What do you think about the chemical weapon attack in Syria today? There's at least 100 dead...

What do you think about the chemical weapon attack in Syria today? There's at least 100 dead, including women and children



i think i could not care less about syria and shit that goes on there,its their own fucking fault. If you ask me,the whole shit country could disappear form this planet and solve alot of problems.

I think it's about time someone go over there and kick the ever-loving shit out of them.

But not me. I'm not going over there!

are you a liberal fag

So gassing women and children to death is okay now?

not like they are worth shit
they are pieces of shit from the cancerous middle east

Shitty thing to do. But, their country's fucked and the west don't exactly like Assad either, so fair enough.
Everyone in power in the middle east are complete fucks, we really should just forget about trying to help.

Dead muzzy is a good muzzy

Don't give a fuck about that place whole middle east is fucking doomed.

it was bad?

Using WMDs is against UN regulations