Be honest Sup Forums, am I ugly?

Be honest Sup Forums, am I ugly?

Pic is me

fucking lies

hell no

you're fucking disgusting tbh

I don't believe that the pic is OP.

why would somebody lie about that you paranoid retard

Your face is ugly ass features but your eyes make you pretty. Not beautiful, pretty.

true that.

>be me
>insecure as fuck
>turn to Sup Forums for self confidence

We're a bunch of retards who would fuck any girl. Don't come looking for self confidence here.

Op take a timestamp photo.

>pics is me

ye nice bait... either way it's saved on my 10/10

because only a fool would take anything posted here as fact
especially without a timestamp

Op is fake as my big dick

perhaps the OP will prove us wrong?

people lie about everything. plus i think to be on Sup Forums you gotta be fucked up at least to some degree. that's not the face of someone fucked up enough

miracles do not happen so often


Sorry this was meant to you

If this is dubs, its OP


you think this pleb site for babies is a place for fucked up people? what are you, gay?

Cute as shit


>No time stamp

OP is a giant faggot

Fishing for compliments from the autists and virgins of Sup Forums

you must really need an ego boost

last time I saw something so ugly kids were throwing bricks at it

Fuck you camwhore
Post tits with timestamp or gtfo

Yes, you have dinosaur nose

Thats the point

shes just looking for quick compliments.



I'd like to hit your face with my hard dick while you try to catch it with your mouth

did you get want you wanted op?

tits with timestamp or gtfo

Get out fucking attencion whoring cunt.
Back to facebook.


Maybe. Your face is pretty, but are you a horrible cunt underneath?

I will pass

Rules 30 and 31 apply here.

There are no girls on the internet.

Tits and timestamp or GTFO


Miggity miggity miggity miggity MODS


That nose should be used to help find escaped prisoners on the weekends.

Very pretty in my book!

Its a book of braile for the blind... he thought your nose what the peak of mount everest

>Good looking woman
>Questioning about "her" beauty
>Asking that question in a place like Sup Forums
>No time stamp

Come on, the bait its obvious

apparently the majority of ppl would fuck dudes too.. try to call it a trap (but we all know theyre just gay and iwlling to fuck anything even if it's dead)
