Why were women better looking in the '60s and '70s?

Why were women better looking in the '60s and '70s?

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lower quality cameras

because there wasn't 2 mcdonalds on every corner and no internet so people did exercise and ate well.

now fuck off

Their parents weren't druggies.

cuz no tumblr

No video games = Healthier and more social people

because they didn't have shitty self pretentious fucking attitudes

because they were actually women, not these LGBTQFMROPSCUNIXB idiots.

because people in general weren't so fucking fat then

They weren't. You don't like more recent women.

It's not like uggos didn't exist back then. You only think they were hotter because of sample selection.

food is much shittier today and it's more common for women to act like slobs (drinking a lot) = fat/pudgy young women

Cameras weren't as common as they are today so the ugly bitches were not worth wasting the film on = only pictures of hot ones remain

They weren't prettier... but they wore less makeup and more white women were in the media than those of race and color. Women (and men) didn't groom nearly as much as they do today. They had stupid hair with minimal style and product and they had huge fucking pubic hair. Anyone caught shaving was considered homo. People spent much more time outdoors though so all the whites had tans and they all ate less carbs and sugar so they were generally MUCH thinner and healthier... therefore more attractive.

I grew up between then and now. If you watch any television show or movie from the 70s and 80s and even the 90s, you won't see any fat people. Back then, everyone (with few exceptions) was very trim and slender. Someone who wouldn't rate as "chubby" today would have been considered "morbidly obese" by yesterday's standards.

But women were prettier in other ways... they went to school and learned to cook. I'm married to a Canadian model who has only cooked me a couple of meals in a decade and hates children. Women of yesterday simply yearned to find a guy to fuck, marry and have kids with. Having a job was more important than what type of job it was... and life was much simpler with fewer bills and better quality of entertainment.

Women today wear more makeup and have far more incidents of cosmetic surgery. It's fraud, really.


All of those posts are filled with wisdom

Women today (and this is a rare 2016 Skinny)


because they were younger

America was a lot whiter back then

Notice how women were slimmer, even into the 1990s?

Well, in Italy, they still look like that in the vast majority (as in healthy and not overly fat). Same for the men, too.

hi m8


1970s. If you went back in time you'd be ridiculed for being a fatty when you stepped foot into the 1970s. Fat and gay.

Average couple in 1979.

Better looking? Rather plain and boring with gigantic bushes. And they all smelled like cigarettes and so did their houses and cars because kids were allowed to buy cigs then...disgusting breath. Everything was yellow in the 70s to cover nicotine stains no joke

>not lardasses

It's the same reason people think all old music is better.
It wasn't, but now, in the future, the only old songs we still play are the good ones. You hear song after song of solid classic old music and think "wow, this was all good!" But it's only because no one still plays the shitty songs.

They was you are incorrect. I was made in the 70s and grew up in the 80s. Times today suck. People used to get out much more go places and didn't eat shit food all the time.

Because they were younger

Looking at old Playboy magazines, your jaw kind of drops at how hot nearly all of them were.

Today, you look at chicks in Playboy and you want to vomit.

It was the mid-1990s when Americans and white Australians and UK folks stopped working out and grew fat. Interracial sex was no-longer offensive so now there's mixed races everywhere.

Fun Fact: Back when they made the movie "The Bodyguard" (with Whitney and Kevin Costner), they test audience (which was mostly black women) was so horrified that Whitney has sex with a white man that the studios had to censor the film and cut almost all the sex scenes from it. Especially the kissing scenes.



Well I see someone a a stupid fag here. Get over it women was hotter then. That's life. Now we get ape loven slut bitches that men from then wouldn't shit on.

Back then, they had real tits. Now, they only have fake tits that look like they were welded in place, look lopsided, and don't move at all. No bounce, no jiggle, nothing. And they're so big, it's like the uncanny valley effect. It looks like a woman, but there's something very, very wrong.

On the other hand, downstairs trimming apparently didn't exist until around 1988, so we've gotten better in some ways.

They had character, it shows.
I mean, when you meet a woman with character these days is like finding a sheep that can talk and knows what gravity is

Trust me when I say this: We have NEVER been fatter, sicker and uglier than today.


We are now a parody of ourselves.

Don't help your country on that, it's too funny for the rest, I don't come to your house and break the TV you're watching your favourite comedy show on.

I am really cool with those knee-high tube socks. I got a thing for feet and socks. That's a keeper.


Even the cartoonists get it

Nigger wtf



You can see the buttcrack on that assface

Spot the fatty (there isn't one)

Just a reminder that not everyone was pretty or slim in the past.

Jesus like: Hell no


is this real???

Yes. It is her, showing that she's working on it.

>is this real???

I suspect it is... here's one from her at the beach...

It's slighly photoshopped. I don't know why though, it's not really necassary

has own harpoon



amy is going to fuck up the japanese guy who threw that at her

they really werent

Cause they took our jobs

prove it otherwise

The thigh-gap is just godly

because they played backgammon obviously.

nobody in this image is really overweight looking?

whoever made this is probably obese

Didn't find a single person in this pic ugly. Explain yourself

yes actually they are. A random group of teens looking this way does underscore the point that our society is sicker and heavier than ever.

>nobody in this image is really overweight looking
are you serious?

the only one who looks bad is the chick with the pink bikini because it looks too small

OK. By the way, I thought Songs In The Key of Life was masterful, Mr. Wonder.

unable to prove, but i lived it. They really weren't. I would say that beauty has increased with diversity. Probably somewhere around 90's and early 2000's women much prettier. Around mid 2000s they started making themselves prettier with modern makeup tricks etc, but they were not naturally prettier. I think women are getting uglier these days.


innervisions was even better


oldfag passing thru. I lived thru the 70s and much of whats said here abut modern fatties is true. People got more exercise just because thats how anything got done unlike today. The real deal that I've noticed is that circa 1980s, everyone was a candidate for being a star- like in karioke, reality tv and now social media. People in the 70s and earlier were just themselves, there wasn't any alternative. See footage of just regular people from that time and you will see unselfconscious people. That changed with global mass media

Because they were women. Today's women are still kids until they are a lot lot older

CNN started in 1980.

Thats a child, not a woman

Sure, and that aint a photoshopped mash up..


There's that I guess. A popular news station started by a businessman. Again though, look at footage or interviews of regular people earlier than the 80s, they arent imitating anything on TV they are just being themselves or fitting in with their local social group. When I was a kid there was 3 channels + public tv stations, screentime was something you did occasionally. Now it occupies us most of our day. I was born at the end of the 60s. Life in the US is radically different than when I was a kid, we are self-absorbed posers most of us because we are looking at cameras most of our free time

Not a single statement here is correct.

that girl in the blue though, omg

why did girls before had bigger tits?????

That photo does not look like it was even taken in the 70s

I blame mass immigration on a lot of things and I'm going to blame it again.
If you have a bunch of people around and you need to drive to get anywhere you're going to be sitting in a car for a lot of the time eating garbage and getting fat.

Traffic is bad for the mind, body and soul.




Far out dude.

I blame internet

Less tattoos and piercings. Some hair on the pussy.

Visual illusion. Horizontal stripes always make you look fatter.

Because bitches now eat too much and are fat.

I get it, we should just stop eating televisions and we'll be healthy again

Think about it though instead of sprawling suburbs there would've been green spaces.


I think you mean the alphabet soup group.

It's like that in Canada, doesn't mean faggots go outside and play

Yeah but Christ. Can't walk on the freeway.



