I fucked up

i fucked up

dubs decides what I do with it

Too old

That's cooked perfectly delicious you fucking degenerate!

eat it

throw it away and make a sandwich instead

eat it

roll it up, insert into rectum

up butt

Rolling for this to be the new "Too Soon"

first get that dirty ass coin off the counter, second just cum on the pizza then take a bite

Fuck it

throw it out then kys

eat the pepperonis only

Toss it up on someone's roof

eat it anyways maybe even use some homemade ranch or w/e u got don't waste a pizza unless its fucking burnt black or undercooked youre welcome nigger

LOL winner

Slather it is mayo, coleslaw and BBQ sauce to moisten that bad boy back up and eat it like the filthy pig you are.


that pizza is literally fine just fucking eat it and don't waste your parents cash on your autistic dub games



also kek'd

you aren't going to eat that? dark pizza is admired in my country...

Its decided

Roll it into a tube and have intercourse with it this improving the flavor

eat it anyway god damn what's wrong with you

have you watched "American Pie"?


eat it pussy

i had better see some pics OP



Perfectly good big-ass slice right here!

Eat ass boy

eat everything but the crusts.

shit on it then eat it

do it

you are focused on the wrong thing

im allergic to coleslaw

for the 5th time. NO

>homemade ranch
>that pizza is literally fine just fucking eat it and don't waste your parents cash on your autistic dub games


Cum on it first OP


Shove the entire pizza up your asshole

cum on it then eat

op is a faggot

when did everything on random become so fucking gay?

eat it obv, unless you have teeth problems

My wife loves over cooked pizza.


cut the crust off or the burnt part to make it a circle and eat it with a knife and fork

Reheat and applied to balls

Poke a hole with dick and send pic

nake an italian roof top sniper with it

cut the crust off and stick it up your ass like a doughldo

October 1st, 2003.

aren't you the creative one

yup nigga, Homie Quan RIP


>not dildough

Hurry the fuck up op.

It's not too bad . Definitely still edible

you think you've got problems, faggot?

Get high then eat it it'll be delicious

microwave it until this thread dies

skin flake pizza?

>not putting a tray under it

What are you? A faggot?

What good does a tray do?


They literally say on the box to lay it directly on the rack.

Dummies don't read directions. Don't be a dummy.

We're not getting any roof pizza, are we?


Beat a nigger to death with it.