ITT: List some notable (Sup Forumscore) albums that you've listened to because of Sup Forums and whether they redeemed...

ITT: List some notable (Sup Forumscore) albums that you've listened to because of Sup Forums and whether they redeemed your expectations, disappointed you or were something in between. What do you think of Sup Forumscore in general? Also feel free to rate the taste of other people and get triggered because some user dislikes your favorite music :^)

For me:

>Good albums:
Lift Yr. Skinny Fists
The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me
No Love Deep Web
Unknown Pleasures

>Okay albums:
Trout Mask Replica
Kid A
OK Computer
Soundtracks for the Blind
To Be Kind

>Disappointing albums:
In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
The Money Store
Pet Sounds
My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
The Velvet Underground & Nico

Overall, I'd say Sup Forumscore seems to divide pretty evenly between my personal good, okay and not-so-good rankings, which is pretty much what I was expecting.

choose one for each row
>remain in light
>Court of king crimson
>popol vuh

ITAOTS exceeded my expectations only because it's such a fucking meme here. It's actually not half bad. Entroducing... and American Football tool a little while to click but once they did I thought they were fucking great. Madvillainy surprised me as well.

I definitely don't get the hype behind MBDTF though. Yeezus was 10x better.

>American Football
>Remain in Light
>Since I Left You

Objectively correct answer

I still haven't listened to the others, I probably should

ITAOTS strikes me as an accidental masterpiece.
The Money Store is good but very front loaded. it's the only truly worthwhile record they've put out.
MBDTF has some fantastic highs and some crushing lows. uneven.
Trout Mask Replica is Trout Mask Replica.
American Football is stale and boring.
Loveless is great.
Talking Heads has never made a studio album that is great from front to back. I love Byrne & Eno though.
TVU&N is their second best album
Slint is dull.
Pet Sounds is a masterpiece.
Madvillainy is overlong and uneven but has some stand out tracks.
ITCOTCK is great and they are still great live.
Kid A is a bit of a mess.
LYSFLATH is good.
MPP is a shitfest.
Popol Vuh are great.
Nick Drake is great.
I don't much care for Joanna Newsom.
Swans didn't make a great record prior to Y2K.
Illinoise is tedious.
Burial causes me to yawn uncontrollably.
Hospice is fine. it's the only decent thing they've done.
The Avalanches are ok.
who actually cares for HANL.

One listen of each was enough, never again.

I hate almost all Sup Forums-core, most of it is just whiny, relatively safe, alt-rock for hipster sadboys.

This precisely


Pink Moon is 28 minutes just do it now

>Swans didn't make a great record prior to Y2K.
sountracks for the blind was released in 1996.

someone is just spouting generic answers without having listened to these records (more than once in the background).

although you're kind of right, you just sound contrarian enough to have avoided listening to any/many just so you can say that comment, not because this is the opinion you've formed on the music yourself.

borrowing other people's opinions for a negative scathe is as bad as saying you like things to fit in.

in fact it is the same.

>slint is dull


I would say they are both good and overated.

why didn't you link then

Pet Sounds

>List some notable (Sup Forumscore) albums that you've listened to because of Sup Forums
OK here it is:

>Pet Sounds
>Good albums
Need I say more