What was the hardest load you ever blew while jerking off?

What was the hardest load you ever blew while jerking off?

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Masturbated with my girlfriend for the fun of it, gotta admit even just not touching her and seeing her orgasm made me cum hard as fuck

>Be me a stupid fuck at 15
>Lurking this shithole
>Find pizza
>Came literal buckets
>Mfw was fapping to girls my age

>Mfw when I still fap to girls the same age

Same user, feelsgood.

I blow my biggest loads from handjobs and footjobs. It'seems because it takes a long time for me to cum that way, but it feels amazing the whole time. After 15 or 20 minutes of stroking, I cum buckets. It shoots into the air and generally covers my chest and stomach, sometimes hitting me in the face.

at in laws families properties

cousins friend was there, 13

nothing strange going on

get asked if want to go swimming

need to change into bathing suit

>he can I go into that room and change


walk in, notice pile of clothes

see clothes cousins friend wore the day before in pile

underwear still in pants


>forgot what teen spirit smells like

ten-twenty pumps later

cam so hard I almost threw up.

I am sure there are other times, but that is the most recent memory. my balls hurt for a few days

i bust fat nuts daily but one of the more explosive ones i've had was when i discovered internet porn for the first time

Age 25. Army Basic Training. No time/opportunity to jack it, literally too tired to do so by the end of the day anyway. 3 or 4 weeks in. It's getting unbearable. Ugly af Army chicks are giving me a boner if they even walk by me. Wake up in the middle of the night and discreetly jack it under the covers. Didn't even fucking care if someone saw or not. Everyone passed the fuck out anyway, and the fire guard mostly just chilled at the desk during his shift. Blew the hardest load ever

Do they seriously expect you guys to never jerk off in basic training? I dont understand

Edging for about 20 hours to hardcore cp when i was about 16

Cum hit the ceiling