ITT: Your AOTD so far. Mine's pic related

ITT: Your AOTD so far. Mine's pic related


Age of Adz probably

Only correct answer.

>best of the decade
>a pop album
This board really is full of underage


>people can't have different opinions

>People should be encouraged to have objectively shit opinions


why not have people enjoy what they wanna enjoy

Enjoy whatever you want, but thinking that an album of popular music is the best thing released in a decade just makes you a philistine.

>Death Grips

It might be popular among the weird pseudo-intellectual crowd but it's far from popular.

If I was unclear, I was referring to popular music. Which Death Grips is.

Easy choice.

how out of touch with reality are you man?

>Popular music is music with wide appeal that is typically distributed to large audiences through the music industry.
> These forms and styles can be enjoyed and performed by people with little or no musical training.
How out of touch with culture are you?

You can enjoy whatever the hell you want man, that doesn't make it close to being album of the decade. Just because someone gives you shit for your opinion doesn't mean you cant have it, it just means it might be shit and that if you really thought it wasn't a shit opinion you wouldn't feel the need to validate yourself to anonymoose

Of course that it is pic related.

the thread was your AOTD, not the AOTD lol

That came out in 2000

We've not had this yet?

exmil definitely doesn't have appeal to your average music consumer.

So what you're trying to tell me is that you made a super shallow thread that gaurentees shit replies?

Are you really this dense? Are you claiming that it's art music?

i didn't make it

Ah, well it can be hard to tell that here as you know

nah, just saying that calling death grips pop music is pretty wrong

pop music is not popular music, pop is a genre

if you think popular = bad you are a fucking retard mate

not that guy, but he does have a point, you can group 90% of Sup Forums under pop music


no contest

I already clarified.
I don't think popular music is bad, but I do think it's worse than art music.
Is it art music? Is it traditional music? Or is it popular music?

one for all you sounding traps out there

thx to my emo bf

2010 still counts?

surprised this hasn't been posted

I know I'm weird but this is the only full album from Death Grips I like. Everything else has at most three tracks I can enjoy.

But wouldn't you expect the AOTD to have at least popularity within it's own genre or subgenre? Unless everyone is a pleb but you, of course.

does it have to be labeled under any of those? seems like a false dichotomy to me

autistic nigger bangs on piano mindlessly
>better than death grips

Pitchfork was too low

forgot pic rip

This is probably correct.

Also the whole art music vs. pop music vs. traditional music debate that's going on in this thread is fucking dumb.

1) those terms mostly only exist today as a means of rejecting music criticism that attempts to draw a strict line between high and low art

2) they're not even widely-used terms

3) and anyway, under those terms, Death Grips would be art music

it's not hard being better than meme grips

>not even kendrick's AOTD

also while we're at it, why aren't pop and art music mutually inclusive? I think it's pretty dumb to look down on music just because more people listen to it

>false trichotomy

you get the gist of it

wrong dg album

Hip hop will never EVER have the best album of anything where it's up against other genres, no matter how often you post it.

Why are there so many shit albums posted here, seriously?

some spergs on Sup Forums discovered some wikipedia articles that drew on Philip Tagg's musical history theory without recognizing that Philip Tagg was specifically trying to *complicate* the ways we traditionally think about music and *ultimately reject* a rigid hierarchical dichotomy for music

but w/e it's a quick way to say "fuck your music cuz your music has words in it"


Sup Forums

Only correct answer

>does it have to be labeled under any of those
Yes, popular.
>false dichotomy
Take it up with music scholarship, not me.
I'm not looking down on anything, there is a precise definition of art music.

Another philistine who doesn't know what popular music is.

I take it you haven't met him.

>3) and anyway, under those terms, Death Grips would be art music
I wasn't aware Death Grips was notated and the structure was formalized, as well as not being originally disseminated through mass media. I guess you learn something new every day.

what if it's up against twee pop for best hardcore rap album?

If we're talking about the decade that ends in 2020, then no it doesn't.

There is no Year 0, decades, centuries, and millenniums begin with "1" years.

oh well, I guess this one

I'm gonna type this as simply as I can:

you are completely misstating the definition of a term that has been almost completely rejected by mainstream music criticism


that really isn't true though

hahahah how do you fuckers listen to this crap?
this is one of the worst pieces of shit i've ever heard but it's unintentionally hillarious so good choice I guess

It must suck to live life boxed in this way. I feel for you, brother. You'll be in my thoughts.

He isn't really limiting himself tho.

>people who grew out of pop are just boring! I can't wait until I can get out of this small town when I go to college!

>Take it up with music scholarship, not me
>"I didn't make the definition, I just think it's valid and use it to interpret the world"
If you're going to attempt to weasel out of it like that why even bother having this argument?

>there is a precise definition of art music
And that definition is correct, valid, or useful because...

>there is a precise definition of art music
>you don't subscribe to a theory about an arbitrary trichotomy that categorizes all music, you must not understand it!

I wasn't trying to sound autistic, but it would be like asking if 2021 counted. It just doesn't.

>the first decade in the AD's began in 1 BC and ended in 9 AD
it's shit

>OR the first decade in the AD's began in 1 AD and ended in 10 AD
which would not be shit.

Starting decades at 0 years is fine if you're just talking about pop culture over the last hundred years or so, but that system breaks if you go back far enough and has decades ending on 8 years.

>[please cite to a single source listing every music critic who rejects hierarchical divisions in music classification (even that I know good and well that this is pretty much every modern music critic) as if you were citing to a paper proving the existence of water on Mars]

This isn't science. This is the arbitrary classification of music. If you want to impose your specific arbitrary hierarchical system onto it, the burden rests with you to cite to authority--and hopefully you have quite a lot of it.

I will just throw it out there that half of the Wikipedia Page on "art music" is spent criticizing the term and citing music historians who reject it, so maybe you should fix that wikipedia page while you're at it.

Here ya go

Not every source, just any. I haven't heard anything about it being rejected. If what you're saying is true, I'll adjust my thinking.

No. See, you claim to understand what the system is, and then you reveal with one word that you're just angry because you think people are putting down your favorite popular music for not being art music.

What's amusing is that you aren't even saying anything about the quality and people got way too defensive.

>Wew on that post
Wew lad

I actually agree with you, but if it was "basically every music critic" (which I agree it is) it wouldn't be hard to list at least two or three critics.

>I will just throw it out there that half of the Wikipedia Page on "art music" is spent criticizing the term and citing music historians who reject it
Maybe you're looking at a different page than I am, but I'm not seeing that at all. What it DOES have is over half the page talking about how some genres previously classed as popular are now classed as art, and how certain popular genres have struggled to receive accreditation as art genres to varying levels of success. Again I disagree with the very classification as a whole but don't point to a wikipedia page as an example when you clearly didn't read it.

He called people who like """popular""" music underage, gee I wonder why people got defensive.

>He called people who like """popular""" music underage
The reading comprehension on this board goes up every year.
Also, only underage gets angry about being called underage.

>not looking down
>a pop album is automatically disqualified from being album of the decade and anyone who disagrees must be underage
really gets my noggin joggin

I have yet to hear a popular album as good as any art music. If you disagree, please tell me which popular album you are thinking of.
And yes, there is obviously a very high correlation between people who ignore art music and underage users. Just because you simplify my post doesn't mean I'm wrong.



>Also, only underage gets angry about being called underage
Personally I haven't gotten offended for being called anything here for years, but it's still retarded to accuse someone of being something that is obviously seen as bad here (and the accusation was meant to be an insult) and then wonder why they got defensive.

I only take issue with what he's said because I dislike the pop/art/traditional shit, but he is correct that he has a good deal of scholarship on his side.

I like Yeezus but as far as expr rap goes it's fairly surface level.

Underrated too

blimey! me too.

All respectable

Is the correct answer

>The reading comprehension on this board goes up every year.
>Taking that statement as anything other than an attempted slight against people who post music that doesn't fall under his retarded "art" definition
oh boy


easily the most musically diverse, yet catchy album of the decade


one of the 10-12 albums that i would give a 5/5. just astonishing stuff.

A gay friend made listen to it, Easy pick for AOTD

>he doesn't understand sarcasm
>he thinks I came up with the definition of art music
I appreciate it, I really do. (


I know its bait but still...


Nah, you just ball-lick the elitists because you can't arrive at any conclusions on your own or argue for the superiority of your musical tastes without meaningless terms like art music. Nobody is impressed



>Ball lick the elitists
I am an elitist.

fuck off

how? it's shit


this x1000