Are happy people stupid? They always seem to stupid to realise how miserable they should be in my opinion...

Are happy people stupid? They always seem to stupid to realise how miserable they should be in my opinion. If you look at a lot of smart people you'll find most aren't very happy people compared to those who go out clubbing and all that shit. What does Sup Forums think?

Happy people aren't always stupid. There are happy smart people too. Ignorance is bliss, but ultimately the choice is yours as to how you want to perceive the world

No one else feel this way then?


Happiness is an inside job.

But surely stupid people don't think about nihilism and existentialism as much and are happier as a result. Smarter people tend to be plagued with this type of thing, as you say ignorance is bliss.

ignore their stupidity and let them wallow in their filth
they'll hate you if you try to help them

I would argue that more intelligent people also know where to draw the line as far as dwelling on nihilism or existentialism. If these are things you find yourself plagued with, I would recommend reading "meditations" by Marcus Aurelius as he talks a lot about what you should and should not let preoccupy your mind and mental energy

Trips of truth. You know what I'm saying. Humanity is fucked to an extent.

I also find myself plagued with thoughts on it because I have little to be busy with at the moment.

read some julius evola. ride the tiger, revolt against the modern world. interesting stuff

or are you just miserable because you don't go out clubbing? what about people who aren't happy but go clubbing? #toomanyassumptions

Ignorance is bliss.

Get busy making money or hitting weights getting jacked motherfucker. Also read Marcus Aurelius

They are incredibly rare from my experience. Also note I'm speaking generally. Try not to get triggered. I don't go clubbing because I don't like that scene, it's not for me. I prefer music that isn't as manufactured as a big mac.

I'll add them to my list. They sound interesting.

then find something to do

like computer programming

not all happy people are stupid but a lot of stupid people are happy.

stupid people are just stupid enough to believe it when they tell themselves they are happy. smart people dont have that luxury.

I give myself stuff to do a lot of the time but sometimes there's nothing you can do, like on the way to the shops etc and they just sneak up no you.

There's plenty of people who are stupid and miserable. Even your image of Bojack kind of proves that. He's more intelligent than Mr. PB, but a smarter person wouldn't be so self-destructive and dysfunctional.

not tryna trigger anyone. just tryna point out the logical difficulty of your question. you want to know the correlation between happiness and intelligence. but there are four choices: happy/smart, happy/dumb, sad/smart, sad/dumb. if the only observable variable is whether they go clubbing and all that shit, then you can't isolate the effect it has on any of these combos, given that each of them can be found in or out of clubs.

imo OP is seeking validation for not being outgoing, by contrasting it with a trait most of us share, to wit intelligence

>shops etc and they just sneak up no you.
yea that's true
I usually think about that stuff while I'm trying to sleep and get no sleep as a result.

The happiest person I saw today was a legit retard walking down the street in the pouring rain with a giant shit-eating grin and not a care in the world. Really made me think.

You win the thread

I concur.

Because thinking critically makes us face truth.

It takes real intelligence to understand what emotion is, and how you react to it. Youre caught up in your ego, and until you learn that letting it go is what's important, youll always be sub intelligent trapped in the mundane.

Came here to bring up Marcus Aurelius myself, glad there's someone entirely on the same page as me.

The crux of the matter is that you should be as aware as possible for your intellectual health, but there's a difference between being aware of something and letting it ruin you.

Imagine getting your fingernail ripped off while you're running from a pack of dogs in the woods. Are you going to fall to your knees and starts screaming about how bad it hurts, or are you going to keep on fucking moving? When you get bogged down in nihilism and a bunch of emo faggotry where you can't find motivation in your life, that doesn't make you smart. That makes you a weak fucking doormat. You can understand an idea and not let it turn you into a pussy, you just have to have some resolve.

Stupid people aren't happy either it's just they've developed better social skills than us neckbeards and so they can hide it easier. While we were developing skills such as programming or math skills. They learned how to be more acceptable in society. It's less acceptable to be depressed all the time so they got good at hiding their sadness and not talking about it. We are all depressed some people just won't let anybody know.

There are numerous examples of smart people being entirely self destructive and dysfunctional because these things depress them among other things.

I was accusing you of getting triggered. I didn't state the going clubbing was the only variable hence my use of "all that shit". My point was that out of the 4 choices smart/sad and stupid/happy ten to be the most prevalent.

I'm fine with not being outgoing. I work better this way in my field this way. I had just noticed most smart people tend to be depressed and introverted while stupid people are generally the opposite of this. I noticed this as an outside to elements of both these groups.

Hedonism isn't happiness. Pleasure isn't happiness. Happiness comes from living a productive and moral life. Intelligence better helps one too understand the world and our place in it so that we can find happiness more easily. Stupid people focus on pleasures of the flesh while never understanding that pleasure is quite different from happiness.

Buddy's life sucks, determines it's because he's too smart.

Probably a conspiracy theorist.

It was more out of curiosity I made this. I noticed the trend unintentionally and wanted to see if others felt the same way.

Listen man.
You need to drop your faggot fucking superiority complex.
If the only way you can justify your miserable failure of an existence is by insisting you're sad because you're smarter than everyone, you've got another thing coming.

You are not a beautiful, unique or special snowflake.
Get off your high horse and play the social game. If you're supposedly so smart, you'll win

I don't think that's quite right to be honest. It's certainly a good theory but from my experience OP is right.

Besides you have to be lying Satan.

Some of the happiest people I know are very intelligent Many unintelligent people are very sad. I think if anything as you grow older unintelligent people become sadder on average while intelligent people become happier.

But I doubt you are older. I think probably what is happening here is you are sad, and to protect ego or something you're saying...oh I'm smart. It must be because I am smart I am sad. Smart people are sad right? Please validate me.

Statistically it may be the case that intelligent is correlated with sadness. I dont know. But if that intelligence enlightens you then it in principle open you up to the possibility of a more grand happiness than ignorance will allow. It is up to you to find and seize it.

Something that triggers me:
There is this constantly thrown around idea that nihilism is the notion that there is no absolute source of meaning. That is the rejection of absolutism by nihlism, but nihilism is so much more than this.

It prophesizes that this rejection of absolute value will create a void, and that in some way this void will be filled by man. It is in some sense a very hopeful ideology.

A great response to nihilism is the myth of sisyphus by Camus. Eastern philosophy seems pretty chill with nihilism too since its not rooted in a shame inducing moral imposing religion.

I have a few friends that work at the most popular nightclubs and EDM venues in my area. I can tell you that most of those people clubbing are as unhappy as the rest of us, usually plus a drug/alcohol problem.

>tfw you realize that you will die and nothing you do matters because you will never see the impact, good or bad, of your actions.
>so instead you decide to fuck it up for everyone else

>It prophesizes that this rejection of absolute value will create a void, and that in some way this void will be filled by man. It is in some sense a very hopeful ideology.

Holy shit, someone who actually understands nihilism. Haven't seen one of those in years.

I agree completely.

Something you see in this thread too is people telling to ignore existentialist questions, but ignoring a question is not an answer and doesn't solve the underlying problem. If life is pain you need a REASON to endure it, otherwise it's like buying food you hate for no reason.

maybe greek stoiciam is the answer that you need

"our emotions are the only thing we always have control over, if you are sad, suck it up, if you wanna be happy, put a smile on. of you can't control your emotions you can't control anything"

it's a sad way to view the world, but for many it works.


Nah, my life is pretty good. I'm just not constantly happy like stupid people seem to be.

No one's existence is justified. We are all created by coincidence or by a series of events at the will of other people. There is no justification for life but it exists anyway. I don't think I'm superior to anyone, I simply prefer to use direct language. A stupid person can be better at a lot of things than me, that doesn't mean they aren't stupid.

Everyone is unique to an extent, then again those opinions depend on your views of the universe.

In my field I play the social game every day. I do win. I simply came here to discuss different groups of the social spectrum.

I'm not looking for validation. I'm seeking the discussion of social ideas and perspectives. I think you are correct about the pathways to happiness being open for intelligent people I simply wanted to discuss ideas about these social groups and correlations people have had in comparison to mine.
I am aware of what nihilism is. I have found a lot of the people who don't understand that it can be a positive thing haven't read much into it. In fact most seem to view it as something only pessimists are interested in or read about. I have found however while it can be hopeful, this can become overcome by man's incapability to give himself meaning in some circumstances.

>are happy people dumb? They seem to stupid
>to stupid
Might wanna proof read your posts before insulting people's intelligence.

Idunno if that's a fair generalization to make, but being optimistic can definitely be described as being mildly delusional.

Nihilism and existentialism are for faggots with identity crises and at rock bottom. In other words high-schoolers and losers.

I don't think you actually know what either of those things are.

Exactly. Part of life is seeking the answers to these questions in a meaningful way. I have noticed though that stupid people find meaning in trivial things, which is fine, but I can't help but feel like they could do much more if they weren't limited.

I have heard of that before but I never got reading about it much. I should look into it some more. I don't think it would work very well for me personally but it'd be worth researching.

If you responded to the post I made the mistake in I might know who you're talking about. If it is me you are referring to, it is 4:37 here and I haven't slept in three days. I'm also working between responses.

It's a trend I noticed from personal experience which is why I was seeking other opinions.

all of the happy and stupid people will be miserable once things start to go bad (and they will soon). That's when the come to the smart and miserable people, who will fix it for them. They will love them for one or two generations and listen to their advice, then the cycle will repeat itself. That is life. Find something else to live for than humanity. Live for and idea, and surround yourself with the few people capable of understanding you. You need good friends, family and a community to be smart and happy. The morons can live like animals, but smart people need order and purpose.

Perhaps you should read up on the ideologies before you condemn the ideas as idiotic.

Tell me user, for research purposes, are you happy?

theres actually a positive correlation between intelligence and mental ilness.

this doesnt mean that if you are mentally ill you are smart, but rather if you are smart, you are more likely to be mentally ill. slight difference here.

as for happiness? whats troubeling you OP? we all have our ups and downs. how old are you? this is gonna be annoying but honestly when I was younger I was more depressed than I am now as an adult in my 20s. I am more free to do as I please, I work a job I am happy with, and I have many outlets for my creativity and anxiety such as the gym, musical instruments, art I create, cooking, etc.

When I go to clubs I am a wall flower. I have never danced at one, not once. And I see all these people living their lives and it makes me more miserable with my own.

But then I think, what if this is the best part of these people's day? What if this is what they live for? You can't stay out till 3 am every single night. There's classes to attend, papers to write, jobs to go to. Maybe their life sucks so much that this is the high point. If so, that is kind of miserable to me. Living out your entire existence for one big night every couple weeks or so. I'd much rather be happier in the simple, day to day things, and for the most part I am.

knowledge kills the joys of wonder OP. that is it

Smart guy this one

Why, because I have a negative opinion of them? If that's the case then you're insane. People have been pondering those two topics for centuries, especially the previous one, and what major conclusions have really come out of them? That nothing matters? That things have limited value? Everything is temporary? There is no God(s)? Something that counteracts those but slaps some other limitation? The reason of existence? The significance of existence? It's tired, childish, old-hat that only serves to be cliches and tropes.

You only prove your ignorance.


There are two options, the first is to become confident in your words and actions, as well as gain charisma and charm. This way you are able to open up a room and lead it as you please with a smile. George Clooney, and even Bill Clinton have loads of Charm and Charisma. I think your best bet is to lead people like the sheep that they are by becoming so astute to their little idiosyncrasies that you are their master. The book of Tao tells us that a shepard leads his flock from the back, just as water flows from high mountains down to form a pool. this means you must put yourself below to actually be above. I know this sounds psychopathic as all fuck but wouldnt you rather live in a world where you can get what you want, easily, than struggle every day? when you become charming and charismatic, you are putting on a show, an act, a facade. you learn to pretend to be happy, and soon enough you are no longer pretending. I would much rather that, than not even try and just be miserable day in and day out.

I would have thought so as that coincides with my original theory to an extent.

There is very little troubling me. I just don't find I am very happy often. Not always depressed or anything but not genuinely happy often. I am in my late 40s and I work in the film industry. I use this as a means of expressing creatively and putting what would trouble me into my work. I do have other outlets too such as music and such.

>Implying I claimed they were idiotic
I didn't say they're idiotic, I simply think they're dead horses that seemingly only depressives, angsty high-schoolers, and people who feel lost like to beat.

Yeah yeah and your mom this, and something else that.

can in intern with you? I wanna bridge into film, check out my insta @manthepeople for samples of some of my work!!

Can you please write a suicide note for me? I'm serious.

you don't have to be stupid to be happy, rather you need to be content with yourself to be happy. smarter individuals recognize and feel their faults which prevents them from being happy

Your opinion of them that they're miserable might be because they have no money. But it takes a smart person to see that money is toxic and makes you miserable.

Your use of "high-schoolers and losers" led me to believe you were implying they are idiotic. The ideas are just misinterpreted by those people.

Are you in the UK? Not that I could guarantee anything.

What would be the purpose in that?

That is true in my view, the potential for happiness is there but the more intelligent you are the harder that is to achieve.

Sounds like a you problem if you write off losers and high-schoolers as unintelligent.

I mentioned money at no point in this thread. Try to keep up with the group or get back to dancing away. I've found that idea on money is only held by very few people who actually have money. It can often open the doors for experiences that allow you to be happy and gives you more freedom to an extent to find happiness.

No one is writing them off as unintelligent, just misinformed. I doubt the average high school "nihilist" has ever read anything on the subject beyond the wikipedia page.

what films have you worked on? what exactly is your job? but yea honestly like I was saying, Bill Clinton was charismatic as all fuck but he has a saddness in his eyes. The leaders of the world are sad because there is no where to go but down. if you are superman, no one can comprehend your levels of god-ness (im making words up now). an ant cannot comprehand your size, and an idiot cannot comprehend your level of intelligence. so yea, you feel alone and isolated, and lacking happiness, but i would rather be a depressed leader, than a happy ignorant follower.

as for the film business, no I do not live in the UK but if you know anyone in the states that would be pretty killer, otherwise if you have any photo or videography connections that you can put me in touch with, that would really help me start a career in videography/photography. what did you think of my photos? @manthepeople on instagram

It's more of a problem in my view of you actually. it was my line of thinking you'd use a derogatory word and a word in a derogatory way to imply a negative characteristic to those particular groups.

Then why do you feel miserable and stupid are related.

The purpose would be that my family etc could deal with it easier in some way than just random words. I've wrote a few but I always mess shit up & throw them away..

Yes. I am the saddest person I know and also the most intelligent, by far.

No smart people tend to be much happier with their lives then party animals. You consider yourself smart, and you consider yourself sad, so you project your sadness on to other people who you consider smart. Are you sure they are smart? Are you sure you are smart? How do you know how happy or sad someone else really is?

Judging other peoples way of life is a sure sign of idiocy.

I'd rather not discuss my work here as it could be traced to me but a few notable things in the past few years in a variety of positions. I mostly find myself directing art films though.

I understand what you are saying but there is also an admiration you couldn't get anywhere else which should be the focus of those people but often isn't. It's somewhat similar to negative thoughts on meaning and the universe. It will creep up on you regardless of what you should think.

Sorry, I don't know many people in the states. I'll take a look at your images though.

Then perhaps you shouldn't jump to conclusions. (Easy, I know.)

I don't. I think stupid and happy are related.

How about instead of doing that find something you enjoy and put your effort into that. Look at it this way. You have your life and then eternal darkness, why not make the best of your life before the darkness?

I disagree. Slipknot fans are pretty much angry all the time and they are all stupid.

>are happy people stupid
>they seem stupid because i think they should be miserable
You assume they're stupid because you think they should be miserable
how is stupid related to miserable

You say that like it's definitive. I presented mine as an idea. I came here to see what others think and by the looks of things most people would agree. Whether this is significant is up to the individual as all of this is. Perhaps your impression and experiences are different to mine but don't try to suggest either is definitively correct.

Criticising judgement is more of an sign of idiocy in my view because judgement is a natural thing for humans to do. Condemning it is to condemn human nature.
It's called interpretation. We interpret things all the time, sometimes our interpretations are wrong. It doesn't mean we shouldn't.

>implying smart people don't go to clubs for vigorous exercise and trying new ways to satiate carnal animalistic desires with the preferred sex
Also it's not that stupidity and happiness are inherently related, it's the capacity to care. Smarter people know more and therefore can get overburdened with caring about everything they know about and scrutinize. Meanwhile morons know what they know, don't care to know more and are content. The key to happiness is not idiocy, it's deciding what to care about.

sure no problem, feel free to DM me on instagram if you wanna chat business or this topic there.

and yea I get it, a dog is happy because it doenst know better, but we do. Platos allagory of the cave was a great (albeit somewhat lengthy and at times boring) read. Check out Andy Weir - The Egg, Flowers for Algernon, and finally, Harrison Bergeron by Vonnegut.

I personally find that distracting myself with hobbies is a great way to alleviate these feelings, as opposed to maintaining a routine such as work->tv->food->sleep. What makes you happy? What have you always wanted to do that you havent done yet? I have always wanted to live an adventurous life so I went sky diving, and most recently scuba diving (which im planning on getting open water certified soon). The point is, there is nothing stopping you from doing some really cool shit with your free time besides your will to do so

I'd rather choose eternal darkness than a life full of disappointment and failures. I'm mentally sick and it's hard to keep friends , and even family close. Besides the tears and disappointed they'll feel , it'll vanish and they will move on. There are a lot of fucking errors going on in my life and I feel sick of being apart of this world. It truly sounds nihilistic in some way but it's only a matter of time when I hurt people again and I want to be ahead of that.

People who live for simply taking someone home to fuck them for a short while of pleasure or go out of their way to find pleasure in other short term ways are stupid in my opinion. They keep themselves happy with menial shit. Intelligent people tend to embrace philosophy and hard work in particular fields. It may not make us happy but the striving for the end goal gives us a sense of fulfilment.

It's not nihilistic. Read up on what nihilism actually is. It could potentially help you to create meaning for your life. Try to appreciate that this life is all you have, strive to achieve something. It's the best way to live life.

I appreciate all the responses here. This has been a good discussion but I have to sleep now. I may post similar questions to this another time.

That's not even remotely what nihilism is about.

I know

Can you recommend any good books on this topic?