Why are liberal men less masculine?

Why are liberal men less masculine?

cause theyre beta cucks


There's nothing more manly than calling other men unmasculine on the internet. Point OP. If I was a female I would be drenched right now.

Because conservative men are richer

Why would you measure your worth based on womens opinions? Wouldn't that make them "wear the pants"?

So rich women are more interested in a new Daddy to take care of them than a partner. Why am I not surprised.

>millionairematch.com is your source

just fake news, nothing to see here


Because OP has been cucked into thinking that a female's approval is related to your worth as a person. He can't stand on his own convictions and needs the approval of a foreign body to feel validated.

OP is confirmed weak of spirit.

Cant you answer yourself by yourself ? Liberal = Cuck Fetish Anal Princess.

you don't need to be a millionaire to not act like a faggot libtard. Women like men that act like men not betas who put pink hats on and pray for pity sex

I heard some guy on YouTube say that once too. Women, unlike men, are one-track minds who have only one preference. We men are so complex and diverse. Not like those cookie cutter women, whose sexual desires can all be described in one sentence.

You: 1
Everybody: 0

>millionaires prefer dating conservatives

t. mgtow

>according to millionairematch.com

OP, next time just post a thread about your crippling autism.

MGTOW is for weak men who have been disenfranchised by women and have formed an entire worldview based on their constant experience with rejection.

Don't be reductive.

To me its obvious
>was nice guy
>super libtard
> now /fit/
Once I threw myself out there and got denied by a girl my life changed. I stopped caring and did what I wanted and then some girls noticed.

What do we as men like? The majority like women who act and look like a feminine woman. I imagine women aren't THAT different from us.

>Daily Mail



>according to MillionareMatch.com

>don't be reductive
>reduces all men in an entire category of men

You're not making any good points, man. All I hear is conjecture and confirmation bias.

When you argue, you gotta say things that aren't stupid.

>ITT: liberal men

>umbrella goat jacket

I was hoping somebody would see that and point it out.

Kind of the reason why this thread is retarded.


The same could be said to you.


This guy wears gay bernie socks so that's evidence enough for me that universal healthcare wouldn't work.

No I'm not making any points. Just mocking your attempts at making any. Big difference.

>Nearly 77per cent of democrat female millionaires, and 82 per cent of female millionaires overall

Lulz at the same percentage that women make versus a man according to "statistics"


>I will impress them with le intricate meaning of words

I tought liberal mean feminist or gay. Am i wrong ?

Stop being a jew

Because they watch too much TV, and eat bonbons all day. They probably cry too.

No you're pretty close in regards.

It also explains why European women are marrying Muslim men.

Article confirmed.

Only a pussy gets denied once and quits. Real men don't give a shit and move on to the next woman.

I fucking cannot handle this level of faggotry.

>millionaire women

Yes well, this clearly applies to a large swath of women that many people looking at Sup Forums right now will have a chance with. Also... are we... are we determining the value of men based on the opinions of women?
Cuckservatives strike again.

daily fail

because liberal men are the weak, the pushovers they do whatever is pollitically correct and form no ideas of their own. where as conservative men know exactly what they want and how they want it. women like this. if you want a visual liberal men are tiny trap sissies and conservative men are bulls.

Sounds like you've been triggered.

I thought conservatives were supposed to be the more tolerant ones these days. Why are you so weak of spirit?

Liberal men have less testosterone than conservative men. Liberals will yell and scream and deny the science but it's true

>liberals form no ideas of their own
>this article told me so

Stop, please, it's just too much.

>0.77 cents have been deposited into your checking account

they eat too much soy which turns to estrogen in their bodies

They give women what they mistakenly want instead of what they actually need.

no, you are just a polarized fucking retard.

Liberals denying science haha

exactly this

No, you're not wrong. That's exactly what it means.

I am a liberal on most social issues, but it doesn't mean I'm a pussy. I do not believe in that SJW bullshit that corroded some publishers in the gaming industry, nor do I give a fuck about feminism (as it is today), I don't hesitate to put a woman in her place (equality is fine, sexism against men isn't equality), and I hate niggers. Liberalism =/= pushover, I am not a biblethumping faggot nor a puritan like the weak GOPhaggots. Sick of you backwoods cuckservative for thinking me a pussy, eat a sack of dicks.

Shut the fuck up pussy

>no u lol

It's basically because our society has determine that equality is for pussies. It's really no more complex than that.

>I am a liberal on most social issues, but it doesn't mean I'm a pussy.
WRONG. That's exactly what it means, pussyfaggot.

2.5 GPA and I say it proudly

Single mothers 'raised' their boys to be the men they wanted.

>eat a bag of dicks
Your temper tantrums don't make you masculine, snowflake. I can tell by your post you're a limp-wristed pussy.

>daily mail
>literally too shit to even be cited by wikipedia, when wikipedia will still cite mein kampf

This could be considered a temper tantrum. Actually worse with your use of reductive language and name calling.

Not the other user, and I'm a centristfag, but you're just as guilty of the same things.

Lol like it matters any ways women are just sluts. And even the men who think they are in a serious relationship are just being cheated on.

Gaming industry? lol fucking video game virgins.

Never had a problem getting conservative women. You just have to make sure they know their place.


this 100% false, my gf has ensured by that I'm still a man for loving her strap-on

itt poor, liberal, cucks

triggered liberal cuckboys
outstanding gentleman

so you're dumb and a pussy?

>worthless college degrees
>victim complex
>bullied their entire lives
>fear of confrontation
>social anxiety
>underperforming sex life

They are the subs of every day society. If we lived in a video game, they'd be NPCs of such little importance that they would have no dialog.

Female approval IS, at a fundamental basis related to your worth as a human.

How are you gonna get pussy and consequently kids if all females say"eew fuck off" every time they see you trying to approach them

>daily mail

>liberal "man"

>less masculine?

If you define masculine as insecure butthead well yes.

Why for the love of god would you be proud of that? That's the cutoff for Academic Probation at most universities. It's like being proud of the fact that you barely made it through school.


Whoa... watch this guy. He's a loose cannon...

Whoa watch the language fam.

When did Sup Forums become Sup Forums?

This is why eveyone hates Sup Forums

Since when did beta manling constitute "everyone"?

I mean, I'm mostly liberal with conservative tendencies, but I usually have no trouble with finding a girlfriend.

It's a pretty simple method, my friends. Stop giving a shit about 99% of things, including women. Once that is done, you can talk to a girl no problem. Since you don't give a shit about them, the girl's natural instinct is to want what doesn't want it, then you can trap them in a relationship. By "trap" I mean show affection at critical times such as a fight between her friends, then be distant. You'll create a subconscious craving for that attention you gave her and she'll be stuck with you.

Just manipulate them to doing what you want, friends. It's not hard. For reference, I'm just under 6 feet tall, chubby, and in college. I have a girlfriend who is 9/10 and sex-crazed. I get pussy whenever I want and she's usually the one to ask for sex.

Traditionally masculine men tend to be pretty stupid. It's the same reason conservative men prefer dogs: Women want something easy to manipulate into willingly serving them.

no, being unmasculine is unattractive, pointing it out has nothing to do with it cunt


I guess that's some primal instinct talking


Shut the fuck up you ridiculous little bitch.

Its funny because both my gf and I are liberals. But my gf is too open minded to be turned on by somebody 'wearing the pants' because fortunately she cares little of society's assigned gender stereotypes. As do i!

she's fucking other guys.

>millionaire women
with daddy issues

the only reason conservative politics survive is that girls have daddy issues. Let that sink in.

>fiercely protecting his fragile world view
whatever helps you sleep at night, lonelyfag

Because they are feminist. Women hate feminism.

YOU sleep at night; while I fuck your gf.

Enjoy getting cucked bro.

>trust me, I know women
KEK, fuck off with your jealousy