I'm currently ingesting 2 tabs of 120ug LSD, AMA

I'm currently ingesting 2 tabs of 120ug LSD, AMA.
Also general drug thread.
What's Sup Forums on tonight, friends?

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240 ug is nothing. 300 to 500 is a good dose for a great time


I'm on my 8th hour of work but when I'm outta here in just one more hour I'm gonna go smoke some haze. What's led like user? Would you recommend? Also curious about shrooms. If any user have experience I'd like to know what that's like.

Eh I'm not looking to get my balls blown off, I'm just chilling out by myself. Also czech'd

What's the most you've taken? What happened

Hmm...the age old question, LSD vs shroomies. I've done both, though I'm more experienced with shrooms. The last time I did shrooms I laid on my bed for what felt like hours just staring at the ceiling, laughing, speaking with the gods who had gifted me with hands to modify the visuals I was seeing. It was good shit. This is only my second time to LSD to I can't objectively rate it as I can with shrooms.

just took a .2 of mdma and some nice shatter. tomorrow im doing 5g of Golden Teacher shrooms. do 500+ ug for a good acid trip

This is actually the highest I've done, though, as I said before, I'm experienced with shrooms, so I'm not worried about flipping the fuck out.

I think shrooms you're more prone to a bad trip. Have you ever had a bad trip?