cared for when i was younger. One was my girlfriend of about 4 years, the other was a somone i worked closely with. Chick from work knew about my gf, didnt care at first until we developed feelings. Girlfriend finds out about girl from work. Shit hits fan. Long story short i ended up breaking it off with the chick from work who was really broken up about it and eventually ended up leaving the company. Girlfriend always brings up cheating. Relationship sucked. We break up. Had two amazing girls, lost them both. Funny thing is i dont regret losing my girlfriend. If i could go back and do it again, i would have chosen the chick from work. We'd probably still be together. We had a great connection. Felt bad for cheating on my girlfriend tho.

Do you live with her?

Yes, most part of the year

Talk to your girlfriend if she's interested in a threesome?

I'm sure someone can help you manipulate her into it. Maybe you can even go poly.

Have you heard of polyamory? Why choose one when you can love them both at the same time.

Damn then it makes it harder. As I said just take a break. And say that you need to things through. If you do decide to follow my advice. If you do love this girl you will come back to her but if you do decide that she's not the right one well it sucks but you know what has to be done. I have thought about what if she's not the right one for me or stuff like that. And we have broken up before but at the end of the day we do fix our issues and I has revolved around a old best friend of mine

>getting defensive to a stranger on Sup Forums