What's more protected against punches: ripped abs or a pot belly?
What's more protected against punches: ripped abs or a pot belly?
google it you dumbass
There's varying opinions on google, so I came to Sup Forums: the ultimate knowledge based on the internet.
Some combination of both you would assume like the worlds strongest men are all typically bigger less defined but we know their muscle mass is insane underneath.
Alright here's my personal experience, then, user.
I've hit people with so-so abs and gotten some pain at the knuckles but got them out of breath.
Ripped ass fuck guys, will feel like you hit a steel wall. Especially if you get them when they harden up.
As for fat guys, as in fat fat, not just average chubby fag, you will probably deal more damage since you are vibrating their shit all around, and it will be softer for you.
Ripped.... Hard takes more damage than soft.
>worlds strongest men
Why the fuck would you engage ANYONE, be it a fat fuck or a ripped asshole in a brawl if he was anywhere near professional level? this guy is talking about fat tuff kid vs some overactive jock or buff dude in street.
Fat or Not, you don't fucking engage anyone who can bench above 200lbs 10+ times unless you know what the fuck you are doing.
who's after your fat ass op?
cool thanks for the imput
nobody, im a recluse beta. it's just two guys i know who will probably fight this week and one of them is fat while the other is more athletic
Well, user, just remember this; if you are someone who knows how to fight because you've brawled a bunch of people in the street, you can expect to win, but not always. Even if you fight a new-fag you can get knocked out because you are just a pointy stake not a sharpened spear.
Now.. if one of the people fighting got a couple of years going ever other weekend to compete in martial arts classes... then you are absolutely fucked because the discipline will only sharped the experience.
Expect either or to win, unless one has his shit in a proper trained place.