Fwuffy thread Sup Forumsois

fwuffy thread Sup Forumsois






Why am I the only one bumping?


because you're gay and this is cancer, faggot. enjoy your solitude.

I remember people defending these comics/images by saying that the "fwuffy" creatures depicted in them were an embodiment of negative traits, such as greed and selfishness, and the abuse they suffered were directed toward the concepts of the negative traits.

These images make me doubt this argument.
and I know that this image is also fetishistic for the few individuals who enjoy it.

Is this about airing ones frustrations about negative traits and those who have them? Or is it that the abuse of the animal-like creatures that people enjoy? Is it a bit of both?

I'm really not trying to cast judgement, these threads fascinate me every time I see them.